"Wear whichever one you like."

Tang Lingxue also wanted to see what her father's attitude towards Qin Lie was, but she didn't have time to help her mother look at her clothes.

"Oh, hurry up. If you don't think it looks good, Mom will return the clothes and buy another one later."

Yang Muyun said and dragged his daughter to the back room.

Soon only Qin Lie and Tang Hongxiao were left in the living room.

"Qin Lie, what do you think of my daughter?"

After a moment of silence, Tang Hongxiao took the initiative to open the topic.

"pretty good."

Qin Lie replied, anyway, so far, Tang Lingxue's impression of him is not bad.

"Then if you were to marry my daughter, would you be willing?"

Tang Hongxiao asked suddenly.

Qin Lie didn't expect Tang Hongxiao to ask such a question at all, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

After regaining his senses, Qin Lie quickly said, "Tang Uncle, I've only known Ling Xue for two days. How could it be possible for you to let me marry her?"

"Don't be nervous, I just said if, but I didn't say I really want you to marry my daughter."

Tang Hongxiao smiled and said.

Hearing this, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Tang Hongxiao would force him to marry Tang Lingxue.

"To be honest, I, Tang Hongxiao, have never been afraid of anything in my life, but I really have nothing to do with my daughter, especially in the past two years, my relationship with my daughter has become too far away, and she likes me in everything. Fighting against each other, sometimes we are not like father and daughter but like enemies, which makes me exhausted."

Tang Hongxiao spat bitterly towards Qin Lie.

"Tang Uncle, I think the bad relationship between the two of you should be due to lack of communication. If you can sit down and have a good talk with Ling Xue as a friend, the relationship between the two of you will definitely be greatly improved."

Qin Lie suggested.

Tang Lingxue had confided to him before, he knew that Tang Lingxue's rebellion was not because of her willfulness, but a large part of the reason was because Tang Hongxiao, the father, had interfered too much in Tang Lingxue's private life.

Maybe Tang Hongxiao's starting point is good, but young people have their own ideas and don't want to be restrained by others. In addition, there are problems in communication between the two. Over time, contradictions accumulate, and the father-daughter relationship naturally becomes stiff.

"It's not that I haven't thought about what you said, but every time I want to have a good talk with Cher, the two of us always break up without a few words."

Tang Hongxiao sighed.

"Uncle, otherwise, you can find an opportunity to apologize to Ling Xue, admit that it was all your fault, and promise not to interfere in any of her life in the future. Whatever she says or do, don't even if you don't like it. Oppose, if you can do what I said, I can be sure that she will become a good girl again."

Qin Lie said again after pondering for a while.

"Don't say apologizing, I'm willing to die for my daughter, but I can't let her have her own temperament in everything, so she may not know what she will become in the future."

Tang Hongxiao said in a deep voice.

Their Tang family is a famous family. If Tang Lingxue turns into a bad girl, it will be embarrassing not only for him as a father, but also for the entire Tang family.

It was precisely because of this that he had strictly demanded Tang Lingxue from a young age, hoping that she would become a well-informed lady.

Unfortunately, things backfired. The current Tang Lingxue is no different from a lawless little sister.

"Tang Uncle, you didn't understand what I meant. I told you not to impose your will on Ling Xue, but I didn't mean that I wouldn't let you control her in the future."

"If she does something that you think is wrong, you can tell her by side-talking that it's wrong, she's already an adult, she has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and then she will naturally know what to do. ."

"But if you force her not to let her do it, it will only arouse her rebellious psychology. Even if she knows it is wrong, she will make mistakes in order to fight against you."

Qin Lie explained patiently.

After listening to these words, Tang Hongxiao couldn't help being silent.

After a while of contemplation, he also agreed with Qin Lie's words.

"Qin Lie, you're right. I was a little self-righteous before, and I didn't fully consider Xue'er's feelings. In the future, I will get along with Xue'er according to what you said."

Tang Ling Xiao said.

"That's right, as long as you can treat Ling Xue as a friend, your father and daughter will sooner or later be able to settle their quarrels. But don't worry about this, after all, the two of you have been in a deadlock for a long time, and it will be a while. Her attitude towards you will definitely not change much."

Qin Lie said again.

As the saying goes, freezing three feet is not a day's cold. Tang Lingxue and her father have been in a semi-hostile state for the past two years. It is obviously not a day or two to make her completely reconciled with her father. .

"I understand this. I will not be in a hurry. I have time to slowly repair our relationship."

Tang Hongxiao continued.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately felt relieved.

"Qin Lie, in fact, I called you here today. In addition to thanking you, I have another thing to ask you. I hope you can help me change Xueer and make her a real lady."

"Otherwise, if she keeps doing whatever she wants, I'm really afraid that one day she will become one of those bad girls in society who are infected with vices."

Tang Hongxiao's conversation turned and revealed another purpose of his own.

"Tang Uncle, aren't you embarrassing me? She won't listen to your words, and she won't even listen to me as an outsider."

Qin Lie said with a wry smile.

"No no no, you are not an outsider, you are her savior, just focus on this, your words will have more weight than me."

"And there is one thing you may not know. In the past, Cher put on heavy makeup every day, either smoky makeup or killing Matt. Sometimes she dressed up like a ghost, but yesterday she dressed up like a ghost for the first time in the world. For the first time in nearly three years, I don a gown."

"She is my daughter, I know her too well, she definitely likes you, that's why she made such a subversive change, if you can guide her correctly, I believe she will soon be She has become the good and knowledgeable girl she used to be."

Tang Hongxiao said.

You must know that in the past two years, he has introduced at least one or twenty people to Tang Lingxue, and all of them are considered young talents. Unfortunately, let alone capturing Tang Lingxue's peace of mind, even getting a smiling face from Tang Lingxue is a luxury. , and even a few unlucky people were beaten by Tang Lingxue.

But Tang Lingxue was always smiling when she faced Qin Lie, and because Qin Lie attended Tang Yuhuang's birthday party, she dressed up and her speech and demeanor were much gentler than before, which fully explained a problem. : Tang Lingxue is in love!

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