Chen Jinhu doesn't understand anything, but Qin Lie can be regarded as a Chinese medicine practitioner.

He knew very well that if the temperature in the car suddenly increased, the low-temperature blood from Tang Lingxue's limbs would flow back to the brain and heart, which would accelerate her death.

At present, the best treatment method is to slowly warm Tang Lingxue's head, neck, chest and abdomen.

Because there is no hot water bottle, Qin Lie can only keep rubbing his hands, and after rubbing it, he will put his hands on Tang Lingxue's chest to warm her cold body.

The same action was repeated until they reached the hospital.

After the doctor began to rescue Tang Lingxue, Qin Lie let out a long sigh of relief.

"Walk around, go out to eat with me, I'm starving."

It was getting dark at this time, and Qin Lie, who had not entered the rice for nearly 20 hours, was so hungry that his chest was pressing against his back.

After arriving at the restaurant, Qin Lie came directly to a hot cross-bridge rice noodle plus five meat buns.


After a while of devouring the wind, Qin Lie's tired body regained his spiritual vitality.

"Jin Hu, why did you find me so late?"

Qin Lie, who was full of food and drink, couldn't help but ask.

He never thought that Chen Jinhu would come so late. If it was an hour or two later, he and Tang Lingxue would be a pair of ice sculptures.

"We came to you based on checking the road monitoring and tracing your car's driving trajectory, but we don't know who drove the car to the eastern suburbs, which wasted a lot of our time. After the clues were broken, we reanalyzed the investigation. I found out that the last place you disappeared was the western suburbs, so I found you so late."

Chen Jinhu explained.

"Fuck, this shit is really shit."

Hearing this, Qin Lie instantly understood that Xu Dong must have driven his car in the opposite direction.

If Chen Jinhu hadn't been smart enough, he would have been more fortunate.

"Brother, who put you in the cold storage?"

Chen Jinhu asked quickly.

"It's the bald head we had with Luo Taijun yesterday."

Qin Lie didn't hide it, and simply told Chen Jinhu about his encounter with Tang Lingxue who picked up the corpse of the monkey and the fact that he was later lured into the cold storage by the monkey.

"Damn this guy, I'll call Boss Fan and ask him to find this guy. I'm going to kill him myself!"

After hearing what Qin Lie said, Chen Jinhu's eyes immediately shot out a murderous intent.

"Don't intervene in this matter, and leave it to the police. I guess they should be part of a criminal organization, otherwise it would be impossible to hide so many corpses in the cold storage."

Qin Lie said coldly.

There were two females, one male and three heads in the cold storage. All of these people were dismembered-disintegrated into small pieces, and they died without a whole body. The murderer was simply mad!

The police will definitely investigate such a serious case, and there is really no need for them to intervene, otherwise, even if they act for the heavens, they will bring themselves a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Well then, it's cheaper for them."

Chen Jinhu understood what Qin Lie meant and could only press the murderous intention in his heart.

Afterwards, Qin Lie went to the hospital again. After learning that Tang Lingxue was out of danger, he went home and called the police at the same time.

Seeing Qin Lie's safe return, Ye Yuqing, who had been restless all day, finally returned to their original positions.

At about eight o'clock, a policeman came to find Qin Lie and asked him about the incident last night.

Qin Lie didn't hide anything, and told everything about last night.

After sending the police away, Qin Lie went to take a beautiful hot bath and fell asleep on the bed.

It was nine o'clock in the morning when I woke up.

Qin Lie received dozens of text messages as soon as he turned on his phone.

Qin Lie took a look and found that they were basically calls from Chen Xiaoyu, Chen Jinhu and the others, but because his mobile phone was turned off, it turned into a call reminder.

However, there were two calls from Tang Yuhuang. One was at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the other was after nine o'clock last night.

Qin Lie thought about it and called Tang Yuhuang back.

"Hey, Yuhuang, did you call me yesterday?"

Qin Lie asked after the phone got through.

"Yeah, I called you twice and it turned off. What are you doing here?"

Tang Yuhuang asked curiously.

"I had some trouble yesterday, the phone was turned off, what's the matter with you?"

Qin Lie replied.

"I have a birthday party tonight, can you show me your face?"

Tang Yuhuang asked.

"I'll take a look, if I have time I'll go."

Qin Lie thought for a while and replied.

"What does it mean to go when you have time, you must come, if you don't come, you won't give me face, if you don't give me face, you won't give me Tang family face, if you don't give me Tang family face, then don't think about hanging out in Longcheng again. "

Tang Yuhuang said very domineeringly.

"Okay, okay, I'll definitely go."

Qin Lie replied helplessly.

He knew that Tang Yuhuang said this on purpose, so he was not angry.

"Then let's make a deal. I'll wait for you in the meeting room at seven o'clock in the evening. If you dare not come, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

After making an agreement with Qin Lie, Tang Yuhuang hung up the phone.

Qin Lie stretched, took a quick shower, and went outside.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyu was listening to classical music in the living room. Qin Lie knew that this must be the prenatal education suggested by Lin Qiuzhu, and he was too lazy to say anything.

"Brother Qin, there is breakfast for you in the kitchen. You can eat it after warming it up."

Chen Xiaoyu reminded Qin Lie.


Qin Lie replied, and ran to the kitchen to have a look. There were egg buns and porridge, and he casually made some to fill his stomach.

"Xiaoyu, let me tell you something, a friend's birthday, he asked me to attend, I'm afraid I can't accompany you to the concert in the magic capital."

Qin Lie said apologetically.

"If you can't go, don't go, we don't have to ask you to accompany us."

Chen Xiaoyu replied indifferently.

She knew that Qin Lie wasn't very interested in concerts, so she wouldn't force it.

"By the way, is your friend male or female?"

Chen Xiaoyu then asked.


Qin Lie replied.

"Then go, remember not to drink too much at night, it's not good for your health."

As soon as he heard it was a man, Chen Xiaoyu didn't care anymore.

At about eleven o'clock, Su Xiaoxiao sisters, Lin Qiuzhu and Ye Yuqing all came back.

A group of people had a light meal at home, and then Qin Lie took them to the airport.

At 6:40 in the evening, Qin Lie brought Chen Jinhu and Qi Tianchang to the Huiyou Building.

"Hello sir, our clubhouse building was packed today and we will not receive guests for the time being."

At the door of the restaurant, the security stopped Qin Lie.

"You guys are holding a birthday party. I was invited to attend."

Qin Lie explained.

"Then do you have an invitation?"

The security asked politely.

"Invitation? Tang Yuhuang didn't give it to me either."

Qin Lie froze for a moment and replied.

"I'm sorry, according to the regulations, no one can enter without an invitation card, please forgive me."

The security guard only recognized invitations but not people, so Qin Lie still refused his entry application when he heard that he had no invitations.

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