"Go away, I think you are just uneasy and want to push Lao Tzu into the fire pit."

Wang Congcong cursed unceremoniously.

In the future, he still thinks that the red flag at home will not fall, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside. He will not bet on the happiness of the rest of his life.

"Alas, it seems that your Wang family is destined to become the ninth super family."

Ma Rui shook his head and sighed with regret.

"Cut, it's as if your Ma family can become an aristocratic family."

Wang Congcong pouted.

Although they are already top-level wealthy families, it seems that they are only one step away from the super family, but this step is equivalent to the world. Even if he really married Tang Lingxue, it would not be possible.

So he is still very satisfied when he is a wealthy and wealthy young man.

"By the way, Qin Lie, what happened when Tang Lingxue said you were his savior?"

Wang Congcong asked in a different direction.

He wanted to ask about it just now, but because Tang Lingxue was there, he didn't dare to speak.

"Didn't I accompany Xiaoyu and the others to the concert the night before yesterday, go home..."

This is not a secret, so Qin Lie simply told Wang Congcong what happened.

"I mean, there are still people in this world who dare to kidnap Tang Lingxue. He really has a long life."

Wang Congcong said in shock.

Tang Lingxue was someone he didn't dare to offend, but someone dared to think about Tang Lingxue.

"Qin Lie, although Ling Xue is often arrogant and willful, this girl is very affectionate. If you save her, she will definitely treat you as a family member, and the Tang family will also remember your kindness."

"If Xiao Xingyuan troubles you in the future, don't be stubborn. Remember to ask the Tang family for help. With the Tang family protecting you, I don't think Xiao Xingyuan dares to go too far."

Ma Rui reminded Qin Lie.

Everyone can see that Xiao Xingyuan has lost all face by Qin Lie, and he will definitely retaliate in the future. With Qin Lie's strength, it is impossible to fight Xiao Xingyuan. The best way is to get the protection of the Tang family. Keep yourself safe.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Qin Lie is not a fool, of course he will make reasonable use of all the connections around him.

"What are you two talking about?"

While speaking, Tang Lingxue had already returned.

"It's nothing, Cong Cong they asked me how I met you."

Qin Lie replied.

"I was about to tell you about this, my dad told me that the group who kidnapped me the night before was a criminal group specializing in organ-organ trading, and the three bodies should have their organs taken from them. people who were later killed."

"And my dad said that the police also found a lot of bones in the septic tank of the chicken farm, and it is estimated that there are at least eight victims."

Tang Lingxue said immediately.

"Trafficking in organs? These people are worthy of death!"

Qin Lie shouted coldly.

Originally, he just thought that Xu Dong and the others were underworld, and those people also died of vendetta, but now that he learned the truth of the matter, he couldn't help but have a strong killing intent in his heart.

After all, they are living people. For the sake of profit, Xu Dong and the others can actually harvest other people's organs and sell them for money. This kind of behavior is simply maddening and dehumanizing!

If you let him see Xu Dong again, he will definitely kill him alive!

"I heard from my dad that the people who were killed seem to be beggars, prostitutes or mixed society. People like them have low social attention. After they disappeared, no one even called the police, so this criminal organization has been allowed to go unpunished. ."

Tang Lingxue continued.

"Whoever harms them, they deserve to die!"

Qin Lie revealed his murderous intent.

"Ling Xue, when those people came to you, wouldn't they be treating you as a young lady?"

Wang Congcong couldn't help but ask.

"There are some reasons for this, but more importantly, my blood type is rather special. I am more precious golden blood than panda blood!"

"Golden blood? Why haven't I heard of this blood type?"

Wang Congcong interrupted Tang Lingxue.

"That's because you are ignorant. The so-called golden blood is actually the rhnull blood type. There is not necessarily one among millions of people with this kind of blood. It is the real universal blood, and anyone of any blood type can lose it."

"But the biggest problem is that people with this blood type can only get rhnull blood when they're transfused."

Qin Lie chimed in.

When he was in college, he took a biological experiment course, and it was only in the class that he learned about the extremely rare blood type of golden blood.

"See, it's still Qin Lie who is knowledgeable. If you have nothing to do in the future, please read more books and spend less time with a few girls, so that you won't be told that you are illiterate again."

Tang Lingxue gave Wang Congcong a white look.

"Don't laugh at me, I admit that I have no culture."

Wang Congcong laughed at himself, and then asked another question in his heart: "I don't even know you have this blood type. How did those people know?"

"Before those criminals set up a blood donation car at the Film Bar and pretended to be a member of the Red Cross. I went to donate blood once. They should have detected my blood type at that time and then set their sights on me. "

"Just the day before yesterday, my dad and I had another quarrel, and I felt uncomfortable and drank a lot, which gave them a chance."

"If Qin Lie hadn't rescued me, I might have had my organs removed and my body dismembered like other victims."

Tang Lingxue explained with lingering fears.

She didn't know the identities of those people before, and she didn't feel anything, but after learning that Xu Dong and the others were criminals who bought and sold human organs, she was really scared.

She was really glad that she had met Qin Lie, otherwise she would have become one of the many corpse shredders who died without a whole corpse.

"By the way, Qin Lie, my dad asked you to come to our house tomorrow. He wants to thank you in person."

Tang Lingxue continued.

"No, I just did what a man should do."

Qin Lie said nonchalantly, he didn't mean to repay Tang Lingxue when he rescued Tang Lingxue.

"If you want to go, you can go. There's so much nonsense, so it's settled. I'll pick you up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Tang Lingxue said firmly, not giving Qin Lie a chance to refuse.

Seeing Qin Lie's helpless appearance, Wang Congcong couldn't help snickering.

"What are you laughing at, what's so funny?"

Tang Lingxue glared at Wang Congcong and said.

"I didn't laugh, I just had a sore cheek."

Wang Congcong didn't dare to provoke the little witch in front of him, so he quickly found a reason to fool him.

"Then what, let's chat first, I'll go to the toilet."

After saying this, Wang Congcong left the venue immediately.

"Wait for me, I'll go too."

Ma Rui quickly followed.

Tang Lingxue ignored Wang Congcong and the others, and continued to chat with Qin Lie.

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