After the trouble, a few people sat in the living room and chatted for a while. Qi Tianchang made it clear that he would invite everyone to dinner tomorrow, and then officially announced the relationship between him and Xu Manli.

Although Qin Lie was not too optimistic about the love between Qi Tianchang and Xu Manli, he still gave his blessing.

It's just that whether the two can have a lover and become married, it depends on the will of God.


At one o'clock in the morning, Qin Lie was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

"Hey, what's the matter, Sister Tong?"

Qin Lie asked after yawning.

"Qin Lie, it's not good, all our stores in Japan were smashed, dozens of employees were injured and hospitalized, and the Japanese gangsters publicly shouted, whoever dares to represent our products will smash their stores, all our distributors are It has been announced that it has terminated its cooperation with us, and our market in Japan is almost over."

On the other end of the phone, Li Tong said anxiously.

Hearing this, Qin Lie, who was still a little confused, instantly woke up.

"Don't panic, tell me what's going on."

Qin Lie asked immediately.

"Just now, I got a call..."

Li Tong rearranged her words and told Qin Lie the news she had just received.

It turned out that just this evening, dozens of directly-operated stores opened by Eden in Japan were all smashed, and the Shenlongdan and finances in the store were looted, resulting in heavy losses!

In addition, distributors throughout Japan who have cooperated with them for many years have also cancelled their cooperation because of personal threats.

It can be said that overnight, the marketing network that Eden spent nearly ten years building was completely paralyzed, with direct losses of over 100 million!

"Did you call the police?"

After listening to Li Tong's remarks, Qin Lie immediately asked.

"I reported it, but it's useless at all. Many Japanese gangsters have colluded with the immediate police. At most, they arrest a few people to pretend, and others will still get away with it."

Li Tong replied angrily.

She has been doing business in Japan for many years, and she knows all too well what kind of shit the police officers there are.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help frowning.

He knew very well that someone had planned to destroy the Eden Company's Japanese sales network overnight, and that, coupled with the threat of other distributors to directly cooperate with them, it was clear that their products would be driven out of Japan.

And Qin Lie can't think of anyone who dares to act so recklessly and has the ability to do this, except for Pfizer Group, who was moved by them.

"Sister Tong, first let the people from the Japanese branch stabilize the employees' emotions, and at the same time find out who is behind the scenes. Let's talk in detail tomorrow morning."

Qin Lie ordered.

"Okay, then we'll talk about it when we meet tomorrow."

After Li Tong finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

At this moment, Qin Lie was no longer drowsy, and after a little pondering, he went downstairs to wake up Xing Feng, and told Xing Feng what happened to the Japanese branch.

Xing Feng was originally arranged by Xing Tian to help Qin Lie. After learning Qin Lie's request, he immediately contacted the people in Yanwang Island and asked them to investigate the ins and outs of this matter.

It has to be said that the intelligence system of Yanwang Island is very powerful. After only five hours, the investigation was basically done.

According to the investigation of Yanwangdao, members of the Sumiyoshi Association and the Rice Field Association were mainly involved in the beating, smashing and looting last night.

In Japan, there are three major gangs, namely the Yamaguchi-gumi, the Sumiyoshi Association and the Inada Association. To be able to invite the two major yakuza at the same time, this requires not only money, but also strong personal connections.

After some in-depth investigation, Yamadao finally confirmed that the mastermind behind the instigation of the two gangsters was Rick, the president of Asia of Pfizer Group!

After figuring out all this, Qin Lie took the initiative to contact Li Tong.

"We don't agree with the mergers and acquisitions, they use this kind of indiscriminate means, it's really despicable!"

Li Tong scolded through gritted teeth.

She is now a shareholder of Tai'an Medicine, and she worked hard to open all the stores that were smashed yesterday. As a result, when she returned to the pre-liberation overnight, she was full of anger.

"I was careless, I didn't expect them to be so despicable."

Qin Lie said with a sullen face.

The Pfizer Group has always been domineering. I don’t know how many small companies have been forcibly annexed or destroyed by them over the years. Therefore, Qin Lie took precautions and arranged many protective measures before he broke his face with Pfizer. Reborn from the ashes.

It's just that he didn't expect that after Pfizer Group lost to him in China, it would have a crooked mind towards their overseas branch, and even resorted to such brutal means of beating, smashing and looting, which undoubtedly caught Qin Lie by surprise.

"I can't blame you. Even if we knew in advance that they would do this, it is still impossible to beat them."

Li Tong said.

The domestic legal system is sound, and it is impossible for Pfizer to use these savage methods, but abroad, they can hardly speak alone, not to mention that Rick colluded with two of the three major gangs in Japan, plus the collusion between officials and businessmen, it is too easy to kill them. .

"Qin Lie, what should I do now? Should I give up the Japanese market?"

Li Tong turned around.


Qin Lie rejected Li Tong's proposal without thinking.

Although Japan is a small country, it has a population of over 100 million. The most important thing is that the Japanese porn industry is quite developed. Their consumption of adult products is one of the best in Asia, and the money is huge!

Taking Shenlongdan and Sauvignon Blanc as an example, the current daily sales are more than 10 million.

This is also because Shenlongdan has just opened the market, and the audience is mainly young people. Over time, when Shenlongdan completely replaces Viagra and Japanese adult drugs, these two drugs alone can bring them at least 10 billion in income a year.

If they can drive the sales of other adult products while Shenlongdan is hot, they will not be able to earn tens of billions of dollars a year.

So Qin Lie can never give up the Japanese market so easily.

And in addition to the huge benefits, there is another important reason, that is, once Qin Lie abandons the Japanese market, Pfizer is bound to gain an inch and use the same method to deal with them in the Southeast Asian market.

At that time, he will not only lose the Southeast Asian market, but also the European and American markets will not even be able to enter, the loss will be immeasurable!

"Qin Lie, I don't want to give up the Japanese market, but now the two big gangs are staring at us. As long as we open it, they will come and smash our store. This business can't continue."

Li Tong said with a heavy expression.

Of course, she is not willing to give up a market worth tens of billions of dollars, but as the saying goes, strong dragons don't overwhelm local snakes.

Continue to fight with them, and their losses will only be greater.

"Don't worry, I will send anyone who dares to stand in my way!"

Qin Lie replied domineeringly.

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