"I don't want any favors from you. If my mother is really committing a crime, I will persuade her to surrender."

Sun Jianyong said solemnly.

He himself lost three and a half years of his beautiful youth because he violated the law. Naturally, he could no longer let his mother follow in his footsteps.

"Okay, I will help you contact your mother and let her come to see you. I hope you can have a good talk with her then."

Qin Lie didn't expect Sun Jianyong to be so sensible that he couldn't use another set of rhetoric he specially prepared, but it was undoubtedly a good thing for him.

Seeing that the purpose of his trip has been achieved, Qin Lie left the prison.

As a result, Qin Lie's cell phone rang before he left the prison door.

"Qin Lie, it's not good, I just got the news that Han Jinghao has now taken over as chairman of Zhongsheng Group, reorganized the board of directors, and Yixian has been dismissed from all positions. And I heard that he seems to have been in Zhongsheng Group. The Sheng Group has carried out an internal purge, and anyone who does not agree with him will be fired."

After the call was connected, Lu Changfeng said anxiously.

"This guy, showing his fox tail so soon."

Qin Lie said with a sullen face.

If he just guessed that Han Jinghao planned all this before, now he is almost certain.

Qin Lie is no stranger to Han Jinghao's behavior of rejecting dissidents and taking power alone. After all, Ye Yuqing has encountered all this before.

It's just that at that time, she had already arranged a lot of back-ups in advance, and this was the only way to turn the tide and successfully wipe out those who were trying to make trouble, and firmly control the Yuhai Group in her own hands.

However, the situation of the Han family was even more critical than Ye Yuqing at the time. First, Han Zhiyuan died suddenly, and secondly, Han Yixian was trapped in prison, and no one could stop Han Jinghao.

"Besides, I also heard that Han Jinghao made a series of charges for Yixian Luo, saying that he used his position to embezzle the company's property, financial fraud, and tax evasion. At present, he has applied to the court to freeze the property in Yixian's hands. Company shares, if I guess correctly, he will forcibly buy back the shares held by Yixian in the name of the company in the next step."

"If he really gets his wish, Yixian will no longer have the ability to compete with his brother in the future."

Lu Changfeng once again gave another big news.


Before Qin Lie could digest the news, his phone rang again.

It was Xu Manli who called him this time.

"Changfeng, I'll answer a call. You go to the hospital first, and we'll meet there later."

After talking to Lu Changfeng, Qin Lie answered Xu Manli's call.

"What's wrong, Mr. Xu?"

Qin Lie asked after connecting the phone.

"The person in charge of the crematorium just called Mrs. He to say that Mr. Han's body was cremated last night."

Xu Manli replied.

"Cremation? Who gave them the right?"

Qin Lie asked sharply, "They explained that it was a worker's fault."

Xu Manli replied.

"Bullshit, I think it's clearly intentional!"

Qin Lie said with a sullen face.

Han Zhiyuan was killed by poisoning, his body was considered important evidence, but the body was cremated ahead of time.

"Whether it's intentional or not, it's too late to say anything now. How is your conversation with Aunt Ping's son? Is he willing to persuade his mother?"

Xu Manli turned around and asked.

"I've already negotiated with him, but I don't know if Aunt Ping will listen to his son."

Qin Lie replied.

"Then you can quickly contact Aunt Ping to see if your plan can work. If it doesn't work, we have to find another way."

Xu Manli hurriedly urged.

"Well, I know, I'll go right now, let's not talk about it."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lie's mood became heavier than before.

He thought it was just a simple frame-up, but things were far more complicated than he imagined.

Especially today, bad news one after another, Rao Shi Qin Lie has always been optimistic, and at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little pessimistic.

If they can't find enough strong evidence to turn things around as soon as possible, Han Yixian probably won't be able to turn around again.

With a heavy heart, Qin Lie came to the police station, saw Chu Yanzheng, and after a lot of hard work, Chu Yanzheng agreed to take him to Aunt Ping.

Furlong Hotel.

Qin Lie met Aunt Ping smoothly.

"Captain Chu, can you two go out first? I'll have a few words with Aunt Ping alone."

Qin Lie said.

"I only give you ten minutes."

After saying this, Chu Yan was leading the policewoman out the door.

Soon only Qin Lie and Aunt Ping were left in the house.

"Aunt Ping, don't be nervous, I just want to say a few words to you."

Qin Lie looked at Aunt Ping with a wary face and said.

"What do you want to say?"

Aunt Ping knew that Qin Lie and Han Yixian were friends, and she was worried about being beaten and deliberately kept a certain distance from him.

"To tell you the truth, I have already checked it out. You slandered Yixian for two reasons. First, in order to avenge He Aunt for not interceding for your son back then; second, in order to give your son a good life after he was released from prison, What, am I right?"

Qin Lie asked sharply.

Hearing this, Aunt Ping couldn't help but flash a trace of panic in the depths of her eyes. Although she quickly regained her composure, Qin Lie's eyes were so vicious that she instantly confirmed her guess.

"What you said is not right at all. I didn't slander Han Yixian. I saw him secretly change his insulin with my own eyes."

Aunt Ping flatly denied it.

"Okay, don't fool me. I'm not stupid. I'm very clear about whether you're telling the truth."

Qin Lie smiled, and then continued: "Let me tell you something, I just met your son. He's remodeled really well now. I heard that he will be released early next month, right?"

"Don't touch my son, I will fight you if you dare to hurt my son!"

Her son is her life. Aunt Ping was instantly excited when she heard that Qin Lie was taking care of her son.

"Don't worry, I'm a law-abiding good citizen, and I won't do those illegal and criminal things."

"I just chatted casually with your son, and instantly said that you charged black money to slander your employer. Your son was very angry when he found out that you were so ungrateful. He asked me to tell you that I hope you can see him as soon as possible. Otherwise, he might cut off the mother-son relationship with you."

Qin Lie replied calmly, of course, the second half of the sentence was made up by himself.

"I didn't collect black money, and I didn't slander Yixian!"

Aunt Ping retorted loudly, still not admitting her crime.

"Aunt Ping, there are no outsiders here, so you don't have to rush to quibble."

"To be honest, I can fully understand why you did this, but your behavior is undoubtedly helping the tyrants. If you let your son know that you are willing to kill your employer's son for him, your son will be released from prison, and I am afraid he will spend the rest of his life. I can't even lift my head."

"But I can give you a chance now, as long as you are willing to tell the truth to the police, I will not only promise not to hold you accountable, but I will give you double the amount of money Han Jinghao gives you, for your son, and also For your own sake, think carefully about how to choose."

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