The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 722 The Blood Debt Can Only Be Paid In Blood!

"Brother lie, we should have been followed. A car has been following us since we left the pharmaceutical factory."

After driving for more than ten minutes, Chen Jinhu suddenly said to Qin Lie who was sitting in the back of the car.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately turned around and glanced behind.

"Wait a while to turn to Shenglin Road and see if he will follow."

Qin Lie ordered.


Chen Jinhu responded and turned right at the intersection ahead and went to another street.

However, to Qin Lie's surprise, the black car did not follow.

"Hey, I didn't follow you. Could it be that I made a mistake?"

Chen Jinhu couldn't help muttering.

"Leave him alone, and continue to the restaurant."

Qin Lie ordered.

Chen Jinhu glanced at the rearview mirror again, and after confirming that the car really didn't keep up, he felt that he was too sensitive, so he continued to drive forward.

When they reached an intersection ahead, Chen Jinhu passed normally, but at this moment, a van on their right suddenly accelerated through the red light, and rammed straight towards their car.

Because it happened so suddenly, Chen Jinhu had no time to avoid it.

The next second, there was a loud noise, and Qin Lie's car was knocked out.

boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...

The car rolled over a dozen laps on the road in a row, and finally crashed heavily into the sidewalk by the side of the road.

Even though Qin Lie's physical fitness was different from ordinary people, he was still dizzy from the fall under such a violent impact, and it took nearly a minute for him to regain consciousness.

"Xiaoyu, how are you, Xiaoyu?"

Qin Lie shouted Chen Xiaoyu's name loudly, but Chen Xiaoyu didn't respond.

He probed Chen Xiaoyu's snoring and breathing, it should be only temporarily unconscious.


From the driver's seat, Chen Jinhu's groaning sound came suddenly.

"Jin Hu, how are you, are you seriously injured?"

Qin Lie asked quickly.

"My leg is broken, but I can't die for the time being. Hurry up and save my sister-in-law out."

Chen Jinhu endured the pain and said.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't dare to delay any longer, unfastened his seat belt, and kicked the severely deformed door.

After kicking the car door open, Qin Lie untied Chen Xiaoyu's seat belt and pulled her out of the car little by little.

At this time, some passers-by saw Qin Lie and the others had a car accident, and they rushed over to help.

After Chen Xiaoyu was settled, Qin Lie didn't care that his head was still bleeding, and returned to the car to rescue Chen Jinhu again.

At this time, Chen Jinhu was caught between the seat and the front of the car. He couldn't move at all, and the car door was sunken in, so he couldn't open it at all.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie called a few passers-by, and they all turned the car with its feet upside down.

"Run, it's on fire!"

Who knew that just after turning the car over, the rear of the car suddenly became natural.

"Brother lie, leave me alone, go away!"

Seeing that the car was on fire, Chen Jinhu didn't think about whether he could survive, but instead loudly urged Qin Lie to let him leave.

He knew very well that once the flames detonated the fuel tanks, they would all die!

"Shut up and die together!"

Qin Lie did not give up Chen Jinhu to escape alone, but continued to kick up the front windshield of the car.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger. Some kind passers-by brought a fire extinguisher from their car and tried to put it out, but it was useless. Instead, Qin Lie's rescue of Chen Jinhu was greatly hindered by the raised powder.

Qin Lie knew very well that the car would explode at any time at this time, and he had to race against time.

After asking someone to stop the fire, Qin Lie slammed the fire extinguisher on the side of the car door, and Chen Jinhu's pinned leg finally had room to move.

Qin Lie then stuffed the fire extinguisher into the gap in the car, and then dragged Chen Jinhu out little by little.

However, the two of them had just left the car for less than ten seconds, only to hear a loud bang, the car exploded in an instant, and the rolling flames completely swallowed the car!

In the blink of an eye, BMW sedans worth hundreds of thousands were reduced to a pile of scrap metal.

Even though Qin Lie had already put his life and death aside, he was still afraid at this time.

If they were just a few seconds later, he and Chen Jinhu would probably be finished.

"Brother lie, look over there, it's the car following us!"

Chen Jinhu suddenly pointed across the road and shouted.

At the same time as his words sounded, the black car accelerated away from the scene.

"Don't worry about him, I'll take you to the hospital first."

After suppressing the anger in his heart, Qin Lie found a kind person and borrowed the other party's car to send the comatose Chen Xiaoyu and Chen Jinhu to the nearest hospital.

Although the car accident was quite serious, fortunately Qin Lie and the others were wearing seat belts, and their injuries were fatal.

Chen Jinhu's right leg was fractured, his left arm was fractured, he had a knock on his forehead, and five stitches were sutured. It is estimated that he would have to rest for ten days and a half months.

Chen Xiaoyu suffered a fractured right calf and a slight concussion. Fortunately, the child in her belly was not injured.

The one on Qin Lie was the lightest, so he knocked his head a little and took a few stitches, plus some scratches.

"Brother lie, the person who bumped us was definitely intentional. I don't believe it was an accident."

In the ward, Chen Jinhu said with a murderous look.

They were followed first, then they were hit by someone, and the car that followed them reappeared at the scene of the incident. If there was no connection, Chen Jinhu would not believe it.

"Don't worry, no matter who made the move, I must kill him!"

Qin Lie said with cold eyes.

Their injuries were not serious, but don't forget that Chen Xiaoyu was a pregnant woman. Assuming that Chen Xiaoyu was not wearing a seat belt at the time, it was very likely that she would die in one corpse!

Therefore, Qin Lie will never let go of the hands-on person.

Blood debt can only be paid in blood!

"Brother, you find the person and leave it to me."

Chen Jinhu said with murderous intent.

"Okay. I'll let you know when I do it, and you can take care of your injuries now."

After Qin Lie appeased Chen Jinhu, he contacted Boss Fan, Wang Congcong, Tang Yuhuang, Murong Huanyu, Chu family and all the relationships he contacted.

This time he was really angry, even if he turned Longcheng upside down, he would have to find out who was behind it!

On the other hand, after learning that Qin Lie and the others had suffered a car accident, Ye Yuqing and others rushed to the hospital one after another.

After learning that they were not seriously injured, Ye Yuqing and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, it was already one o'clock in the morning, but a villa in Longting Villa was still brightly lit.

And the owner of this villa is Xiao Xingyuan.

"Damn, this time it's going to be a big mess. I didn't expect Qin Lie's energy to be so powerful that the Tang family and the Murong family could get involved in this matter at the same time."

Xiao Xingyuan frowned and said.

He knew that Ma Renchao found someone to hit Qin Lie, but he didn't expect such a huge consequence.

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