"Where is the person I want?"

After arriving at the place agreed with his younger brother, Kameda Jiro immediately asked.

"It's in the house, I'll take you in."

The younger brother said, and hurriedly took Kameda Jiro into an independent courtyard in front.

"You can count."

Seeing Kameda Jiro, Qin Lie, who had been waiting on the sofa for a long time, also stood up.

"Huaxia people? Is it you who uploaded the video to the Internet?"

Kameda Jiro looked at Qin Lie coldly and said.

"Yes, I uploaded the video, and it's also my credit that you can sleep until Yasuo Inada's wife. I don't know how you plan to thank me?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Kameda Jiro frowned and asked in confusion.

"To put it simply, the whole thing was specially arranged by me, in order to provoke a fight between your Kameda family and the Inada family, so that I can take advantage of the fisherman."

Qin Lie replied without hesitation.

"you wanna die!"

Hearing this, Kameda Jiro's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately took out a gun and aimed it at Qin Lie.

"Don't move, I'll kill you if you move!"

However, at this moment, the younger brother behind him simultaneously took out a gun and put it on his head.

"What are you doing? Do you want to rebel!"

Seeing that his little brother pointed a gun at him, Kameda Jiro was instantly furious.

"Forgot to tell you, he's already mine."

Qin Lie replied with a smile, and Chen Jinhu immediately stepped forward and handed a schoolbag to the other party, and at the same time grabbed Kameda Jiro's gun.

Although this younger brother was Kameda Jiro's confidant, he owed more than 10 million yen in loan sharks because of his gambling, and the creditors repeatedly threatened to hack him to death if he didn't pay back the money.

Before this, the younger brother had approached Kameda Jiro, hoping that he could borrow some money from himself to tide over the difficulties, but Kameda Jiro refused without hesitation.

Just when he was desperate, Qin Lie found him and easily bought him with 20 million.

Yesterday, Kameda Jiro was able to sleep until Yasuo Inada's wife had his share of the credit.

"Let me tell you, my eldest brother is Kameda Ichiro, if you dare to hurt me, my brother will definitely kill your whole family!"

Although he was imprisoned, Kameda Jiro was still very arrogant at this time.

"Keda Jiro, I don't know if you still remember, I called you about a month ago and asked you for the snake head. You said at the time that as long as I came to Japan, the snake head would be returned to me. Now I am here. You can honor your promise and return the snake head to me."

Qin Lie continued.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Kameda Jiro, who was still guessing whether Qin Lie was one of his enemies, instantly understood Qin Lie's identity.

"If you want a snake head, no problem, kneel down for me first."

Kameda Jiro believed that he had chips in hand, and his attitude was called arrogance.


Chen Jinhu punched Kameda Jiro in the face, and then kicked him again, causing him to kneel directly on the ground.

"You dare to hit me, you know..."

"Dong dong dong."

Kameda Jiro still wanted to say harsh words, but in response he was punched and kicked.

In the blink of an eye, Kameda Jiro was beaten to death.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I'll give you the snake head back, okay?"

Kameda Jiro, who was afraid of being beaten, quickly confessed.

"It's good to be like this early, you have to ask for trouble."

Qin Lie smiled coldly.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie took Kameda Jiro and went to a mansion in the eastern district of Kyoto.

This is Kameda Jiro's own house. Usually, he often finds a group of actresses here for his lustful pleasures. Life is a rotten one.

The snake head was hidden in the small vault of this mansion.

After arriving at the mansion, Qin Lie and the others easily dealt with several bodyguards here, and then came to the small vault located five meters underground.

Because Kameda Jiro has a hobby of collecting various antiques, he specially built such a small vault, and the door of the vault requires iris unlocking, fingerprint unlocking and digital password, which is quite complicated to open, otherwise Qin Lie would not have to bother Capture Kameda Jiro alive.

Under the threat of death, Kameda Jiro did not dare to resist at all, and could only open the door of the small vault obediently.

"I'll wipe, this little devil has a lot of treasures in his collection."

Looking at the dazzling array of antiques in the vault, Chen Jinhu was also surprised.

While not all of them are priceless, they add up to a lot of money.

Qin Lie did not pay attention to other antiques, and went directly to the very center of the vault. The snake head was placed in one of the glass cabinets without any damage.

"You can take everything here, just please don't kill me."

Although Kameda Jiro was very distressed for his baby, as long as he could save his life, he didn't need these things.

"Keda Jiro, in fact, I want to borrow something from you, I hope you can agree."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"No problem, as long as I have it, I can lend it to you."

Kameda Jiro replied without hesitation, "I want to borrow your neck for a head."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

Hearing this, Kameda Jiro's expression changed in horror.

"You can't kill me, my eldest brother is the president of the Rice Field Association, you want to kill me..."

Kameda Jiro also wanted to use his eldest brother to threaten Qin Lie, but Qin Lie stabbed him in the throat before he could finish speaking.


Kameda Jiro covered his neck with one hand and raised his hand to make a final cry for Qin Lie, but after only a few seconds he was completely silent.

Qin Lie didn't give Kameda Jiro a second look, and immediately had the antiques in the small vault be moved out.

They probably counted, and there are a total of 150 or 60 antiques here. Even if one piece is hundreds of thousands, it is estimated that it can be sold for hundreds of millions.

After the vault was emptied, Xing Feng also came.

"How is it, you got it?"

Qin Lie looked at Xing Feng and said.

"If I can't handle this little thing well, then I don't need to live."

Xing Feng replied with a smile, then took out a wallet from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

This wallet belongs to Inada Yasuo's son. With this wallet, they can frame Kameda Jiro's death and blame the Inada family. In addition, Inada Yasuo threatened to kill Kameda Jiro before, and they will be full of mouths. Can't tell.

After doing all this, Qin Lie and others walked away.

On the other side, Kameda Ichiro, who managed to appease Yasuo Inada when he returned home, saw that his younger brother had run out again, and was instantly furious. He wanted to make a call to let him come back, but found that no one answered the phone at all. He couldn't help but realize something was wrong.

Kameda Ichiro immediately sent someone to Kameda Jiro's mansion, and soon he got the news that his younger brother was killed, and the Inada family was suspected of committing a major crime!

"Inada Yasuo, you dare to kill my brother, I will make you pay with blood!"

Kameda Ichiro was furious, thinking in his heart that this was what the Inada family did.

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