The Deadly Hitwoman: A Lady With Special Abilities

Chapter 944: It's fate, it's luck

"Then then? What happened?" Han Siqu apologized and changed the subject.

"It's Xue'er." Speaking of An Chuxue, Su Qizheng still has a trace of sadness in his heart. How could such a good girl be murdered into the way she is now? Although she said she was safe in her life for the time being, she was not in a coma. Wake up, how can she really feel better in her heart?

"Xue'er?" Han Siqu was puzzled.

"Yeah," Su sighed and sighed, "Jing'er tried every possible means to convince me that I must believe in Xue'er, she will definitely cure me. I always felt that it was impossible for me. I had already accepted the reality, but I couldn't bear to let Jing'er down, so I finally agreed to give them a try."

"Just like Jinger said, maybe meeting Xueer is fate and destiny. Please remember my website: And I think this may be the greatest good fate I have made in my life. It makes me totally unable to What I believe is that she really cured me. At that time, I felt that my whole life would be worthless. Although I had already let go of those things, but for me, it was tantamount to relieve the deepest heart in my heart. Knot."

Su Xiaozheng suddenly lowered his voice, and opened his mouth somewhat shyly and reservedly: "My husband, in this life, no matter what happens in the future, Jinger and Xueer, they are my closest daughters."

She once lost too much because of her own natural defects, but because she had two such beautiful and beautiful daughters, she regained the whole world.

So no matter what happens in the future, no matter what will happen in this life, the only thing that will not change is that she has two of the best daughters in the world.

"Of course." Han Siqu's voice trembled slightly, he was excited.

At this moment, he wanted to run to Jing'er and Xue'er to say thank you to them, there are really ten thousand and ten thousand, and he can't express his gratitude for a lifetime.

If it weren't for Jinger's help and Xue'er's wonderful hand to rejuvenate, how could she have such a beautiful "comradeship"?

She just called him "Miangong", he was really a little buoyant, wondering if he was dreaming and silly again!

He knew that up to this moment, Su Qizheng had completely let go of the past, and completely let go of the emotions and knots that had suppressed her for many years in the past, and really accepted him, and he was sincerely in it. In my heart, he had this person Han Siqu.

She really belongs to him, she belongs to him completely, human and heart.

Han Siqu hugged Su tightly and shook the kite, buried his head in her hair, and said softly: "Shake, you can be happy, I really rejoice in my heart."

He is sincerely grateful, thank God for the arrangements, thank you Jinger and Xueer for such caring daughters, so that Su Qizheng has a brand new life, and he really walked out of the gloom, began to try and have a new one. life. He couldn't empathize with what kind of torture and torture that Su Zheng had experienced in the past so long, but he knew that she must have never really been happy.

The knot of heart is not resolved, no matter how much happiness is on the surface, it cannot be completely integrated into the heart and be truly released.

It was not so easy for him, so he opened her heart, walked into her heart, and truly had a place in her heart. This is fate, her luck, and even his luck.

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