After leaving the company, Han Jinghao and Mutobing returned to the Fragrance Bay Villa.

"This Qin Lie is so damn good, I should have gotten rid of him if I knew it earlier!"

Han Jinghao slammed his fist on the table with murderous intent on his face.

Originally, according to his plan, he would first concentrate all the rights of the company into his own hands today, and then find a way to forcibly acquire the shares in Han Yixian's hands tomorrow.

As a result, because Qin Lie suddenly rushed out, all his plans were disrupted in an instant, which made him want to kill Qin Lie.

"Don't be angry, what's the use of being angry again."

Muto Bing was very calm at this time, as if nothing had happened.

"Muteng soldier, help me kill Qin Lie, I want him to die!"

Han Jinghao gritted his teeth and roared.

At this time, he was almost intoxicated. For him, no matter who he was, as long as he dared to prevent him from ascending to the throne of the controller of the Zhongsheng Group, he would kill anyone.

"It's simple, I will find a way to do him, but I have helped you a lot during this time. According to the agreement, you should give me the database of Myritt."

Muto Bing changed his words.

Mindray Communications Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhongsheng Group. It is almost unknown in the society, but it has a good position in the field of aerospace communications, and has in-depth cooperation with the Chinese military.

The reason why Mutobing chose to support Han Jinghao was that he wanted to obtain the database of Myritt Company through him, so as to obtain the top-secret information of the Chinese military in the aerospace field!

"I don't even have a firm seat as the chairman of the company. How can I give you the database?"

Han Jinghao frowned.

"You need to find a way for this yourself. After all, we have helped you a lot, and you should repay us. Otherwise, the big man behind me is angry, and you should know the consequences."

Muto Soldier said lightly.

"Give me a little more time, and when I take full control of the entire Zhongsheng Group, I guarantee you can get everything you want."

Han Jinghao discussed with Mutobing.

"Don't say I don't give you face, I'll give you three more days. If I haven't seen the database after three days, then we can consider supporting others to ascend."

Mutohei said very directly.

"Three days is too stressful, give me another week..."

"Don't haggle with me, you only have three days."

Wutobing didn't give Han Jinghao a chance to bargain, and interrupted him very strongly.

For them, Han Jinghao is actually the puppet they support. Their ultimate goal is to control the entire Zhongsheng Group through Han Jinghao, and then obtain a lot of confidential information of Huaxia.

If Han Jinghao can't prove his worth, they can find someone else to replace him.

"Okay, three days in three days."

Han Jinghao knew in his heart that the database of Myritt Communication Company was the biggest bargaining chip in his hands. If he lost it, he would really have to be slaughtered by Muto soldiers in the future, but he could only promise the other party at this time.

Otherwise, if the relationship between the two of them becomes strained, Muto Bing will report him again, and his life will be over.

However, he is not a fool. In order to ensure that he will not become a slave, he also began to brew a plan in his heart that can not only get rid of Qin Lie, but also kill Muto Soldier.


The day passed quickly. After dinner, Qin Lie, who had been running around all day, was about to take a good rest when he suddenly received a call from Aunt Ping.

"Qin Lie, I talked to my son and he asked me to surrender, but I still want to talk to you in person."

Aunt Ping said after answering the phone.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel happy.

"I'll go find you now, are you still at the Fulong Hotel?"

Qin Lie replied.


Aunt Ping replied.

"Okay, let's meet and talk."

After speaking, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

He knew that a turning point in Han Yixian's case was coming.

Without wasting time, Qin Lie hurried to Fulong Hotel.

"Killed, killed!"

Arriving at the door of the hotel, before Qin Lie parked the car, he saw several hotel staff screaming and running out.

Qin Lie felt bad, and immediately opened the door and rushed out.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

Qin Lie immediately stopped a hotel waiter and asked.

"Kill... kill..."

The waiter pointed in the direction of the hotel and replied with a trembling voice, and then ran to the outside without looking back. Qin Lie immediately rushed into the hotel.

In the hotel lobby, the ground was stained with blood, and a man fell in a pool of blood.

And there was another woman lying less than three meters away from this person. Qin Lie came closer and saw that this person was Aunt Ping who called him!

At this time, Aunt Ping was shot three times, her clothes were stained red with blood, her pulse was intermittent, and she saw that half of her feet had stepped into the gate of hell.

Qin Lie suddenly remembered that he had a set of silver needles that he had bought before, and rushed back to the car to get the silver needles. He then blocked Aunt Ping's whole body with the Jiuyang needle and helped her hang it. Last breath.

But this is just an expedient measure. If you want to save Aunt Ping, you must give her a blood transfusion immediately, otherwise she will die from excessive blood loss within half an hour.

In order to save Aunt Ping's life, Qin Lie immediately carried her into his car.

Afterwards, Xing Feng drove the car, while Qin Lie tore off Aunt Ping's clothes, covered the bleeding wound with a strip of cloth, and used acupuncture to stimulate the anger in her body to prevent her from dying.

When they arrived at the door of the nearest hospital, the medical staff were already waiting here, and the doctor immediately pushed Aunt Ping into the emergency room.

Outside the ward, Qin Lie paced back and forth, praying that Aunt Ping would not die first, at least she could not die until Han Yixian was proven innocent.

About 40 minutes later, several police officers came to the hospital, led by Chu Yanzheng from the Criminal Police Team.

"How is Zhou Ping?"

As soon as he came over, Chu Yanzheng immediately asked about Aunt Ping's situation.

"It's still being rescued, and I don't know the specifics."

Qin Lie replied.

Before Chu Yanzheng could speak again, a nurse opened the door and came out.

"Please be quiet, if you have something to say."

The nurse reminded Qin Lie they said.

"Miss nurse, how are the people inside?"

Chu Yanzheng asked quickly.

"The patient was shot three times, and the situation is very dangerous. I don't know if it can be saved."

The nurse answered.

"Trouble you must save her, she is a very important witness for our police."

Chu Yan begged.

"I can only say that we will do our best to save her. As for whether we can save her, then I can't guarantee it."

"Besides, please speak softly, so as not to interfere with our rescue of patients."

After the little nurse said this, she returned to the emergency room.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Chu Yanzheng suddenly looked at Qin Lie and said, "My colleague Wang Qing has died in the line of duty. In addition, a guest and a hotel cleaner were killed in the hotel. I want to know, Who is it that is so lawless!"

"What do you mean? You don't doubt that I did it?"

Qin Lie asked innocently.

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