"Yingzi, don't be stubborn, you are my woman, I won't help you at this time."

Qin Lie said loudly.

In the USB flash drive given to him by Xing Feng, there is the information of Hiroo Ishikawa. This old man has assisted three generations of the Aoi family. It can be said that he is loyal.

Right now, Ishikawa Hiroo hesitated to kneel down and beg him for help. Obviously, Sakurako Aoi's situation had reached a precarious point, and he naturally couldn't let him die.

"Brother Qin, you don't understand. Kazuo Oda was born as a killer, and he was ruthless and cruel. If he knew that you helped me, he would definitely kill you."

Aoi Sakurako said solemnly.

On the deserted island, Sakurako Aoi was hopelessly in love with Qin Lie, so she must not watch Qin Lie even give her life to help herself in danger.

"Silly girl, don't worry, the person who can kill me hasn't been born yet."

Qin Lie pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

"Brother Qin..."

"Don't say anything, this matter is settled, I will help you remove all obstacles and let you sit firmly in the position of the eighth generation."

Qin Lie didn't give Aoi Sakurako a chance to persuade him, and just made the final decision.

Seeing that Qin Lie knew the danger and still helped herself without hesitation, Sakurako Aoi couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

"Thank you, Brother Qin."

Aoi Sakurako's nose was sour, and she jumped into Qin Lie's arms and hugged him again.

"Okay, don't be rude with me."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

Aoi Sakurako is his woman, and it is only natural for him to help her.

What's more, Aoi Sakurako can become the boss of the Yamaguchi group, which also has many benefits for him.

So, sincere, this helped him.

During the conversation, the servants of Sakurako Aoi's family had already cooked, and Qin Lie and the others went to the restaurant to eat and chat.

It is worth mentioning that, except for a few Japanese specialties, most of the lunches are Chinese dishes. Needless to say, this must be specially prepared by Aoi Sakurako.

After drinking and eating, Qin Lie and the others came to Aoi Sakurako's study.

After some detailed chat, he gained a deeper understanding of Aoi Sakurako's current situation.

In the eyes of outsiders, the current Aoi Sakurako is the eighth generation of the Yamaguchi group, with a high position and a prominent identity.

But in reality she's just on the surface.

At present, more than 60% of the backbones of the Yamaguchi group have been drawn away by the second-in-command Kazuo Oda, and the remaining 40% are generally in their own hands, and they may rebel at any time. They are truly loyal to her team leader. The members are estimated to be less than 20%!

And the Aoi family itself is a wealthy family in Japan. If she can fully support her, her situation may be better.

It's a pity that her Uncle Aoi Kenji is also an ambitious person. As early as she learned that they had suffered an air crash, she began to buy people's hearts and seize power. Now most people in the family listen to his Uncle. She is almost isolated, but She can't openly tear herself apart from her Uncle.

Because of this, Sakurako Aoi has had a very difficult life in the past two months. She has to deal with all kinds of troubles herself every day, and she has no time to go to Qin Lie to talk about love.

However, in the face of these difficulties, it cannot be said that there is no benefit. The most obvious point is that she herself is more mature than before, and she already has the ability to be on her own.

But in the face of internal and external troubles, her personal ability is still too weak. If it wasn't for the dedicated help of the loyal minister Ishikawa Hiroo, she might have collapsed long ago.

"Oda Kazuo's betrayal has become a fact. I think we should not touch him for now, but solve your Uncle first and take back the power of the family."

Qin Lie pondered for a while and then expressed his opinion.

As the saying goes, if you want to fight against the outside world, you must settle down first. If Aoi Sakurako can't even control her own family well, even if she becomes the Yamaguchi-gumi's eighth generation, it will be a decoration.

After all, many people in Yamaguchi-gumi are gang members who lick blood, and they will never obey a weak and incompetent woman.

"Of course I want to take back the power of the family, but Uncle has already bought everyone else, and no one listens to me at all."

Aoi Sakurako replied with a bitter expression.

"No one listens mainly because the people in your family think you can't help them. If your means are iron-blooded enough, I don't believe anyone would dare to oppose you."

Qin Lie continued.

"You don't want me to kill you, do you?"

Aoi Sakurako asked tentatively.

"That's right, in this situation, if you don't kill people, others will kill you, so you have to strike first and kill all those who are blatantly against you!"

Qin Lie replied coldly.

"You can't do this, those are my clansmen, I can't do it at all."

Aoi Sakurako replied unbearably.

"You are a typical woman's kindness. Those of your clansmen almost put a knife on your neck. If you don't do anything, you will die!"

Qin Lie said with a sneer.

In extraordinary times, extraordinary means should be used. With Sakurako Aoi's current situation, only bloody suppression of everything is the kingly way. At this time, it's just a joke to talk about family affection.

"Miss, what Mr. Qin said is very right. It's time to do it. Otherwise, once the second master and Kazuo Oda reach an agreement, you will have nowhere to turn."

Ishikawa Yuxiong said at the same time.

He suggested Aoi Sakurako to get rid of Aoi Kenji as early as a month ago, but Aoi Sakurako could not make up his mind for a long time.

Especially now, as far as he knows, Aoi Kenji has secretly contacted Kazuo Oda, and it seems that he wants to use Kazuo Oda's hand to kill Sakurako Aoi and become the patriarch of the Cangjin family.

Aoi Sakurako frowned, and a struggle appeared on her face.

She didn't want to kill each other, but she knew very well that she had no choice at present.

In the end, for the sake of herself and the future of the entire family, she was still ruthless.

"I agree to do it, but who will perform this task? My Uncle is not so easy to kill."

Aoi Sakurako asked.

Kenji Aoi is prudent by nature. At least ten bodyguards protect him when he goes out. It is not easy to kill him.

If she misses, she will definitely encounter crazy revenge, let alone become the leader of the Yamaguchi team, she estimates that there will be no place for her in the whole of Japan.

"Leave this to me, I promise to cut off his head as a stepping stone for you."

Qin Lie said in a cold voice.

He's not that kind of murderer, but Sakurako Aoi is his own woman. If Aoi Jianji and Sakurako Aoi are enemies, they are enemies of himself. If he kills him, there will never be any psychological burden. Japan too.

"It's too dangerous, I think it's more appropriate for someone else to do it."

Aoi Sakurako interjected immediately, she didn't want Qin Lie to take risks, let alone do such a dangerous thing.

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