"Dad, I know I was wrong. Please give me another chance. I really don't want to die."

In order to survive, Han Jinghao immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"I gave you the opportunity, but unfortunately you destroyed it yourself."

Han Zhiyuan replied indifferently.

Giving Han Jinghao a gun and letting him commit suicide was the last test that Han Zhiyuan gave him. If he chose to commit suicide, Han Zhiyuan would give him a way to survive, but he chose to threaten himself with a gun, which made Han Zhiyuan completely chilled.

Such an unkind and unrighteous, unfaithful and unfilial son, let alone a mad son!

"Dad, I beg you, spare my life. I beg you."

In the face of death, Han Jinghao was left with only endless fear, and his head banged.

"Send them on their way."

After dropping this sentence, Han Zhiyuan turned around and closed his eyes.

bang bang bang...

The gunshots sounded, and Han Jinghao and several other killers returned to the West on the spot.

Even though he no longer recognized this son, at the moment when the gunshots sounded, two lines of tears still rolled out of Han Zhiyuan's eyes.

However, he quickly stabilized his mood and turned himself into a ruthless appearance again.

A few minutes later, the killers brought by Han Jinghao were wiped out, and most of them died on the spot, leaving only four survivors.

Han Zhiyuan did not kill these people, but told Qin Lie to call the police as planned.

Forty minutes later, the police arrived at the scene.

Qin Lie took the initiative to reveal to the police that Han Zhiyuan was not dead, and also told the police that Han Jinghao and the others were here to kill him and Han Zhiyuan tonight, but fortunately they took precautions in advance, so they succeeded in killing Han Jinghao. They fought back.

At the same time, Qin Lie also provided evidence that Han Jinghao and Mutobing joined forces to commit a crime.

Even though the evidence was overwhelming, Qin Lie was still taken back to the police station after many people died tonight.

After some investigation, Qin Lie was acquitted at 10 am the next day.

At the same time, the news that Han Zhiyuan was not dead was also deliberately spread by them.

Of course, in order to avoid being known the truth, they deliberately said that it was to protect Han Zhiyuan from being murdered again, so they announced the false news that Han Zhiyuan had died.

Of course, many netizens can't tell the authenticity of these news, but Han Zhiyuan's death alone is enough for them to eat melon for several days.

"Qin Lie, what the hell is going on? I saw my dad die with my own eyes. How could he be alive again?"

Just after coming out of the detention center, Han Yixian couldn't wait to ask Qin Lie his doubts.

Just now, he was told that his father was not dead, everything was a conspiracy of his eldest brother, he would be acquitted, Han Yixian was stunned, he thought it was the police joking with him, until he walked out of the detention center just now. He had a feeling of dreaming.

"You should go home and ask your father about the specific situation. He knows better than me."

Qin Lie didn't say much and sent Han Yixian back home.

Qin Lie knew that Han Yixian and his son must have a lot to say, so he took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

Seeing that his own father was really alive and well, Han Yixian, who had been holding back all the way, immediately asked all the questions in his heart.

Han Zhiyuan didn't hide anything, and answered any questions he had.

An hour later, Han Yixian finally figured out the situation.

Although he doesn't need to go to jail, although he has become the only heir of the Han family, and although he has the last laugh, he is not happy at all.

After all, it was his eldest brother who committed these numerous crimes. Even though Han Jinghao had already been put to death, Han Yixian still felt very uncomfortable.

"Dad, why don't you leave a way out for my brother? No matter what he says, he is still your own son."

Han Yixian couldn't help but say that if it was him at the time, he would never have been ruthless.

"It is true that he is my own son, but from the moment he colluded with the Japanese to murder me, our father-son relationship was completely cut off, not to mention that he personally ruined his chance to live."

"And don't forget, if he doesn't die, it means adding a ticking time bomb to your side. If someone supports him again, with his temperament, it will be bad for you sooner or later. I will never allow this kind of thing. It happens again."

Han Zhiyuan replied coldly.

Han Jinghao is unfaithful and unfilial, destroys human nature, and has more to die for, but in the end he chose to kill his relatives righteously or for Han Yixian. He could not let Han Yixian suffer any more harm, so he could only be this wicked person.

"Dad, actually..."

"Don't say it, he chose the road himself, and he doesn't deserve your sympathy."

Han Zhiyuan didn't give Han Yixian another chance to speak, and interrupted him directly.

Although he knew that what his father said was right, when he thought that his elder brother, whom he had called for more than 20 years, ended his life in this way, he was still a little confused.

"Yixian, do you know what your greatest strength is?"

Han Zhiyuan suddenly asked such a question.

"do not know."

Han Yixian shook his head.

"Your greatest advantage is that you value friendship and righteousness, so you can make many sincere friends. But it is also your biggest weakness. Sometimes you are too kind and not cruel enough, even when you treat your own enemies. To have a heart of compassion, this is absolutely fatal for a person who does great things!"

"I hope you can understand a truth through this tragedy of brothers killing each other. You must be ruthless, kill decisively, and never think of repaying grievances with virtue. That is just the kindness of women, and sooner or later you will kill yourself."

Han Zhiyuan stared at Han Yixian with a serious look.

If it is an ordinary person, it is nothing to be kind, but Han Yixian is a person who wants to inherit the foundation of the Han family and is destined to do great things.

If he is still as soft-hearted as before, it is impossible to stand in the mall full of intrigue, let alone lead the Han family to a new height.

"Thank you father for teaching, I will try to change myself."

Han Yixian knew that Han Zhiyuan was for his own good, and also understood that what he said was indeed reasonable, so he humbly accepted his suggestion.

"Yixian, Dad knows that you are a good boy, but you must understand that people's hearts are sinister, don't take your heart out when you treat anyone, and be sure to keep a hand, including Qin Lie, who helped you a lot this time."

Han Zhiyuan once again educates Han Yixian as a visitor.

"Dad, you don't know Qin Lie. He definitely belongs to the kind of real man who can stick a knife in both sides for his brothers and friends."

Han Yixian took the initiative to speak for Qin Lie.

As the saying goes, adversity sees the truth. He was framed and imprisoned this time, and his reputation was almost ruined. Except for a few best friends, the friends he knew before had all distanced themselves from him, but Qin Lie spared no effort to help him get out of his crime, using Practical actions explain what a friend is!

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