Ning Shiqi shook his head: "This is not true. Breaking the formation is easy, but it is troublesome. It is no wonder that they will be trapped. The way to break the formation is to find the formation and trap the moving trees. Can find a way out, otherwise it will be the same as walking a maze, the more chaos you go."

Han Jing said in surprise: "What should we do? Shall we go in and find it slowly?"

As long as there is no danger between Lianwu and Xiaoxue, she will be relieved, but what the **** is this lost formation? In such a big place, you can't see the side at a glance, how can you find it?

"No, come with me, I have a way to find the formation eye, as long as we go there and wait, the formation stops, they will naturally go out, and I will take you away again." Ning Shiqi said.

Everyone responded and followed Ning Shiqi into the lost path.

It was the first time that Guan Shining grew up in the Lost Formation. He had only heard of this place before and had passed by, of course, he had never entered. Please remember my URL:

So when he entered the formation, he saw exactly the same scenes around him. All the trees in front of him seemed to be the same. He couldn't tell the difference. He was confused: "Is this really going out? It's amazing. Right?"

He has never seen such a formation before!

Han Jing shook his head: "I also think this is amazing. How can it be the same? If you want to spare your death inside, you can't get out!"

What's even more amazing is that they looked up at the sky, but they couldn't tell where the sun was. They couldn't tell the direction.

Ning Shiqi took out a precision compass. The pointer on the compass was shaking. Ning Shiqi quietly stared at the compass, as if he was calculating something. After a while, his fingers moved on the compass. After a few times, the position of the pointer finally stopped in one direction.

"Go." Ning Shiqi shouted, and followed the direction indicated by the pointer on the compass. As they moved, the pointer was constantly changing. Han Jing couldn't understand them, so they could only follow Ning Shi. Seven walks.

After leaving for about an hour, Ning Shiqicai finally stopped, and the corners of his lips raised slightly: "I found it, this is it."

Everyone was at a loss.

Guan Shining looked around, "Isn't this the same as when I came in?"

He really wondered if they had left after such a long time, did they just stay there?

Ning Shiqi smiled without saying a word, waved a few white lights to entangle a few trees, and then the whole forest, which had been a little rattling, suddenly quieted down.

It was silent as if time had stopped at this moment.

Han Jing and the others couldn't help looking at each other. This, is this incredible? Yes, is it so magical?

At this moment, Lianwu felt that the surroundings became quiet in an instant, and his eyes lit up, and said to Xiaoxue: "We can go out!"

Xiaoxue blinked: "Really?"

They have been in this forest for two days, all she saw were exactly the same trees, and there was no difference.

Well, just like when she was a child, oh, just like the maze she walked in the ghost forest when she was in the ghost domain.

I can't get out no matter how.

Lian Wu didn't reply to Xiaoxue's words, but hugged her quickly in one direction. When he stopped, Xiaoxue said in surprise: "Wow, we are really out! Brother Lianwu , We are out!"

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