The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 739: The God Of Swords In The World Of Jianghu

After eating at noon, Li Tong asked Qin Lie to open an hourly room again. After adding a meal, he said goodbye to Qin Lie and flew back to Lucheng.

Qin Lie returned to the company to check the information of other companies in the scope of their acquisition.

Once Li Tong refuses the company to be acquired, he will quickly contact other companies, which is enough to ensure that their expansion plans will not be affected.

However, what Qin Lie did not expect was that at four o'clock in the afternoon, Rick, President of Pfizer Asia, came to his office again.

"Qin Lie, the board of directors of our group has just held a video conference. We are willing to fully acquire you Tai'an Medicine at a price of 8 billion US dollars. This is definitely the largest merger and acquisition plan launched by our Pfizer Group for an unlisted company in the past two decades."

"As long as you agree to be acquired, we can not only guarantee your relevant interests in the original company, but also give you a certain share of Pfizer Group and let you enter the board of directors, which is definitely better than keeping a small company and fighting with us. ."

After entering the door, Rick did not talk nonsense, and immediately gave a more tempting acquisition condition.

If an ordinary person listened to it, they would definitely agree, but Qin Lie shook his head without thinking.

"Rick, I'll say it again for the last time, don't come to me if it's less than 100 billion dollars, I don't have that much time to play with you."

Qin Lie doesn't care what others think, anyway, in his heart, Tai'an Medicine, which owns two health medicines, Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc, is worth 100 billion US dollars.

If you want to buy their company, you can bring money. If you don't have money, even if the king and Laozi come, it will not work.

"Qin Lie, don't be insatiable, offending us Pfizer won't do you any good!"

Rick Qiang said with a cold face.

If it weren't for the fact that Shenlongdan posed a huge threat to their company's Viagra, which would seriously affect their company's stock price, he would never have come to see Qin Lie twice in a row.

"If you don't talk more than half a sentence, go slow and don't send it."

Qin Lie knew that there was no need to talk with Rick any more, and immediately issued an order to evict the guests.

"Mr. Rick, please go."

Secretary Liu Liang hurriedly made a gesture of invitation to Qin Lie.

"Wait, I'll make you regret it!"

Rick glared at Qin Lie viciously and walked away again.

Qin Lie didn't take Rick's threat seriously at all.

As the saying goes, soldiers will stop the water and cover with soil, and he is ready to be suppressed and retaliated by the Pfizer Group.

Before getting off work at night, Qin Lie received a call from Wang Sanri, saying that there was a big online movie project that he wanted to discuss with him. Considering that he had nothing to do, he agreed.

Hokkers come to the restaurant.

When Qin Lie arrived, Wang Sanri, Zhang Xiaotian, and Lin Qiang had already arrived, and there was a pretty innocent looking girl at the same table.

"Master Qin, let me introduce you. This is Liang Jingchu, a distant relative of mine. Jingchu, don't hurry up and say hello to Master Qin."

Seeing Qin Lie enter the door, Wang Sanri quickly introduced the girl beside him to Qin Lie.

"Hello Qin Shao, my name is Jing Chu, I am 20 years old this year, I would like to ask Qin Shao to take care of her in the future."

Liang Jingchu quickly got up and greeted Qin Lie.

This girl has a face of first love, bright eyes and white teeth, fair skin, a ponytail, and a hint of student youth on her face.

"Hello, don't be so restrained, just call me Brother Qin."

Qin Lie is still very easy-going and doesn't put on airs.

"Qin Shao, Jingchu is not from a major, but she has been studying in the training class for almost half a year, and her acting skills are quite impressive. I want her to join our Shinhwa Entertainment, so that she can have more opportunities to exercise, you can see ?"

Wang Sanri discussed with Qin Lie.

"You can improvise two performances for me to see."

Qin Lie pointed at Liang Jingchu and said.

Recently, Wang Sanri has signed three more actors for Shinhwa Entertainment, but they are all male. So far, this Liang Jingchu is still the first girl he recommended.

However, Qin Lie and his company had a rigid standard at the beginning of the establishment. If it is not an acting school, no matter how beautiful or handsome they are, they don't want it.

Therefore, even if the girl was introduced by Wang Sanri or his relative, Qin Lie would still not open the back door for her.

"It's no problem, Jingchu, hurry up and show Qin Shao a few paragraphs for Qin Shao to see."

Wang Sanri said quickly.

"Young Master Qin, let me show you a scene from July and An Sheng's lovelorn in July."

Liang Jingchu looked at Qin Lie and said.


Qin Lie nodded.

After brewing for a while, Liang Jingchu started her own performance.

Although Liang Jingchu looks like a vase, to be honest, her acting skills are really good. In just a few tens of seconds, she vividly showed the pain and helplessness of the girl after her lovelorn.

If I had to pick a fault, it would be that her crying scene was a little overdone, but Qin Lie could at least give her a 90 if it was 100 percent overall.

Then, Liang Jingchu performed a performance of Concubine Hua in The Legend of Zhen Huan for Qin Lie.

This performance is also very exciting, showing all the domineering and sinister character of Concubine Hua. If it weren't for her face being a little more tender, no one would have imagined that a 20-year-old girl's acting skills would be so powerful.

"Young Master Qin, are you satisfied with Jing Chu's acting?"

Wang Sanri got the answer he wanted from Qin Lie's admiration, but he still confirmed it again.

"Satisfied, very satisfied, let her go to the company to sign a contract tomorrow."

Qin Lie could see that Liang Jingchu was born for acting. As long as he cultivated more, he would definitely be one of the new generation of four little actresses in the future.

"Jingchu, don't hurry to thank Qin Shao."

Wang Sanri immediately gave Liang Jingchu a wink.

"Thank you Qin Shao."

Liang Jingchu also quickly bowed to Qin Lie and thanked him.

"You're welcome, we'll be a family after you sign the contract, so you don't have to be so outside."

Qin Lie waved his hand.

"By the way, Director Wang, when you called me, didn't you say that you have a new online big project to be approved? You are planning to invest in Jingchu to make a movie, right?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"Of course not. This movie was specially made by me for Zhang Xiaotian. I have decided on the name of the movie. It's called "Jianghu Fengyun: The God of Swords". This is the script, you can browse it."

Wang Sanri quickly handed the script he printed to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie opened it and glanced at it. This is an ancient costume martial arts drama, and the content of the story is actually based on the fact that Zhang Xiaotian was stabbed in the back by his brother before, but some other plots were added to make the whole story look even more dramatic.

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