The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 736 Pfizer Wants To Buy Your Company

"It's not bad, it's not worth it that we spent so much real money for publicity."

Qin Lie is still very satisfied with this data.

After all, TV commercials, offline promotion, and online marketing, Qin Lie and the others spent a total of 240 million yuan, which is higher than the annual marketing expenses of many large companies. If they can't see returns, Qin Lie Probably have to cry.

"It's a good start now. Next, we just need to maintain a good reputation. Even if we don't do anything, let us lie down and make money."

Ye Yuqing said again.

She is a businessman, and she knows better than Qin Lie the commercial value of Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc.

It is no exaggeration to say that within half a year, the profits brought by these two magical medicines will be able to crush 99% of the current domestic listed companies, making Tai'an Medicine a veritable unicorn giant!

Seeing that it was noon, Qin Lie asked Ye Yuqing to go out for a meal together.

But before the meal was over, Qin Lie suddenly received a call from Li Tong.

"Hey, Sister Tong, is there any good news for me?"

Qin Lie asked after answering the phone.

According to Li Tong's feedback, in addition to the first day of sales in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, sales have begun to grow steadily in the past few days, and the daily growth rate is basically more than 6%. According to this trend , it won't take long for Shenlongdan to replace Viagra and become the new overlord of the male health drug market!

"I do have something to tell you, but I don't know if it's good news or bad news for you."

Li Tong replied.

"what's up?"

Qin Lie asked curiously.

"Rick, President of Pfizer Asia, came to me this morning. He told me that Pfizer wants to acquire your Tai'an Medicine, and the price is easy to discuss. How about it? Do you want to consider it?"

Li Tong replied.

"Want to buy our Tai'an Pharmaceutical? Pfizer has a big appetite. But if he wants to buy our company, he can talk to me directly. Why should he ask you?"

Qin Lie replied in confusion.

"After all, I have been working with Pfizer for many years, and everyone is familiar with it, so Rick found me and wanted me to be a middleman. And they gave me quite good conditions. If I can facilitate this M&A transaction, You can give me 300 million labor fees."

Li Tong replied without concealment.

"Damn it, this guy is really rich and powerful."

Qin Lie was also surprised after hearing Li Tong's words.

The 300 million labor fee is calculated on the basis of winning the 5 million lottery ticket every day, and it has to be won for two consecutive months. An ordinary migrant worker with a monthly salary of 6,000 cannot save so much money for a thousand years without eating or drinking.

As a result, Li Tong only needs to facilitate their merger and acquisition transaction to get the reward, which is easier than robbing a bank to make money.

"Hey, I'm so anxious to call you because the pay is enough, otherwise I'll be so diligent when I'm full."

Li Tong smiled and replied.

"Then please tell him that if Pfizer is willing to pay 100 billion US dollars, I will sell the company. If he is reluctant, then don't talk about it."

Qin Lie continued.

Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc are now equivalent to two cash cows, which can continuously create wealth. He will not sell the company unless his brain is flooded.

"Qin Lie, doesn't that mean you don't want to sell?"

Li Tong replied somewhat helplessly.

"Of course there is a difference. As long as he is willing to pay 100 billion US dollars, I will definitely sell it, but if he can't afford this price, then I can't blame me."

Qin Lie replied with a serious face.

According to the current exchange rate, 100 billion US dollars is almost 650 billion Chinese coins. This amount of money is enough to impress anyone, Qin Lie is no exception, let alone Tai'an Medicine, even if it is Qingqingjiaren Cosmetics He is willing to package and sell the company together.

"Okay, then I'll convey what you mean truthfully."

Li Tong was slightly regretful, she knew that her labor fee must be in vain.

But this is normal. If it was her, she would not be able to sell a hen that lays golden eggs to others.

"If I have nothing to do, I will hang up first. I am eating."

After saying this, Qin Lie hung up the phone, and then told Ye Yuqing that Pfizer wanted to acquire their Tai'an Medicine.

"Actually, I thought that Pfizer might acquire our company before, but I didn't expect them to act so fast. It seems that our Shenlongdan should pose a huge threat to their company."

Ye Yuqing pondered for a while and analyzed.

She has some knowledge of Pfizer, which can be said to be the largest pharmaceutical giant in the world, with a market value of more than 200 billion US dollars.

The most important thing is that Pfizer's revenue and profits are quite terrible.

Take last year as an example, the annual revenue is more than 40 billion US dollars, and the profit is as high as 16 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to hundreds of billions of Huaxia coins!

There are not many companies in China that can match such profits.

And Pfizer has grown into such a pharmaceutical giant as it is today, relying on the most simple and rude means, buy, buy, buy!

As long as they are interested in pharmaceutical companies, they will spend huge sums of money to acquire them.

Over the years, hundreds of pharmaceutical companies have been acquired by them from all over the world. It is the collection of these pharmaceutical companies that forms the current pharmaceutical empire, Pfizer Group!

At present, Shenlongdan has taken a large part of Viagra's market share as soon as it is listed. In order to maintain its dominance in the pharmaceutical field, Pfizer naturally has to adopt a tried-and-true strategy - acquisition!

It's just that this trick doesn't work for them, neither Qin Lie nor Ye Yuqing will kill the chicken and retrieve the eggs, drinking poison to quench their thirst.

"It's just the beginning. In less than three months, I estimate that our Shenlongdan will take more than 50% of the market share of adult drugs, and Pfizer will be more anxious at that time."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

Shenlongdan is a magical medicine tailored for men. It can not only warm up the kidneys and yang, but also promote the secondary development of the human body. Three months is a course of treatment. After seeing the effect, Shenlongdan will definitely improve. hot.

After all, men want to be wealthy and wealthy.

As for women, absolutely no one wants their boyfriend or husband to be a toothpick man or a second man.

And Shenlongdan just perfectly solved these two problems.

Therefore, not to mention that the price of Shenlongdan is relatively common, even if it is several times more expensive, Qin Lie believes that everyone will not be stingy with their wallets.

"Don't be too happy, based on what I know about Pfizer Group, if we don't want to sell the company to them, they will definitely trip us up secretly, so we have to plan ahead to avoid being caught by them. Get caught off guard."

Ye Yuqing said in a deep voice.

Although Tai'an Pharmaceutical is in the limelight now, it is still not a single star compared to a multinational pharmaceutical giant like Pfizer. If they compete normally, they may not be afraid. Not sure what kind of tricks the other party uses, and they will lose at that time.

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