The Deadly Hitwoman: A Lady With Special Abilities

Chapter 924: Xiaoxue did nothing wrong

Su Yu's face was dark, and without a word, he picked up the little blood, glanced at Lianwu in a chill, and then turned away.

If he didn't think he was crippled now, he would definitely crippled him.

Xiaoxue was so carried by Su Yu, and then the collar was carried all the way back to the room.

Lan Ling, who had just watched Youyou come back, was stunned at the scene, and ran over quickly. Han Jing was also surprised. Su Yu had always been so gentle with Xiaoxue. This was the first time he was so rude... …It is really not discounted at all.

Xiaoxue was hung in the air by Suyu's collar after being held in such a way. Of course he was very uncomfortable. Seeing her mother threw herself up, waving her little arm and shouted: "Mother, please help me!"

Han Jing didn't understand what the situation was, and hurriedly stepped forward to take Xiaoxue over. Su Yu took Xiaoxue halfway, but did not continue to hang her, but put her on the ground. Sternly said: "Stand well!"

Xiaoxue straightened up and stood up straight, but his face was still awkward, what's wrong with Dad?

Then she looked at Han Jing and Lan Ling for help. She really didn't know what she had done to make her dad angry!

Han Jing looked at Suyu's face very badly, and knew that it was definitely not a trivial matter, otherwise Suyu would not be angry, but looking at his expression, he was definitely angry. Please remember my URL:

Han Jing squatted forward and asked Xiaoxue softly, "Xiaoxue, tell your mother, what happened?"

Xiaoxue looked dumbfounded right now, so he told the truth. Of course, this "truth" changed a little bit: "I went to Uncle Seventeen and asked him to give me something that can help Brother Lianwu relieve the pain. Pills, and then went back and fed Brother Lianwu to eat, Daddy, Daddy took me out."

Speaking of this, Xiaoxue is also wronged, she is obviously not wrong, why dad is angry with her.

Xiaoxue flattened his mouth, eyes filled with tears, and looked at the cold mirror: "Mother, I really didn't do anything wrong, Xiaoxue didn't do anything wrong..."

The voice of the little girl's grievance changed the feelings of the whole room.

Because they are all in the same yard, they are not far away. Ning Shiqi also saw Su Yu taking the blood out of the lotus mist room. He was worried that it was because of the medicine, so he hurried over and heard Xiaoxue at the door. The voice of blood aggrieved.

Busily opened his mouth to excuse Xiaoxue: "What she said is true. I made her pills. She really did nothing wrong."

Lian Wu recovered from the situation just now, and knew that this matter was a bit big, and he never expected that the little girl would give him medicine, so he would... Then hey, and so accidentally give Su. Yu saw...this, isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

So afraid that Su Yu was really angry with Xiaoxue, he didn't care whether it hurts or not, so he turned over from the bed and ran over. Hearing Ning Shiqi excuse Xiaoxue, he finally understood what was going on. Up.

He felt wrong when he swallowed the medicine, but his mind was blank at the time and he didn't think about anything, but now he knows it. It was this little girl who was worried about him and didn't want to be known by him, so she secretly went to Ning Shiqi, made pills with her own blood, and then went back to feed him.

She looked tangled when she passed, probably thinking about how to let him take the medicine without letting him find out.

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