The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 681 Suicide By Jumping Off The Building

"From a normal person's point of view, Han Zhiyuan's move is indeed inappropriate, but I think it just proves that he is an ambitious person. He must have done this to make the Han family a century-old family."

Qin Lie opened his mouth and analyzed that he could understand Han Zhiyuan's approach.

After all, as the old saying goes, wealth is only three generations old. Han Zhiyuan started from scratch, and it is not easy to work hard for such a huge family business.

But it is even more difficult to keep the family business and even inherit the Han family, so he chose to use such extreme methods in selecting the heir.

It's like raising a gu. The one who wins in the end is definitely the best, and such talents are more capable of carrying forward the Han family.

It is true that Han Jinghao is a bit unscrupulous in his work, but how many people have not been heroes since ancient times?

For example, Cao Cao even said the famous saying that "I would rather teach me to lose the world, and don't teach the world to lose me".

"I don't care what purpose he has. Anyway, he indirectly killed my friend, so he is not a good thing."

Luo Xiaoxiao said angrily.

As the daughter of a shipping tycoon, she speaks without any scruples, nor does she have to worry that she will offend Han Zhiyuan.

"It's hard for an honest official to cut off housework. We outsiders shouldn't be involved in other people's housework. Tianchang, drive to Zhongsheng Group."

After Qin Lie changed the subject, he called Shang Qi Tianchang back to the city.

At about ten o'clock, Qin Lie and the others came under the Zhongsheng Group building.

At this time, a police car was parked in the open-air parking lot in front of the building. Obviously, Han Yixian had already called the police.

Qin Lie was about to go up to find Han Yixian, when suddenly he heard a muffled "bang", as if something fell from the sky.

Qin Lie turned his head and saw a man lying in a pool of blood only four or five meters away from him. Someone jumped off the building and committed suicide!


Seeing this bloody scene, Luo Xiaoxiao instantly turned pale with fright, screamed, and hugged Qin Lie.

"What is there to fear from a dead man?"

Qin Lie was used to seeing life and death on a desert island. To him, a dead person was not much different from a dead ant.

"Don't be rude, take me away."

Luo Xiaoxiao urged loudly, she was too frightened to open her eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Lie chuckled lightly and could only send Luo Xiaoxiao back to the car first.

At the same time, the police, Han Yixian and employees of Zhongsheng Group ran out of the building.

The police went to check the man's body and quickly determined that the other party had died on the spot.

"Xiaoxiao, you wait in the car first, and I'll have a word with Yixian."

After speaking to Luo Xiaoxiao, Qin Lie came to Han Yixian's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"Wouldn't the dead person be the one in the photo?"

Qin Lie looked at the corpse and asked.

"That's right, just now the police were ready to arrest him and go back to record his statement. He said he was going to change a piece of clothes, but who would have jumped off the building."

Han Yixian said with a gloomy expression.

"Being able to take the initiative to commit suicide by jumping off the building, it seems that this person is quite loyal to your elder brother, but unfortunately the loyalty is used in the wrong place. But this death, even if we know that your elder brother is behind the scenes, it is impossible for the police to convict him. ."

Qin Lie said lightly.

Originally, he thought he could find out Han Jinghao through this person, but now, it was too late, and Han Jinghao could still get away with impunity.

Han Yixian didn't say anything, turned and rushed towards Han Jinghao who had just walked out.

"Han Jinghao, did you see that, you killed another one, how many people do you want to kill!"

Han Yixian pointed at Han Jinghao and roared, he was really angry.

"How many people do I want to kill? He clearly jumped off the building himself, what's it to me?"

Han Jinghao replied innocently.

"Stop pretending, you think I don't know that everything last night was planned by you, but I still respect you so much before, you are a bastard with a human face and an animal heart!"

Han Yixian scolded sharply.

"Yixian, calm down, have you heard any rumors again? Let me tell you, some people are deliberately trying to provoke the relationship between our brothers and let us fight within each other. Don't fall for it."

Han Jinghao continued to pretend.


Suddenly, Han Yixian punched Han Jinghao directly in the face.

"Han Jinghao, listen to me, we will no longer be brothers in the future, I don't have a vicious big brother like you!"

Han Yixian never cared about his brotherhood. From this moment on, he officially broke with his eldest brother!

Contrary to Qin Lie's expectations, Han Jinghao was not angry, but said earnestly: "Yixian, I know you must have been bewitched by some ulterior motives, eldest brother won't blame you. But I think you'd better be Go calm down, and then we'll sit down and have a good chat."

"I have nothing to talk to you about, in the future..."


Han Yixian just wanted to scold Han Jinghao a few more words, but just opened his mouth when he was suddenly interrupted by a majestic voice.

Looking at the voice, the person who came was Han Zhiyuan, the chairman of Zhongsheng Group.


After seeing Han Zhiyuan, Han Yixian's face immediately showed a hint of respect.

"What are you two brothers arguing like in public!"

Han Zhiyuan shouted with displeased expression.

"Dad, you don't know, Han Jinghao..."

"Okay, stop talking, you two go to my office and wait, I'll be there in a while."

Han Zhiyuan knew very well that family humiliation should not be publicized, so he didn't give Han Yixian a chance to speak.

Han Yixian has always respected his father very much. Hearing what he said, he didn't say any more and turned around and entered the company building.

Han Jinghao quickly followed.

After the two brothers left, Han Zhiyuan swept his eyes around the onlookers: "Don't you have to go to work?"

As the boss of the company, Han Zhiyuan can be said to be dignified. As soon as he said this, those employees dispersed instantly.

"Zhou Chen, I'll leave it to you. If the police have anything to do, remember to cooperate fully."

Han Zhiyuan told the security supervisor and left.

Seeing that he was fine here, Qin Lie returned to the car.

"I guess Han Zhiyuan is going to interfere in the fight between the two brothers, let's just leave it alone."

Qin Lie said to Luo Xiaoxiao.

"Well, let's go, I was too lazy to care about their family's troubles."

Luo Xiaoxiao replied coldly.

Hearing this, Qin Lie sent Luo Xiaoxiao home first, and then he and Qi Tianchang returned to the villa in the city.

Before entering the door, Qin Lie heard a burst of laughter.

When he entered the door, he found that Ye Yuqing and others were all here. In addition, they also brought a lot of baby supplies, diapers, children's clothes, children's toys, etc. The room was full.

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