Qin Lie didn't care about the killer anymore, and immediately came to Yang Longxing's side.

He first checked Yang Longxing's pulse, and after confirming that Yang Longxing was not dead, he quickly tore off Yang Longxing's clothes.

I saw that Yang Longxing was shot three times in the chest, and blood kept pouring out.

"Quick, bring the gauze over here, and get another needle!"

Qin Lie shouted loudly.

Yang Longxing's confidant next to him hurriedly ran downstairs to get a first aid kit.

Qin Lie quickly took out a hemostatic bandage and made a simple bandage on Yang Longxing, and then blocked the extra acupoints in Yang Longxue's body with a needle.

But this can only be done in a hurry. Yang Longxing has already stepped into the gate of hell with half of his feet and must undergo surgery immediately.

"Take me to the nearest hospital immediately!"

Qin Lie picked up Yang Longxing and commanded loudly.

"Brother lie, come with me."

Yang Longxing's confidant, Ale, quickly began to lead the way.

"Get out of here!"

Seeing that someone was blocking the way, Ale directly kicked the other party aside.

After arriving outside the restaurant, Ale immediately opened the car door.

After Qin Lie got into the car, Ale hurried to the hospital.

In less than five minutes, Ale came to a Chinese hospital, and the boss behind this hospital was actually Yang Longxing.

After seeing that it was Yang Longxing who was injured, the doctors in the hospital immediately pushed him into the emergency room and started the rescue.

"Ale, go back and investigate the identity of the killer now. Be sure to find out who wants to kill Brother Xing."

Qin Lie instructed Ale.

Today's killer is obviously prepared, and he chose to commit suicide after assassinating Yang Longxing, but Las Vegas is so big, as long as the other party leaves any clues, they should be able to find out the real murderer behind the scenes.

"What if I leave here?"

Aleman asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm here, no one can hurt Brother Xing."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

"Okay, Brother Xing will be handed over to you, and I will send other brothers over immediately."

Ale thought for a while, did not stop any more, and left the hospital immediately.

As soon as he left, Zhang Guoyi and others arrived.

"Qin Lie, how is Brother Xing?"

Zhang Guoyi asked worriedly.

"It's still being rescued, and I don't know the specifics."

Qin Lie replied.

"It's all my fault, I didn't protect my big brother, I'm so damn good!"

A confidant of Yang Longxing said with self-blame.

"Damn, don't let me know who did this, or I'll kill his whole family!"

The other man roared with murderous intent.

"Everyone, stop talking, don't disturb the doctor's rescue."

Qin Lie spoke out to appease everyone.

As soon as he said these words, everyone immediately fell silent.

An hour later, the door to the emergency room finally opened.

Seeing the doctor coming out, Yang Longxing's men immediately surrounded him.

"Doctor, how is my brother?"

"We just finished surgery on Brother Xing, but his condition is not optimistic. I don't know if he can survive tonight."

The doctor said with a heavy face.

"What did you say? You fucking have the guts to repeat what you just said!"

"I tell you, if I can't save the big brother, I will let you be buried with you!"

After hearing the doctor's words, Yang Longxing's men immediately became irritable.

"Everyone calm down, even if you kill the doctor, can Brother Xing be able to return to normal?"

Qin Lie looked at the crowd and shouted.

As this year's boxing champion, Qin Lie's words are still very useful. Those who threatened to let the doctor be buried with him immediately calmed down.

"I know you are worried about Brother Xing, but the doctor will definitely try his best to rescue him. What everyone has to do now is to stay calm and not let the anger go to your head."

"You stay, the others go back first, do your job well, and don't give the enemy an opportunity."

Qin Lie then ordered.

Yang Longxing's confidants didn't want to leave, but Qin Lie ordered them to leave, leaving only five people in the end.

Then Qin Lie went to the ward to examine Yang Longxing in person. According to his examination, Yang Longxing was in a really bad situation and was basically on the verge of death.

In order to save his life, Qin Lie used the life-defying Jiuyang needle to stimulate the vitality in his body again.

If Yang Longxing can survive tonight, then he should be fine, if he can't, then they can only deal with him.

At one o'clock in the morning, Ale rushed to the hospital with a group of murderous people.

"Brother Lie, brother righteous, we have found out the identity of the murderer. It's Luo Xiao's person of m12. I'm going to kill Luo Xiao now to avenge brother Xing!"

Ale said with a murderous look on his face.

"Are you sure about the person in the company Luo Xiao?"

Qin Lie asked with a frown.

Although Luo Xiao didn't have a deep friendship with Yang Longxing, he had never heard of any deep hatred between the two. Logically, Luo Xiao couldn't have sent someone to assassinate Yang Longxing.

"I have already checked very clearly, that killer is Luo Xiao's man, I will take my brothers to kill him now!"

Ale replied with certainty.

"Ale, I'll go with you, tonight I'm going to kill Luo Xiao!"

Another confidant of Yang Longxing followed.

Seeing that everyone was about to start, Qin Lie hurriedly stopped and said, "Everyone calm down, I think there is some misunderstanding behind this, so let's wait for me in the hospital, I'll go to Luo Xiao and ask in person."

Qin Lie still knew something about Luo Xiao's person. He really had a hard time believing that Luo Xiao would send someone to kill Yang Longxing, especially in front of him. No matter how he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

"What else is there to ask, Luo Xiao, that dog thief wanted to annex our Longxing Gang for a long time, so he deliberately sent a killer to assassinate Brother Xing while we were partying. Even if I risk my life today, I don't want to. I want to kill Luo Xiao!"

Ale roared with murderous intent.

"If you wait, just wait. No one is allowed to do anything until I come back. Brother Zhang, look at them, I'll be right back."

After saying this, Qin Lie immediately left the hospital.

Half an hour later, Qin Lie arrived at Luo Xiao's castle.

After recognizing Qin Lie, the bodyguard did not stop him.

"Qin Lie, why are you here, what's the matter?"

Luo Xiao, who had just been woken up by the housekeeper, yawned.

"Brother Luo, Yang Longxing was assassinated tonight. You didn't do it, did you?"

Qin Lie looked at Luo Xiao and asked.

"Yang Longxing was killed?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiao was startled suddenly, as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on his head, he instantly woke up.

Seeing Luo Xiao's reaction, Qin Lie was basically certain that this matter had nothing to do with Luo Xiao.

"Yang Longxing is not dead yet, but according to his investigation, the killer who assassinated Yang Longxing was yours, and now the people of the Longxing Gang are clamoring to kill you."

Qin Lie said again.

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