The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 987: The End of the Soul Tool Dispute

"Have you really decided this way?"

At the port of Hernocent, Xi Wei looked at the girl in front of him and asked solemnly.

"Yes, I plan to go to sea to find a way to recover Al... When my teacher and I were traveling, I heard that there is another continent on the other side of the sea. There is a completely different civilization there. Maybe there is There’s something I’m looking for.”

Qiu Ke replied firmly, without any hesitation. He seemed to have calmed down completely, and it was not a decision made in a moment of enthusiasm.

As for the method that the girl said could restore Al, to be honest, Xi Wei didn't have much hope.

Although some sailors who suddenly appeared after missing for many years did say that there was another continent across the sea, Xi Wei didn't think they were just talking nonsense. After all, this world is different from the earth. The ground is not spherical, but is supported by the world axis. Fantasy worlds, let alone other continents, even if the internal area is comparable to the continent's demiplane, Xiweiken can definitely find it if he takes the time.

But it is almost impossible to revive a dead soul. The boundary between life and death has already touched the absolute truth. Even Xi Wei, the legendary mage, cannot violate this law that is like the foundation of the world. The continent across the sea has a completely different civilization system from the eastern plains, and it is impossible to violate this natural law.

Of course, it is not completely hopeless. After all, Xi Wei is also responsible for the 'academy system', which is neither scientific nor magical. The ability of the system in a series of events also shows that it will not The simplest evidence that Xi Wei is bound by the absolute truth is that this thing can help Xi Wei resurrect after he kneels in the copy...

Even if we don’t care about whether the system can come up with something to resurrect Al. There are also people in this world who can break the rules unconditionally. There are "artifacts" that exert miraculous effects. There are many good things in myths and legends that can break through even the absolute truth. Maybe Qiu Ke has the aura of the protagonist and can be found by wandering outside for a while?

Anyway, as long as she still has the Return Crystal, she can come back whenever she wants.

It's just that her going out to sea alone still makes Xi Wei a little worried.

"If it doesn't work, can't we go with the teacher? Just like before."

So he suggested.

If Eve also goes with her, she will rely on her extensive knowledge and astute mind. At least Qiu Ke won't suffer.

But Qiu Ke shook his head and rejected Xi Wei's proposal: "No, I traveled with the teacher before, and I found myself subconsciously relying on the teacher at all times, without any sense of crisis. If I continue to travel with the teacher I definitely won’t be able to grow if I travel, so I decided to set off alone this time.”

The sea breeze was strong at this time of year, and it made the girl's little fur coat dance wildly. She lifted up her hair, which was also dancing wildly. He revealed his clear eyes and stared at Xi Wei for a moment.

In the end, Xi Wei gave up first and sighed helplessly.

"I understand, but if you really encounter trouble or danger that cannot be solved, remember to use the Return Crystal directly... If you can't find anything suitable, you can come back and rest for a while. Maybe we will have it in our alchemy workshop by then. If there are any useful things... and don't eat wild vegetables or anything like that. Without the teacher or Al to help you distinguish them, I'm really afraid that you will eat them randomly and eat yourself..."

Before he could finish talking like an old woman. The girl suddenly stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

After a while, she let go and said with a slight blush on her face: "I understand, senior. Remember to apologize to the teacher for me."

At this time, the sails of the merchant ship docked at the port berth were also lowered, which meant that they were about to set off to sea.

So Qiu Ke bowed to Xi Wei, and then like a small animal, he ran onto the ship without giving Xi Wei time to react.

Xi Wei, on the other hand, stood motionless at the port for a long time after the ship set out to sea. Staring at the gradually smaller ship.

"Stupid girl...the teacher has been on that boat a long time ago." Only then did he yawn and then said softly.

Eve only found out yesterday that Qiu Ke planned to go to the rumored continent on the other side without telling her, so she kicked open the door of Xi Wei's room late at night, dragged the surprised Xi Wei to the warehouse, and asked him to help her Enough water and food were all shipped overnight to the ship Qiu Ke booked, intending to follow Qiu Ke quietly and protect her secretly.

Because he had been working as a porter all night for no apparent reason, and because his teacher and school girl decided to cross the ocean and go to the other side of the continent thousands of miles away, Xi Wei's face looked a little gloomy that day. not so good.

This also made the Lord of Hernoson, who was still negotiating with Xi Wei, feel guilty. He felt that maybe his non-violent and non-cooperative attitude had finally made Xi Wei unhappy. Naturally, he was a little uneasy and had no confidence during the negotiation. A few points missing.

Although Xi Wei was also out of state and did not notice this, Raven was not a light-hearted person. She quickly understood the other party's concerns and took advantage of the situation to kill the city lord who used sharp words to retreat. In the end, He could only write a letter in embarrassment to the higher-ups of the Horngorath Empire for instructions.

The court of the Horngorat Empire was in a state of quibbling for a while because of this matter, but in the end, a consensus was quickly reached. Although the empire was not afraid of Xi Wei, it was just trying to cause harm to Xi Wei. It would be just cannon fodder. It would have to turn a few of the empire's elite troops into ashes. Compared with a soul tool of little use like Ten Thousand Skillful Hands, it was really not worth the gain. Instead of doing this, it would be better to simply agree to Xi Wei's request.

Besides, although Xi Wei's behavior style is occasionally strange and domineering, he is not the kind of person who is unfaithful and greedy. His reputation in the King's Council is still good, especially after he solved the assassination organization targeting the King's Council not long ago. Even more so.

The higher-ups in the empire meant that it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to sell favors to Xi Wei.

Xi Wei was not a fool, so he naturally understood this, so he also borrowed Poxia's donkey to let the city lord of Hernocent convey his gratitude to the senior officials of the Horngorat Empire.

In this way, all the remaining soul tools have either fallen into his hands, or are in the hands of people who have a close relationship with him. As time goes by, the title of soul tools will definitely fade out of people's mind. View.

With such a mood, Xi Wei returned to Adric with Raven... (To be continued.)

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