"You try to move him!"

Xiao Xingyuan let out a loud roar, and the people he brought instantly showed a gesture of preparation, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

"Brother Qin, don't do it first, let's talk about it if we have something to say."

Before Qin Lie started, Fan Chang quickly persuaded him.

Although he is the eldest brother of the party, he really does not have the courage to act in the face of such a behemoth as the Xiao family.

He had no doubt that if he dared to beat Xiao Xingyuan tonight, he might be dead on the street tomorrow morning!

"Brother Fan, you go out first, I can handle it alone here."

Qin Lie knew what Fan Chang was worried about, but he didn't want to implicate him.

"Brother Qin, listen to me. Don't be in a hurry. Let's leave this matter to the police. You don't need to put yourself in to kill this person. It's not worth it."

Fan Chang continued to persuade Qin Lie.

Qin Lie frowned and thought for a while, and finally agreed with Fan Chang's proposal and asked him to call the police.

However, Qin Lie did this not because he was afraid of Xiao Xingyuan, but because Ma Renchao was not worthy of his life.

Ten minutes later, the police from the Dongcheng Branch arrived at the scene and arrested Ma Renchao. Qin Lie and the others were all brought back to the police station to take notes.

"Qin Lie, I'm willing to pay you 10 million yuan. How about writing off the grievances between us?"

Outside the police station, Xiao Xingyuan took the initiative to submit to Qin Lie and expressed his willingness to reconcile.

"Ten million? Tsk tsk, it's a big deal, but I think you should keep this money to buy a coffin for Ma Renchao."

Qin Lie replied full of mockery, which undoubtedly rejected Xiao Xingyuan's proposal.

"Qin Lie, don't think I'm afraid of you, if it wasn't for the Tang family's face, I guarantee you will die without a corpse!"

Xiao Xingyuan shouted with a grim expression.

Just now, his father told him that Tang Hongxiao, the second master of the Tang family, personally called his father, and made it clear that if Xiao Xingyuan dared to kill Qin Lie again, he would not mind fighting the Xiao family.

Although Tang Hongxiao said this to his father in his own name, Tang Hongxiao is the number two person in the Tang family. If he starts the Tang family, he will definitely follow suit. Once the two families really go to war, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

That's why there is a scene where Xiao Xingyuan takes the initiative to subdue.

"Hehe, then don't give the Tang family face, I want to see if you die first or I die first."

Qin Lie said with a sneer, his expression full of contempt.

Xiao Xingyuan is afraid of the Tang family, why is he not afraid of the Xiao family, otherwise, Xiao Xingyuan would have been slaughtered by him long ago!

"You have the seeds, but don't think that you can be lawless with the support of the Tang family. I will one day make you kneel in front of me and beg me to spare you!"

Xiao Xingyuan threatened viciously.

"Okay, I'll wait, I really hope that day will come soon."

Qin Lie's mouth twitched into a smile, and his smile was like a thorn, stabbed into Xiao Xingyuan's heart.

Xiao Xingyuan wanted to kill Taotao in his heart, but he couldn't do anything, so he could only leave in anger.

"Remember to prepare a coffin for Ma Renchao, I will decide his life!"

Qin Lie shouted towards Xiao Xingyuan's back again.

He knew very well that Ma Renchao dared to find someone to attack him, but it was definitely under the instigation of Xiao Xingyuan.

As for Xiao Xingyuan, he definitely cannot kill him for the time being, but the lackey Ma Renchao must die!

"You can't kill him, Ren Chao is guaranteed!"

Xiao Xingyuan turned around and replied coldly.

Not to mention that Ma Renchao is his confidant, even if it is just for his own face, he will protect Ma Renchao to the death!

"Then let's ride the donkey and read the songbook, let's see."

Qin Lie smiled slightly, and did not continue to waste saliva with Xiao Xingyuan.

After leaving the police station, Qin Lie, who had not had much rest yesterday, went home and went to sleep.

The next morning, Qin Lie received a call from Tang Lingxue as soon as she woke up. She said that she had arrived at the gate of the Palm Springs community.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't even bother to wash up, and hurried to the gate of the community, she saw Tang Lingxue with a suitcase at a glance.

"Qin Lie, I heard that you were in a car accident. Are you seriously injured?"

As soon as she saw Qin Lie, Tang Lingxue hurriedly asked about his situation.

"Don't worry, it's just a little skin injury."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"That's fine, that's fine."

After confirming that Qin Lie's injury was not serious, Tang Lingxue felt relieved.

"Qin Lie, my dad has already seriously warned Xiao Xingyuan that scum. If he dares to take revenge on you again, my dad will never spare him."

Tang Lingxue said again.

Because she went out to see her grandmother, she only learned about Qin Lie's car accident last night, and it was very late yesterday, so she bought the earliest flight ticket today and flew back to Longcheng.

"Thank you dad for me. Qin Lie will never forget this kindness."

Qin Lie was very grateful for Tang Hongxiao's help. He knew very well that if Tang Hongxiao hadn't terrified Xiao Xingyuan, the two of them would have reached the point of endless death.

"You're welcome, you are my savior, you should help you."

Tang Lingxue smiled.

"You shouldn't have breakfast yet, why don't you come to my house?"

Qin Lie took the initiative to invite.

"No, I have to go home first. I'll go first."

Tang Lingxue didn't ask Qin Lie to escort him, so he took a car and went home.


At noon, Qin Lie got news from Fan Chang that Ma Renchao was released on bail, and Xiao Xingyuan planned to secretly send him abroad.

Qin Lie naturally wouldn't let him get his wish, and immediately asked Fan Chang to help him keep an eye on him.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie came to the intersection of Longcheng East Suburb Expressway.

According to information obtained by Fan Chang, Xiao Xingyuan will arrange for Ma Renchao to go to Japan from Jinmen Port by smuggling this evening.

Although Xiao Xingyuan was already very cautious, it was a pity that Fan Chang had been in the smuggling business before, and he was a gentleman when it came to smuggling. Waiting for Ma Renchao to jump in.

Another half an hour later, a black Toyota drove over and turned on the high beams three times in a row, Qin Lie and the others turned on the double flashes.

And this is the joint code between Snake Head and Ma Renchao.

After confirming that the password was correct, Ma Renchao got out of the car and walked over.

When he opened the door and found that it was Qin Lie who entered his eyes, Ma Renchao's expression changed suddenly.

"Hello, I'm here to save you."

Qin Lie greeted Ma Renchao with a smile, as if he was reminiscing with an old friend.

However, Ma Renchao ran away as if he had seen a ghost.

But Qin Lie didn't give him this chance and kicked him to the ground.

"Qin Lie, if you dare to kill me, Young Master Xing will never let you go!"

Ma Ren, who got up from the ground, shouted at Qin Lie with a stern look.

When killing others, he can be cold-blooded and ruthless, but when death comes to him, he is really afraid.

"It's okay, I didn't intend to turn enemies into friends with him anyway."

Qin Lie replied with a sneer.

The conflict between him and Xiao Xingyuan could no longer be adjusted. Even if he spared Ma Renchao's life, Xiao Xingyuan would not thank him. In this case, it would be better to send Ma Renchao to hell as soon as possible.

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