The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 724 Making A Fuss Over The Corpse

"Sorry Qin Lie, we are too late."

Tang Yuhuang said in a deep voice.

"Don't say that, I know you've done your best."

Qin Lie knew very well that Liu Anlei ran away after hitting him, while Tang Yuhuang and the others started their search for him after receiving his call. There was a time lag in the middle, so it was normal to find only one body.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Tang Yuhuang asked again.

"Help me check the identity of this person and his interpersonal relationships. The more detailed the better."

Qin Lie replied with a sullen face.

Although the person is dead, as long as his identity and background can be found out, it is still possible to find out who is behind the scenes.

"Leave this to me. I promise to give you all the eighteen generations of his ancestors."

The Tang family is a super family, and it is not difficult for them to investigate a person's background.

"Thank you."

Qin Lie immediately thanked Tang Yuhuang.

"Stop saying those kind words between us."

Tang Yuhuang waved his hand and said, not to mention that Qin Lie was the man he liked, just relying on Qin Lie to save his cousin Tang Lingxue, he couldn't just stand by.

Qin Lie didn't speak any more, and looked at Liu Anlei's body again.

Thanks to Chen Xiaoyu being fine this time, if she has three strengths and two weaknesses, even if Liu Anlei dies, he will whip her to death for three days and let him smash the corpse into the wilderness!

"Brother Qin, I actually think we can make a fuss about this corpse."

Fan Chang suddenly walked up to Qin Lie and said such a sentence.

"I don't know what Brother Fan means?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"There were no signs of fighting at the scene. Obviously, the perpetrator committed suicide by taking poison voluntarily, but if he had the determination to die from the beginning, he could have taken the poison after hitting you, and there was no need to run so far, so I think it should be later. Someone brought him poison again."

"And when we arrived at the scene, there was no one here, which means that the person left after confirming that the perpetrator was dead, but now the body is in our hands, if the person behind the scene suddenly gets the news that the perpetrator is not dead , then do you think he will panic?"

Fan Chang grinned and asked slowly.

"No, this person is already dead, can you still resurrect him?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"Yes, he is dead, but if I let the wind out and he is not dead, what do you think will happen?"

Fan Chang asked back.

"The people behind the scenes will continue to send people to kill people!"

Qin Lie said after thinking about it.

"That's fine. As long as we set up the net in advance, we will come one by one, and two and we will catch a pair. Are you afraid that we won't be able to find the real culprit behind the scenes?"

Fan Chang said with a smile.

"But the key is how to make the real murderer think that this person is not dead, what if he doesn't believe it?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but question.

Fan Chang obviously wanted to use Liu Anlei to lead the snake out of the hole. The plan sounded good at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, in fact, there are many loopholes, and the success rate is estimated to be 50%.

"Let's do our best to obey the destiny. We only do what we have to do. As for whether the real murderer is willing to believe it or not, it depends on the will of God. But I personally think that this plan has a high probability of being successful."

Fan Chang replied.

Qin Lie thought for a while, Fan Chang's words were quite reasonable.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the plan fails, he has nothing to lose.

As soon as they said they did, Qin Lie and the others immediately transported Liu Anlei's body back to the city, and at the same time sent people into the hospital disguised as medical staff.

In order to increase the success rate of the plan, before arriving at the hospital, Qin Lie and the others replaced Liu Anlei with another patient who was dying because of poisoning and committed suicide by using the civet cat for the prince.

On the surface, the doctor seems to be rescuing "Liu Anlei", but in fact he has long since become another person.

Except for Qin Lie and the others, few people knew the truth.

"Xing Shao, it's not good, I heard that Qin Lie and the others are rescuing Leizi."

Ma Renchao, who had been following the movements of Qin Lie and the others, immediately notified Xiao Xingyuan as soon as he got the news.

"What's the matter, didn't you say he was dead?"

Xiao Xingyuan's expression changed.

"I can be sure that Lei Zi is definitely dead."

Ma Renchao replied immediately.

"Then why are they trying to rescue a dead body?"

Xiao Xingyuan asked in confusion.

"I don't know that either."

Ma Renchao was also a little confused at this time. He didn't understand what medicine Qin Lie and the others bought and sold in the gourd.

"Could it be that you made a mistake, Liu Anlei was actually in a coma, not dead?"

Xiao Xingyuan pondered for a while.

"It's impossible, I checked it several times and he definitely has no signs of life."

"Besides, I gave him potassium cyanide instead of jelly beans. That amount is enough to poison dozens of adults. Unless he is an immortal, ten lives are not enough."

Ma Renchao was very sure that Liu Anlei was dead, but the more this was the case, the more abnormal Qin Lie and the others behaved, the more confused Ma Renchao was.

After hearing Ma Renchao's words, Xiao Xingyuan frowned even more.

"Young Master Xing, do you think this is a fraud?"

Ma Renchao guessed.

"You mean Qin Lie deliberately acted to deceive us?"

Xiao Xingyuan asked.

"I think this possibility is very high. Don't forget, Qin Lie is very insidious, and he is best at using all kinds of conspiracies."

Ma Renchao analyzed.

"What you said makes sense, but I'd rather believe it than not. Go and confirm with me again to see if Liu Anlei is dead."

Xiao Xingyuan ordered.

Although he also felt that Qin Lie was acting on purpose to show him, but in order to make sure nothing went wrong, he still felt that he could feel at ease by confirming himself again.

"Okay, I'll go find out the news."

Ma Renchao did not dare to neglect, and acted immediately.

In order not to expose himself, Ma Renchao did not act in person, but sent his own men.

Forty minutes later, Ma Renchao's men called him.

"Brother Chao, according to the information I have received, there is indeed a person who is dying of poisoning in Renda Hospital. According to the doctor, he took an excessive amount of potassium cyanide, but this person has a special physique and is still breathing. Rescue."

"But from what I found from the hospital information, this person is not Liu Anlei, but Qin Lie. It seems that he is not the person you are looking for."

After hearing the news, Ma Renchao couldn't sit still.

"Continue to check for me, I don't care what information you use, I must find out all the identity information of this person!"

Ma Renchao almost growled.

If his subordinates found out that Liu Anlei was hospitalized, he would immediately be able to determine that there was a fraud.

But the hospitalization information is filled with Qin Lie's name, which is obviously trying to hide it, but he thinks that Liu Anlei is very likely not dead!

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