The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 772 I Don't Even Know You When You Put On Your Clothes

"Damn it, it's really me, I almost don't recognize me when I put on my clothes."

Qin Lie said in surprise.

Qin Lie didn't miss these before....

"Mr. Qin, if you have no opinion, then I will let them stay and serve you."

Ishikawa Yuo spoke again.


Qin Lie nodded.

However, he promised to keep these actresses not to satisfy his beastly desires, but simply to paralyze Kenji Aoi, making Kenji Aoi mistakenly think that he really only came to Japan for fun, and not for other purposes.

After receiving Qin Lie's permission, Ishikawa Yuxiong waved...

Qin Lie and the others deliberately pretended to be very lustful, hugging each other, drinking and singing.

The only regret is that everyone doesn't understand the language, most of the time Qin Lie doesn't know what they are talking about.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie and the others took an actress to the hotel. The two men who were secretly monitoring Qin Lie immediately reported the news to Kenji Aoi.

If it were two years ago, Qin Lie would never refuse to learn skills with Mr. Bo, but now he has no shortage of women around him, so he naturally has to keep himself clean.

However, in order to avoid arousing suspicion, Qin Lie deliberately used it to get Mr. Bo drunk, and then quietly left the hotel.

Inside Sakurako Aoi's villa.

Seeing Qin Lie coming back, Sakurako Aoi, who had been waiting in a hurry, rushed over immediately.


When the light of dawn shone on Qin Lie's face from the window, Qin Lie slowly woke up from his sleep.

He didn't want to disturb Aoi Sakurako's rest, but who knew that Aoi Sakurako woke up when he was about to get up, and grabbed his arm.


In a small villa, Qin Lie looked at Xing Feng and others.

"It's all ready, this is the layout of the house, take a look."

Xing Feng said, took out a drawing and spread it on the table.

Qin Lie scanned it carefully, and he remembered the entire layout in his mind.

"Jiang Lei, tonight..."

Because Jiang Lei and the others were not there when discussing the plan yesterday, Qin Lie reiterated everyone's tasks.

In order to avoid attracting attention, after Qin Lie finished talking about the plan, everyone went back to their rooms to recharge their batteries.

The day passed quickly, and when night fell, Qin Lie and his party left the villa and went to Kobe North District in three groups.

Under the night, the wind howled, and the sky was cloudy.

Qin Lie, who was sitting in the co-pilot, stared at a villa not far away, waiting patiently for the arrival of Jianer Aoi.

By convention, Kenji Aoi will usually come over at seven o'clock.

However, it was already eight o'clock, and Kenji Aoi hadn't even appeared yet.

"Why hasn't this guy come yet? It's not just a leak."

In the driver's seat, Chen Jinhu couldn't help but muttered.


Qin Lie shook his head and said.

Their plan is a top secret. Except for Aoi Sakurako and Ishikawa Hiroo, only they themselves know it, and it is impossible to leak the secret.

"Then why didn't this guy come so late."

Chen Jinhu then asked, his broadsword was already hungry and thirsty.

"There should be an accident, just wait."

Qin Lie knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he was quite calm at this time.

Time flickered, and another half an hour passed, but there was still no sign of Kenji Aoi.

This time, even Qin Lie was a little impatient.

At this moment, Qin Lie's cell phone suddenly rang, he glanced at it, the call was from Sakurako Aoi.

"Hey, Brother Qin, I just got the news that Kenji Aoi has secretly met with Kazuo Oda. The two of them are likely to reach an agreement tonight to deal with me together."

Aoi Sakurako said a little anxiously.

"Grass, no wonder this force hasn't appeared until now."

After hearing the news, Qin Lie couldn't help but swear at him.

They have set up a net of heaven and earth again, as long as Aoi Jianer dares to come and find his mistress, they will definitely let Aoi Jianer come back and forth!

Who would have thought that Kenji Aoi actually went to Kazuo Oda in secret, and they waited in vain for loneliness.

"Brother Qin, cancel the plan. Now that Aoi Jianer is still with Kazufu Oda, I guess he won't find his lover again tonight."

Aoi Sakurako continued.

"It's okay, I'll wait, it's fine if he doesn't come."

Qin Lie pondered for a while and said, they are all right anyway, it is better to wait, in case Aoi Jianer appears, their plan can continue as usual, even if he does not appear, they have nothing to lose.

"Okay then, you guys pay attention to safety."

Aoi Sakurako didn't persuade Qin Lie any more, and just hung up the phone.

"Brother, why don't we change our plan and go directly to kill Aoi Jianer halfway through. With our firepower, it won't be too difficult to kill him."

Chen Jinhu couldn't help but suggest.

"No, it's too risky to kill halfway. If it fails, the Aoi family will inevitably be torn apart, and it's easy to alert the police. This is not in line with our plan."

Qin Lie directly rejected Chen Jinhu's proposal.

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