The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 759 You Kneel Down And Kowtow For Me

"Let me be the bait? I wonder if Mr. Han can explain your plan in detail?"

Qin Lie asked with a frown.

"According to the information I have received, my Nizi and Mutobing have already regarded you as a thorn in the flesh, and they can't wait to get rid of it. They will find opportunities to murder you in the next few days. I hope you can take the initiative to give them a chance to lead snakes out of their holes. I'll kill them all!"

Han Zhiyuan said with a serious look.

Seeing Qin Lie's silence, Han Zhiyuan thought Qin Lie did not agree, and he persuaded again: "I know there is a certain danger in doing this, but don't worry, I will guarantee your safety, and I can send it to you after it is done. Your three percent stake in our company as a thank you."

"Okay, I promise you."

Qin Lie pondered for a while.

He knew in his heart that Han Zhiyuan was treating himself as a pawn, but he didn't say anything, he wanted to help Han Yixian anyway.

In this way, when Han Yixian takes power in the future, he will have a Zhongsheng Group as an ally. Whether it is doing business or developing his own power, there are many benefits.

Next, Han Zhiyuan explained the steps of his plan to Qin Lie in detail. The two talked for half an hour before Qin Lie said goodbye to him.

"This Han Zhiyuan can definitely be called a hero. If it weren't for his heart problem, I'm afraid that even Ma Teng and Ma Xiaoyun would be trampled under his feet."

On the way back, Qin Lie said to Xing Feng with a solemn expression.

When Han Zhiyuan was a child, his family was poor. He really started from scratch. He has built a huge company in just 30 years, which shows how powerful he is.

The most important thing is that Han Zhiyuan has a congenital heart disease, if not dragged down by this disease, his achievements are definitely not limited to this.

"Indeed, there is no shortage of means, shrewdness, ingenuity, and courage. If his background were better, I am afraid that he is now enough to cover the sky with one hand in Jiangnan."

Xing Feng rarely commented that he was also shocked by Han Zhiyuan's tricks.

"Han Jinghao is finished this time. He thinks he has got everything, but he doesn't know it's just a dream of Huang Liang. It's really sad and pitiful."

Qin Lie then exclaimed.

With the evidence in Han Zhiyuan's hands, it was easy to send Han Jinghao to jail, but he didn't do that. Instead, he deliberately used himself as a bait and wanted to catch them all in one go. This was obviously a desire to kill them all.

I have to say that Han Zhiyuan is really ruthless.

But Qin Lie wouldn't have any sympathy for Han Jinghao. A man who dared to kill his own father would have died, not to mention that he had threatened him.

The two chatted for a while, and before they knew it, they returned home.

"Qin Lie, what happened to Han Yixian's case, is there a turning point?"

Seeing Qin Lie's return, Chen Xiaoyu immediately poured him a cup of tea, and curiously asked about the situation.

"He's all right, and he'll be out in a few days."

Qin Lie replied.

Han Yixian was arrested because he was suspected of poisoning Han Zhiyuan, but Han Zhiyuan didn't die, the charge itself was not established, and he was acquitted sooner or later.

"Have you found the key evidence?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked in surprise, knowing that Qin Lie was still worried about Han Yixian's case this morning, and it took only a long time to say that Han Yixian was all right, which was really surprising.

"It's not convenient for me to tell you the specific situation, you can just wait and watch the play."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

It's not that he doesn't believe Chen Xiaoyu, he just chose to hide it in order to avoid shocking the snake.

"Then sit here for a while and I'll give you a massage."

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Chen Xiaoyu was very smart and didn't ask any more questions, and massaged Qin Lie's shoulders in person. Qin Lie closed his eyes and rested for a while, then left home to rinse and came to Zhongsheng Group.

At the same time, he also called Lu Changfeng, Xu Manli and others, and called them all here.

"Qin Lie, why did you ask us to come here?"

Xu Manli asked in confusion.

"Please watch a good show for free."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"Watching a play?"

Xu Manli frowned, not understanding what Qin Lie meant for a while.

At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz drove over, and then they saw Han Jinghao and Mutobing take two bodyguards out of the car.

"Qin Lie, are you willing to cooperate with us?"

Han Jinghao immediately came to Qin Lie and asked.

Just now, Qin Lie called him and said he was willing to cooperate with him, and he rushed over immediately.

"Of course, but I have one condition."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"What conditions, you say."

Han Jinghao just wants to master Zhongsheng Group as soon as possible, as long as Qin Lie's conditions are not too excessive, he will definitely agree.

"I need you to kneel down and give me ten kowtows now. As long as you can do it, I will cooperate with you."

Qin Lie said with a smile.


Han Jinghao refused without thinking.

At this moment, nearly a hundred people have gathered here, almost all of them are employees of Zhongsheng Group. If he kneels in public, he will leave a humiliation that cannot be washed away for the rest of his life. Even if he becomes the richest man in China, he will still be unable to lift his head.

"You are unwilling to agree to such a small request. It seems that there is no way for us to cooperate."

Qin Lie sighed.

"Qin Lie, you are fucking kidding me!"

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Han Jinghao's face instantly turned gloomy.

In his opinion, Qin Lie had no intention of cooperating with him at all, otherwise he would never have made such excessive demands.

"Haha, it seems that you are not stupid, you can see it."

Qin Lie laughed triumphantly, without concealing his intentions at all.

"you wanna die!"

Han Jinghao gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were full of chills.

"Master Han, don't be angry, it won't take long for him to kneel in front of us and beg us."

Mutobing reassured Han Jinghao that they had already made a plan to deal with Qin Lie, so there was no need to rush.

"let's go!"

Han Jinghao was furious in his heart, but he resisted the urge to hack Qin Lie to death.

"Stop for me, am I letting you go?"

Qin Lie sneered, and Xing Feng immediately stepped forward to block Han Jinghao's path.

"Qin Lie, what do you want to do!"

Han Jinghao asked sharply.

"Nothing, I just want you to kowtow to me, and by the way, invite you to drink some special drinks."

Qin Lie said with a smile on his lips, but no matter how he looked at his smile, it gave people a creepy feeling.

"Qin Lie, get your people out of here, or I'll let you die without a burial!"

Han Jinghao pointed at Qin Lie and threatened him with a ruthless expression, because he has something to rely on, he is not afraid of Qin Lie.

"I can't figure out the situation until now, it's really stupid and hopeless."

Qin Lie smiled contemptuously, and directly ordered, "Xing Feng, let our Young Master Han kneel down and talk to me."

Xing Feng didn't say a word and walked directly to Han Jinghao.

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