After some discussions, Qin Lie finally sold 15% of the shares to the Murong family and the Tang family, but he did not ask for money, but adopted the method of equity replacement.

The Tang family gave him 6% of Datang International, and the Murong family gave him 9% of Weiyuan Group.

If you look at the current market value, Qin Lie has made a profit.

But everyone knows very well that in the future, Tai'an Medicine will grow into a super giant comparable to Pfizer, and it is actually the Tang family and the Murong family who take advantage.

It's just that there is no way to do it. After all, the two major families know the reason why Qin Lie asked them to buy shares. If there is no advantage, no one needs to go into the muddy waters.

After discussing the method of equity replacement, Qin Lie flew to Modu to sign a contract with Murong Huanyu, and then went to the Tang family in Longcheng.

After the signing of the contract between the two parties, Weiyuan Group, which is controlled by the Murong family, and Datang International, which is controlled by the Tang family, issued a joint announcement, announcing that they would take a stake in Tai'an Pharmaceutical.

Although it is not stated explicitly, there is a meaning between the lines. Whoever secretly stumbles on Tai'an Medicine is the enemy of their two major companies. As for the consequences, you should weigh it yourself.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a normal event for a large company to invest in an emerging company, but only the top group in society understands that Qin Lie is tying the two super families behind the two companies to himself.

This made some capitalists who were still on the move and wanted to eat Tai'an Medicine through conspiracy means to die instantly.

After all, the super aristocratic family is far superior to the giants. Whoever dares to go to the super aristocratic family's mouth to grab food is the old birthday star eating arsenic - courting death!

Dragon Villa.


After hearing the news that the two major families had invested in Tai'an Medicine, Xiao Xingyuan was instantly furious.

Just as Qin Lie had guessed, Xiao Xingyuan had secretly planned the recent events.

He didn't plan to use these plans to bring down Qin Lie's company, but as long as he can cause some trouble for Qin Lie, he will be happy every day so that Qin Lie cannot live in peace.

But who would have thought that Qin Lie would come directly to the bottom of the pot and bring in two superpowers at one time as a backer.

Even if his status is prominent, even if the Xiao family ranks second among the eight great families, he does not dare to act rashly.

Otherwise, if a little conflict turns into a fight between the families, he will never be able to eat and walk around.

"Master Xing, this is the lotus seed soup I just made for you, can you drink a bowl?"

Seeing that Xiao Xingyuan was angry once for some unknown reason, his girlfriend Liu Danrong hurriedly brought over a cup of lotus seed soup, trying to calm Xiao Xingyuan.

"Drink your mother's head!"

Xiao Xingyuan, who was still angry, knocked over the bowl that Liu Danrong handed over, and the spilled soup directly wet his clothes.

Looking at the soup on his clothes, Xiao Xingyuan's face sank again.

"Damn, did you do it on purpose?"

Xiao Xingyuan shouted fiercely.

"Sorry, Young Master Xing, I'll wipe it up for you."

Liu Danrong trembled, and quickly picked up a tissue to wipe Xiao Xingyuan clean.

Xiao Xingyuan was already burning with anger, but at this time, he directly regarded Liu Danrong as a punching bag, punching and kicking at her without any pity.

Seeing this scene, the servants at home were afraid that Chiyu would be affected, so they turned around and left as if they didn't see anything.

After beating Liu Danrong violently, Xiao Xingyuan's anger also dissipated a lot.

"Listen to me, don't bother me when I'm angry in the future!"

After saying this, Xiao Xingyuan left the villa directly.


After Xiao Xingyuan left, Liu Danrong, who was extremely aggrieved, couldn't control her emotions any longer, so she hugged her head and burst into tears.

Ten minutes later, after crying, Liu Danrong returned to the bedroom.

She was about to pack up and find a reason to go back to her home when her cell phone rang suddenly.

The caller reminder didn't show the name, but seeing this phone number, Liu Danrong felt like she saw a demon, and she couldn't help but feel a deep fear in her heart.

Because this number was specifically contacted by Xu Fanzhou.

She didn't want to answer, but when she thought of what Xu Fanzhou had threatened her, she still pressed the answer button.

"Hey, Rongrong, did Xiao Xingyuan hit you again?"

As soon as the call was connected, Xu Fanzhou's voice came from the other end.

"how do you know?"

Hearing this, Liu Danrong's expression did not change.

"Hey, I'm clairvoyant, what is there that I don't know?"

Xu Fanzhou replied proudly.

Liu Danrong is not stupid, she can be sure that some servants in the family must have been bribed by Xu Fanzhou, otherwise he would not have known that he was beaten so quickly.

Before Liu Danrong could speak, Xu Fanzhou's voice rang out again: "Rongrong, big brother's younger brother misses your sister. He needs you to come and help him relieve his loneliness."

"I don't go, if Xing Shao finds out, he will definitely kill me."

Liu Danrong immediately refused.

"Rongrong, don't be like this, you know, I love you the most. As long as you serve me well, I promise that Young Master Xing will not know anything. But if you don't cooperate, I promise that you will be with that little white face within ten minutes. The video will spread all over the Internet.”

Xu Fanzhou replied with a gloomy smile.

"Xu Fanzhou, I've already done so many things for you, please let me go."

Liu Danrong pleaded with a hint of tears.

Since Xu Fanzhou got his handle, Xu Fanzhou has repeatedly coerced Liu Danrong to do a lot of things she didn't want to do, including framing Qin Lie.

But the last frame up didn't work, instead, Xiao Xingyuan began to dislike her. Because of this, Xiao Xingyuan beat her more times than the previous year in the past month or so.

But what made Liu Danrong collapse the most was that Xu Fanzhou treated her like a slave, possessed her again and again, and tortured her with various perverted methods.

To Liu Danrong, Xu Fanzhou is a living devil!

"Rongrong, I'm helping you right now, or let Young Master Xing know that you gave him a cuckold, and he won't be able to strip you alive. Okay, let's not talk about it, I'll be waiting in room 1606 of the New Asia Hotel at 4 o'clock this afternoon. You, let's see you."

Xu Fanzhou believed that he had evidence of Liu Danrong's derailment in his hands. He was not afraid that Liu Danrong would not listen to him, so he hung up the phone after saying this.

In the empty room, Liu Danrong's face was ashen, she felt like an outcast abandoned by God, lonely, helpless and desperate!

At this moment, she really wanted to die.

But in the end she held back.

It was easy for her to die, but she was afraid that her family would be hurt by Xu Fanzhou after she died.

Tears slipped silently down Liu Danrong's face again, Liu Danrong bit her lip and forced herself to become strong.

Even though she was unwilling and unwilling, she finally decided to meet the devil and exchange her sacrifice for the peace of her family.

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