By the time the fireworks were finished, it was already two in the morning.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Lie took Su Xiaoxiao and the others home.

Fortunately, Su Xiaoxiao's house is a villa with six bedrooms, so there is no need to be afraid of running out of place to live.

The next day, when Qin Lie and the others got up, Su Xiaoxiao's mother, Cai Yunya, had already prepared a table of breakfast.

"Brother Qin, let's go to the movies after dinner. It can also be considered to contribute a little to the box office of my movie. Otherwise, it would be a shame for the box office to go to the street."

Before the dining table, Su Xiaoxiao offered to propose.

"Don't worry, judging from your current reputation, even if the box office doesn't explode, it will definitely not hit the streets."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

Su Xiaoxiao's debut novel is called "My Girlfriend is Eighteen Years Old". This is a youth love movie with a big heroine. In layman's terms, it is dedicated to supporting Su Xiaoxiao.

The initial investment budget was 50 million, but it was later increased to 80 million. Although it is not a super big production, it is already a big investment in a love movie.

And both Qin Lie and Wang Sanri have high hopes for this movie. According to Wang Sanri's speculation, the box office can be at least 600 million or 700 million. As long as the luck is not too bad, it is not difficult for the box office to break 1 billion.

After all, Su Xiaoxiao's current reputation is no less than those of the first-line stars, especially after the acid splash incident, it is a blessing in disguise, and she has gained a lot of iron fans, which is enough to ensure that the movie will make a steady profit.

As for how much you can earn, it depends on the subsequent word-of-mouth fermentation.

After breakfast, the group came to Oakley Studios not far from the community.

Today is the first day of the new year. People from all walks of life are on holiday. Many people come to the cinema together as a family to watch movies. At this time, the cinema is already overcrowded.

Because she is a star now, for unnecessary trouble, Su Xiaoxiao put on a hat, sunglasses and a mask to cover herself tightly. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to recognize that she is Su Xiaoxiao.

And they booked the game at 9:30. It is only 9:12 now, and there are still ten minutes before the opening.

"Brother Qin, wait for me here, I'm going to the toilet."

Su Xiaoxiao said suddenly.

"I'll go with you."

Ye Yuqing also had a urgency to urinate, so she followed Su Xiaoxiao to the toilet.

When he had nothing to do, Qin Lie went to the counter to buy a few drinks and popcorn.

"Su Xiaoxiao is here, everyone go and get autographs!"

Qin Lie had just finished paying, when suddenly such a shout came from his ear.

He turned his head and saw a young man and woman running towards the toilet.

"Brother Qin, Xiaoxiao seems to have been recognized. Let's go over and take a look."

Seeing Qin Lie coming back, Su Tiantian quickly suggested.


Qin Lie was also worried that Su Xiaoxiao had an accident, and hurriedly brought Su Tiantian to the toilet.

At this time, there was a crowd of men and women in front of the toilet.

"What are you squeezing, do you have the quality?"

Qin Lie just wanted to squeeze through the crowd to protect Su Xiaoxiao, but he was pushed by the person in front of him before two steps.

Seeing that he couldn't squeeze through, Qin Lie immediately said in a hurry: "Everyone, let me go. I'm Su Xiaoxiao's manager. If you want to get her autograph or take a photo, please queue up."

Hearing Qin Lie's voice, Su Xiaoxiao, who was blocked in the toilet, immediately shouted, "Brother Qin, I'm here, come here quickly."

"Okay, I'll go right there."

Qin Lie gave a reply, and then continued to shout: "Everyone who wants to sign is lined up immediately, otherwise Su Xiaoxiao will leave Oakley Studios immediately."

His words quickly played a role. The people in the front took the initiative to line up, and the people in the back, although unwilling, could only follow in the back.

Qin Lie immediately took the opportunity to come to Su Xiaoxiao's side.

"Brother Qin, what should I do? Everyone asked me for a photo and autograph."

Su Xiaoxiao asked with a wry smile.

"Give it if you want, who made you a big star."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

As the saying goes, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight. Since Su Xiaoxiao has chosen to be a star, she should shoulder the responsibilities and obligations of a star.

"But there are too many people."

Su Xiaoxiao replied helplessly.

"Who can blame, who made you recognize it, okay, don't ink it, sign it quickly, we can go to the movie after signing it."

Qin Lie continued.

After hearing this, Su Xiaoxiao didn't say any more, and met the fans' requests one by one.

If you want to sign, give your signature, and if you want to take a photo, give a group photo. Qin Lie is responsible for maintaining the order at the scene.

It took almost 40 minutes, Su Xiaoxiao's face was stiff with a smile, and then she finally signed and took photos of all the fans in the queue.

In order to prevent more fans from coming, Qin Lie and the others quickly chose the ten o'clock scene and entered the screening room.

Because of the Chinese New Year, the attendance rate of the theater was much higher than usual, reaching 80%. Qin Lie and the others bought tickets late, so the location was naturally poor, and they were located in the penultimate row.

Although the viewing effect here is not good, the back is very clean, and Su Xiaoxiao finally doesn't have to worry about those fans anymore.


After sitting down, Su Xiaoxiao let out a long breath.

"I'm exhausted. Signing is more tiring than filming. My hands are almost numb."

Su Xiaoxiao shook her arm and whispered.

"Who made you a star? Look at me, and no one asks me for an autograph."

Su Tiantian laughed and joked.

"Hey, if we knew we should just book the venue to watch it, it would also save us from being surrounded by fans."

Su Xiaoxiao sighed.

"Okay, you don't have to be cheap and be good. Do you know how many people would like to be treated like you?"

Qin Lie teased.

He knew that Su Xiaoxiao had many fans now, but he was a little surprised to see her popularity today.

And today her debut movie starts to be released. If there is no accident, when the movie is over, Su Xiaoxiao's fame will definitely catch up with those super first-line celebrities.

"Okay, stop talking, the movie has started, let's watch the movie quickly."

As soon as the movie started, Ye Yuqing interrupted them directly so as not to affect other people's viewing of the movie.

Hearing this, Qin Lie and others all quieted down and watched the movie seriously.

Qin Lie is a man, and he is also a straight man of steel. He actually likes that action movie, and is not very interested in this kind of romance.

But Su Xiaoxiao's "My Girlfriend is Eighteen Years Old" is very well shot, close to reality, sincere emotions, and makes people feel like they are there.

Suddenly, he seemed to have traveled through time and space and returned to the good time when he was in college and fell in love with his first love, Jiang Ruoxuan.

Unfortunately, time is gone, his youth has long been buried, and all that remains is the nostalgia for those good times.

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