"I am not insidious, I am called both wisdom and courage."

Xing Feng solemnly defended himself.

"Xingxingxing, you have both wisdom and courage, I admire you."

Qin Lie immediately clasped his fists and complimented.

"Okay, stop joking, seriously, what do you think of my suggestion?"

Xing Feng resumed his serious expression.

"Of course I agree. Wouldn't it be more fun to watch them kill each other than us."

Qin Lie replied without thinking.

According to the data, the founder of the Rice Field Association is named Rice Field Holy City. Originally, the Rice Field Association was firmly in the hands of the Rice Field Family.

But later, in response to the threat of Yamaguchi-gumi, the three generations of the Inada family, the Inada Society, merged with the Black Dragon Society founded by the Kameda family.

Through this merger, the Inada Club has become the second largest yakuza in Japan, but this move is also equivalent to bringing wolves into the house, and it also laid the foundation for the decline of the Inada family.

After the third generation of the rice field family died unexpectedly, because the new head of the rice field family was not decisive enough to kill the Kameda family, he couldn't control the Kameda family. Five generations.

Although after ten years of keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile, the rice field family gradually became stronger, but in the rice field society, the Kameda family really has the right to speak.

It can be said that the two major families do not like each other, but because they are worried that the infighting will be taken advantage of by the hostile forces, they have been very restrained except for some small frictions in the past few years.

But in fact, the grievances between them have already accumulated to a certain extent, and it only needs someone to ignite the fuse to detonate the grievances between the two.

At that time, Qin Lie will be able to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then come out to the fisherman to benefit when they are both defeated!

After confirming that Qin Lie had no opinion, Xing Feng immediately revealed his detailed plan, and Qin Lie made some additions.

So far, a perfect plan to sow discord has been brewed!

As long as they help Aoi Sakurako regain control of the family tomorrow, they can take action directly.

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, the main members of the Aoi family received text messages from Kenji Aoi one after another, inviting them to Dahe Villa to discuss the matter of dethroning Sakurako Aoi and choosing a new patriarch.

At present, Aoi Jianer has basically become the real head of the Aoi family, so after receiving the text message, these people began to go to Dahe Villa.

No one knew that this was actually sent by Aoi Sakurako using Aoi Jianer's mobile phone. As for Aoi Jianer himself, he had already gone to the Palace of Hell to report.

At 8:50 in the morning, everyone who received the text message had already arrived at Dahe Villa.

Just when everyone was talking about how to get more benefits from Kenji Aoi later, Sakurako Aoi suddenly walked in.

Seeing Sakurako Aoi, everyone present was stunned for a moment.

It stands to reason that this is a meeting to depose Sakurako Aoi. Sakurako Aoi should not appear here, which is really strange.

And some smart people have had a premonition that something is wrong.

"Looking at everyone's expressions, you don't seem to want me to appear, do you?"

Aoi Sakurako looked at everyone in front of her with a sneer.

"No, we are just curious as to why you are here, Patriarch."

A slick man replied immediately.

This person's name is Aoi Sheng, and in the Cangjin family, he is a famous wallflower.

"You guys are going to have a meeting to depose me. Of course I have to come and see for myself."

Aoi Sakurako continued.

"Patriarch, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

Aoi Sheng pretended to be stupid.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. To tell you the truth, I sent you the text message. There are two main things to call everyone over today. First, to judge Kenji Aoi; second, to eliminate the black sheep of the family. "

After saying this, Sakurako Aoi waved her hand, and someone immediately turned on the projector in the conference room and played the video of Kenji Aoi's confession yesterday.

Seeing this video, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Kenji Aoi has already admitted that he killed Toshio Aoi. According to clan rules, murdering the patriarch is a capital crime!

After contacting him again, he has not shown up until now, and everyone has basically guessed the result.

Aoi Sakurako's eyes swept around the people in the room, waved again, and Ishikawa Yuxiong threw the box in his hand.


A bloody head rolled out immediately.

Seeing that this was the head of Kenji Aoi, the scene instantly fell into a death-like silence.

No one thought that Kenji Aoi, who was showing off his might in front of them yesterday, would be killed!

"Aoi Kenji murdered my father. He knew he was guilty. He committed suicide last night to apologize. I will use his head to worship my father later."

Aoi Sakurako said coldly.

All fools know that Kenji Aoi cannot commit suicide, but no one dares to speak for a dead person at this time.

"Now, Kenji Aoi has got the end he deserves, I will announce the second thing next, Kiyoji Aoi, Hirofumi Aoi, and Mutong Aoi, because of their collusion with Kenji Aoi, the following offenses will be committed, according to Clan rules, deprive everything, drive out of the family,"

Aoi Sakurako went on to say that the people she named all had the heart to be disobedient, so this time she had to clean up all of them at once.

"Sakurako Aoi, I have made great contributions to the family, why did you drive us out of the family, I am not convinced!"

Seiji Aoi believed that he was the backbone of the family, and immediately questioned Sakurako Aoi on the spot.

Seeing him stand up, Ishikawa Hiroo directly took out his gun and shot him three times in a row to kill him on the spot.

"Is there any objection to my proposal now?"

Aoi Sakurako looked at the people in front of her with cold eyes.

She used to be just a weak girl, these clansmen did not take her seriously and turned a deaf ear to her orders.

But facing her series of bloody methods today, everyone present couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear in their hearts, for fear that they would become the next Kenji Aoi.

"I firmly support any decision of the patriarch."

Katsuo Kusanagi was the first to express his stance.

"I also support the patriarch."

"And I."

With a leader, others expressed their support for Aoi Sakurako.

"Thank you for recognizing me as the patriarch. I hope you can help me in the future and defend the supreme glory of the Aoi family. Please."

After saying this, Aoi Sakurako put away her cold posture and bowed deeply to everyone.

"Don't worry, Patriarch, we will fully support you in the future."

Whether it is true or false, many family members have shown their loyalty to Aoi Sakurako.

"Very good, thank you for your support. By the way, after the property of the three Aoi Kiyoji families is confiscated, all of you will be divided equally. In addition, I will give you another billion yen to recruit troops. As long as you are loyal to the family, I will I will never treat you badly."

Aoi Sakurako continued.

Carrots and sticks, and both kindness and power, this is the real way to control the subordinates, and Sakurako Aoi has already understood the essence of it.

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