The Deadly Hitwoman: A Lady With Special Abilities

Chapter 1140: There are bullies on the streets

A few people bought it so much that they forgot the time. Start on the whole network, book guest!

At this moment, I suddenly heard a begging for mercy in the distance. It seemed to be the voice of a girl and an old man, a little far away, and it seemed to be crowded with people over there, so it was not very real.

Gradually, many people gathered around.

Han Jing and Xia Wu looked at each other and walked over together.

When I approached, I found out that it was a common scene of robbing people.

The protagonist is a girl who looks seventeen or eighteen years old. She is very beautiful and smart. Several people are constantly tearing to take her away. A rickety figure and gray-haired old man is holding one of them by the leg. They took the girl away.

Listening to the people around, this pair of grandparents and grandchildren raised pearls on this island. This old man has a pair of insights and is very familiar with Yun Lingzhu. Therefore, he has raised a lot of good pearls. People are thinking about it, and don't know how to owe a lot of debts. Now the creditor comes to the door and must use his granddaughter to pay off the debt. Start on the whole network, book guest!

No, this scene happened before me.

Han Jing shook his head. Unexpectedly, in a place like this, where spiritual practitioners gather, there would be such a clichéd drama. So it was obvious that the creditor was interested in the old man’s craftsmanship and wanted Gaining profit for nothing, so it doesn't count as if the method was used to cheat others, and now he plans to take away his granddaughter, so that both the beauty and the treasure will be taken. After all, as long as the girl is held hostage, the old man must be obedient and do things for them.

Sure enough, no matter where you go, there is such a bullying thing.

What's even more ridiculous is that almost half of the people who were watching were spiritual cultivators. Han Jing glanced at it casually, and there were several others who were not low in cultivation, almost Blue Flame level, but so many people watched. So, no one actually stood up to help.

Not to mention those who are also selling beads, for fear that they would not dare to step forward.

This shows that the deceiving family is not small.

Originally, when encountering such things, outsiders like Han Jing, it is not easy to manage, because even now it is useless, after all, if their front feet are gone, those on the back feet will come to the door even more vigorously. Not only are they unable to help, they may also be harmed by their help.

The people around probably understood this truth, so they chose to sit on the sidelines.

But seeing an old man and a little girl being bullied so much, Han Jing couldn't stand it.

What's the matter with this bullying of the old man and a little girl who has no power?

Han Jing pushed aside the crowd and walked over. He shot down the bullying people with two strokes, raised his eyebrows and said: "I want to fight, go and invite your chief, just say that grandma is here waiting for them, anytime By your side! Of course, if you feel tired of life and don’t want to go back to report the letter, I can also kindly send you off now. How about? You choose yourself!"

As soon as Han Jing's voice fell, the few people ran away rolling.

Everyone in this street knows that these bead sellers provoke casually, but the guests on this street can’t provoke them, because no one can guarantee whether they kicked iron or slate. In short, most of them are not. So messy!

So, let's run away!

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