"What if I don't agree to stay?"

Aoi Sakurako raised her brows and asked in a cold voice.

"It's not up to you."

Kazuo Oda sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the surrounding doors suddenly opened, and a large group of people rushed out like a tide.

In an instant, dozens of guns were aimed at Qin Lie and the others.

On the other hand, there were only six people on Qin Lie's side, and their strengths were very different, and there was no resistance at all.

"Now you can stay in peace."

Kazuo Oda looked at Sakurako Aoi with a smug look on his face, as if he was in control of everything.

"Kazuo Oda, don't you think you can trap me with them?"

Aoi Sakurako still had a calm look, and there was no panic on her face.

"I know you have arranged a lot of people outside, but is it useful?"

Kazuo Oda sneered.

As the saying goes, far away can't quench near thirst, even if Aoi Sakurako arranges more people outside, when they rush in, Aoi Sakurako will already be a corpse.

"Golden Tiger, it's your turn to play."

Seeing Kazuo Oda showing his fangs, Qin Lie directly ordered Chen Jinhu.

"Who the hell wants to die, just shoot, and I won't blow up you guys!"

Chen Jinhu roared, and pulled off his jacket.

Seeing that Chen Jinhu had a ring of explosives tied to his body, the gunmen retreated several steps, and the backbones of the Yamaguchi-gumi changed their colors.

As for Kazuo Oda, the smile on his face instantly froze, replaced by a deep gloom.

He didn't expect Qin Lie and the others to get a personal-meat bomb over.

If this exploded, it is estimated that everyone present would be blown to pieces!

"Kazuo Oda, didn't you laugh happily just now, why didn't you laugh?"

The corners of Aoi Sakurako's mouth were slightly raised, and she asked sarcastically.

Kazuo Oda knew that his plan to put Sakurako Aoi under house arrest was impossible, but as an old fox, he quickly controlled his emotions.

"Sakurako, I was just joking with you just now, don't be nervous."

Kazuo Oda replied with a smile, and with a wave of his hand, the gunmen immediately put away their guns and stepped aside.

Seeing Kazuo Oda open his eyes and talk nonsense like this, Qin Lie couldn't help but secretly say that he is shameless and invincible.

"Oh, just kidding, I thought you were going to die with me. If that's the case, then I'll go first. You are so stinky, I don't want to stay any longer."

Aoi Sakurako was about to leave after speaking, but Kazuo Oda stopped her again.

But this time, instead of talking to Sakurako Aoi, he looked at Qin Lie.

"Is it you who helped Sakurako Aoi get rid of Kenji Aoi?"

Kazuo Oda asked.

Xing Feng immediately translated.

"Yes, it's me."

Qin Lie replied with a light smile.

"I appreciate you very much. If you are willing to cooperate with me, whether it is beauty or money, I can satisfy you with whatever you want."

Oda Kazuo then lured Qin Lie.

The killing of Kenji Aoi is also a big event. Kazuo Oda was a little shocked when he got the news. He really didn't expect Sakurako Aoi to have such courage.

But after some inquiries, he realized that it turned out that Qin Lie, a Chinese man like Qin Lie, was the real leader.

He can be sure that today this person-meat bomb is also Qin Lie’s idea.

If Qin Lie has always supported Aoi Sakurako, he might cause him a lot of trouble in the future, so he improvised and wanted to buy Qin Lie off.

"Xing Feng, help me tell him that if he is willing to be a dog for me, I can cooperate with him."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

Xing Feng nodded and translated Qin Lie's words intact.

"Bajiya Road, don't be ignorant of praise!"

Hearing that Qin Lie humiliated himself, Kazuo Oda was instantly furious.

"It's you who don't know how to lift it up. Wash your neck and wait until you die. Let's go."

Qin Lie returned to Kazuo Oda very domineeringly, and left with Aoi Sakurako and the others.

Looking at Qin Lie and the others as if they were in a no-man's land, Kazuo Oda was so angry that his teeth itch.

"Dare to oppose me, I want you to die without a burial!"

Oda Kazuo roared, killing intent on his body.

"President, order, I'll take people to kill them all!"

A man with a face full of flesh immediately stepped forward.

This person's name is Okamoto Hisao, and he is the number one warrior under Kazuo Oda, who kills without blinking an eye.

Kazuo Oda was able to win people's hearts so quickly and almost drove Sakurako Aoi out of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

"Don't worry, that Qin Lie is as cunning as a fox, and it is very likely that he will fall for his plan now."

Kamo Naka is blocking the road immediately.

He is Kazuo Oda's military advisor, and he knows very well that if Aoi Sakurako dares to meet them in an open and honest manner today, he must have arranged a lot of back-ups, and he must not act rashly, otherwise, they will definitely suffer.

"Ozaki Akira, Masaki Niano, do you have anything to say?"

Kazuo Oda looked gloomily at the few people who were named by Sakurako Aoi just now.

"President, our loyalty to you can be learned from the sun and the moon, and we will never betray you."

Akiharu Ozaki immediately expressed his loyalty.

"Ozaki is right, we will always be loyal to President Oda alone."

Masaki Niannan and others also quickly expressed their opinions.

"Then what was the promise that Sakurako Aoi said just now? Do you want to kill me and ask her for a reward!"

Kazuo Oda snarled and shot with murderous intent!

He was already suspicious, not to mention that it was a critical moment in his struggle with Aoi Sakurako, and he would never allow someone with Aoi Sakurako lurking around him.

"President Oda, we don't know the agreement at all. It's all nonsense by Aoi Sakurako, deliberately provoking our relationship. You must not fall for her tricks."

Akira Ozaki hurriedly clarified.

"President, I think this is Sakurako Aoi's plan to divide. Ozaki and the others are still trustworthy."

Kamo Zhongzheng opened his mouth and said a fair word.

"Haha, Ozaki, Masaki, don't be nervous, I was just joking with you, I have never questioned your loyalty."

Kazuo Oda laughed, as if he was just joking.

"Thank you for your trust in President Oda. We will swear our allegiance to President Oda to the death."

Akira Ozaki wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied with a forced smile.

"Ozaki, the five of you are the backbone of our Yamaguchi group, with outstanding personal abilities. I have always been very optimistic about you."

"But now Sakurako Aoi has made it clear that she wants to oppose me, she is not dead, I really can't sleep or eat. Let's just give five people a task and help me kill Sakurako Aoi or the one next to her within three days. Qin Lie, as long as you complete this task, I will definitely reward you."

After Kazuo Oda first praised Akiharu Ozaki and the others, the conversation suddenly changed and the task of assassinating Sakurako Aoi was handed over to them.

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