At noon, Guo Fuxiang even personally invited Qin Lie to have lunch.

You know, many big bosses can't invite Guo Fuxiang to dinner, but Guo Fuxiang took the initiative to invite Qin Lie, which is enough to show that Guo Fuxiang attaches great importance to him.

After eating, Qin Lie chatted with Guo Fuxiang for about an hour, and then went to the hospital.

Chen Xiaoyu was really bored in the hospital, and she was not seriously injured, so Qin Lie went through the discharge procedures for her.

As for Chen Jinhu, he has to stay in the hospital for a few more days.

"Brother Qin, book a plane ticket for me. I plan to go back to Lucheng tomorrow morning."

On the way home, Chen Xiaoyu said suddenly.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back, aren't you going to play in Longcheng for a few more days?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise.

"Sister Yuqing and Qiuzhu are very busy during the day, and I'm bored at home alone, so I might as well go back to Lucheng to accompany Kexin, and I also miss Kexin. After a few days of Kexin's winter vacation, I plan to Take her home for a few days."

Chen Xiaoyu replied.

Although she said so, in fact, Chen Xiaoyu still didn't want to make trouble for Qin Lie.

"Okay, then, be careful when you go back, I'll visit you often."

Qin Lie thought for a while, the situation here in Longcheng is more complicated, and it is a good idea to let Chen Xiaoyu return to Lucheng to raise a baby.

It's just that he has to attend the donation ceremony tomorrow, so he can't send Chen Xiaoyu back, so he can only give this task to Qi Tianchang.

But Chen Xiaoyu insisted on going by himself, and Qin Lie had no choice but to agree.

Later, Chen Xiaoyu suggested that he wanted to eat the dishes made by Qin Lie, so they turned to the vegetable market and purchased a batch of ingredients. Qin Lie planned to cook a big meal for Chen Xiaoyu in the evening, which was a practice for her.

When he got back to the gate of the community, Qin Lie was about to drive back when a figure suddenly came out of the security booth.

Seeing this, Qin Lie immediately stopped the car.

"Xing Feng? When did you come back!"

Looking at the person in front of him, Qin Lie couldn't help but have a surprise on his face.

This person is none other than Xing Feng, the bodyguard Xing Tian had arranged for him before!

"I only came back today."

A smile appeared on Xing Feng's always cold face.

"Brother Qin, who is this brother?"

Qi Tianchang asked quickly.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Xing Feng, an absolute top expert. If you can learn a trick and a half from him, I guarantee that no one will be able to bully you in the future."

"Xing Feng, this is my friend Qi Tianchang."

Qin Lie immediately gave an introduction to both parties.

"Hello, Brother Feng."

As soon as Qin Lie gave Xing Feng such a high evaluation, Qi Tianchang opened his mouth and called out brother.


Xing Feng has always been ruthless towards his enemies, but his attitude towards his own people is quite gentle.

"By the way, Xing Feng, how did you know I live here?"

Qin Lie asked curiously.

"This is what the hall master told me. He has been paying attention to you."

Xing Feng replied.

"I see."

Thinking of that mysterious Xingtian, Qin Lie didn't ask any more questions.

After all, Xing Tian held the once most powerful dark organization, Hades Island, and it was really not difficult to find out his own information.

"Brother Qin, it's too cold outside. If you have anything to say, go home and talk."

Chen Xiaoyu in the car reminded Qin Lie.

"Xiaoyu is right, let's go, let's go home and talk."

Qin Lie immediately greeted Xing Tian to get into the car, and everyone went back to the villa together.

"Xing Feng, you have gone long enough this time."

After sitting down, Qin Lie took the initiative to open the topic.

Last time, Xing Feng suddenly left after receiving a call from Xing Tian in the middle of the night, saying that he would be away for a week. As a result, he had not heard from him for more than a month. Qin Lie almost suspected that he had hung up.

"Before the palace master was not peaceful, so it took a little time, but now the trouble has basically been solved."

Xing Feng replied simply, without explaining in detail what he was doing.

Qin Lie didn't ask much. After all, Xing Feng's mouth is very strict. Even if he asked, he probably wouldn't say anything.

"Brother Qin, who is stronger between you and Brother Feng?"

Qi Tianchang asked suddenly.

"My strength is stronger than him, but in terms of assassination skills, ten of me may not be able to match him."

Qin Lie replied truthfully.

Xing Feng is a real top killer, and he masters pure killing skills. If it is unexpected, even Qin Lie may not be able to prevent Xing Feng's assassination.

"So, Brother Feng is a killer?"

Qi Tianchang's eyes lit up.

"That's it."

Xing Feng replied ambiguous.

"Brother Feng, can you be my master? I also want to become a gold-medal killer who kills one person in ten steps and never leaves a thousand miles!"

Qi Tianchang immediately pleaded.

"You're a little old, and it's actually a bit late to learn now."

Xing Feng replied very politely.

As a top killer, he could see at a glance that Qi Tianchang's physical fitness was average, and he really had no interest in accepting such a useless apprentice.

"Brother Feng, you can just teach me a few tricks. I don't have high requirements. It's enough to be able to play ten."

Qi Tianchang quickly changed his words.

He wanted to take Qin Lie as his teacher before, but Qin Lie didn't accept him at all. If he could learn a trick and a half from Xing Feng, he wouldn't have to worry about being beaten again in future fights.

"Tianchang, it's been ten times, you're not too demanding?"

Qin Lie joked with a smile.

"Brother Qin, you are a dozen or so people. As your little brother, I should at least have a dozen or ten people. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to follow you, right?"

Qi Tianchang replied confidently.

"Well, what you said is right. Xing Feng, please teach him a few tricks. I'll cook first, and we'll talk later. Xiaoyu, remember to call Sister Yuqing and Qiuzhu. , let them come home for dinner at night."

After giving the order, Qin Lie went to the kitchen.

After a full hour and a half of work, Qin Lie finished today's meal.

Although I made it myself, the dishes are still quite rich. There are garlic lobster, spicy fried crab, braised pork, and stewed turtle with old hen. Anyway, they flew from the sky to swim in the water. Qin Lie made a total of meat and vegetables. Ten dishes.

It sounds like a lot, but don't forget that there are a lot of people who eat, and these dishes are actually barely enough to eat.

Ye Yuqing and the others will all come when Qin Lie is ready to cook, but Lin Qiuzhu was unable to come because there was a dinner party in the evening, but she assured Chen Xiaoyu that she would definitely go to the airport to see her off tomorrow morning.

The busy day passed quickly, and a new day arrived on time. Early the next morning, Qin Lie and the others sent Chen Xiaoyu to the airport.

Because Chen Xiaoyu was only returning to Lucheng to raise a baby, and not seeing him again, everyone didn't feel too sad when they parted.

After watching Chen Xiaoyu's registration, Qin Lie hurried to the National Museum with less than forty minutes left before the donation ceremony.

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