The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 991 The thief in the college

While Xi Wei was talking to the old witch in the Candy House copy, some small accidents were also happening in Adric Academy. √∟,

"Ooooooh!" Kamyu's angry voice came from far away from the alchemy workshop.

Then he ran out with blood-red eyes: "Which bastard stole my orichalcum?!"

Orichalcum, also called Oriha steel, is a rare magic metal that is one level higher than mithril and crimson gold.

In addition to being rare, this metal also has properties that exceed those of most alchemical materials. It is said that most of the 'artifacts' that existed in the mythical era were made of this metal. However, so far, the magicians of the Eastern Plains have We still have no stable way to obtain orichalcum. In fact, most magicians will never see this material in their lifetime.

It is precisely because of this that Orichalcum is also called "Fantasy Metal" or "Illusion Crystal" by magicians in the Eastern Plains. They regard it as a legend and believe that it does not exist in reality.

To use an analogy, compared with other alchemy materials, it is like a beast like a giant dragon, completely incomparable.

Even in Edric's college store, this kind of metal is hard to come by.

It's only available about three days a week (Sylvie: "Strange, I suddenly felt a wave of resentment from other magicians in the eastern plains.")

"As for Orichalcum, wouldn't it be nice to use the credits to exchange for another one?" Although other students avoided the angry Camiyu, Riddle, who had a good relationship with him, suggested when passing by: " I remember it was also available in the store today..."

"It's not a question of whether there is any goods!" Kamyu grabbed Riddle's shoulders and brought his face so close to him that he almost touched it. His face was twisted with anger: "The problem is that I don't have money (credits) )! Orichalcum is super expensive!”

"I know, I know! So stay away from me, it's so disgusting!" Riddle put his hands on the other person's face, trying to push him away.

But Camiyu, who was shedding two lines of tears, obviously hadn't calmed down yet. Subconsciously resisting the push from Riddle's hands.

"...So you two have this kind of relationship?"

At this time, a cold voice came.

Riddle turned around stiffly and saw Dorothy not far away looking at them with disgust.

"Wait, it's not what you think!" Riddle hurriedly explained.

"Don't worry... Although the college's school rules do not allow impure heterosexual intercourse, it does not say that impure homosexual intercourse is prohibited."

The girl sighed greatly: "I wish you happiness..."

"So that's not the case!" Riddle was on the verge of crying.


"Kamiyu, your face is so red!"

In short, after a commotion that almost made Riddle commit suicide to thank the world, Kamyu calmed down. The misunderstanding has been resolved...probably.

"Put the impure ones aside for now. In short, Camiyu, your things were also stolen, right?" Dorothy asked the dejected Camiyu with a solemn expression.

"What do you mean put it aside? Throw it in the trash can and never mention it again!" Riddle said angrily, and then he frowned: "Wait, you said 'yeah'?"

"Besides me, are there any other victims?" Kamyu naturally heard the samadhi in it and asked a little strangely.

"Of course. Right in front of you." Dorothy sighed in frustration: "The specimen I finally made before is missing... That was the specimen of beholder larvae that took me a long time to get the materials."

The beholder is a type of abyssal demon. The orthodox beholder has its own anti-magic stance and can emit dozens of radiation-type spell-like abilities including death gaze and petrification ray. It is undoubtedly a monster at the level of a great demon. .

Due to their anti-magic stance, most magicians have no way to deal with this weird piece of meat that looks like it has dozens of eyes and can float in mid-air.

Even as a larvae, with the existing resources and strength, Dorothy spent a lot of energy to deal with the opponent and turn it into a specimen. It is intended to be submitted as a future assessment assignment for 'Monster Ecology'. This is undoubtedly a masterpiece and can bring her at least an AA-level rating. There are also corresponding bonus points for the final assessment.

But before she could submit it, the specimen disappeared.

Unlike the violent Camiyu, Dorothy was relatively calm. As a member of the college's picket committee, she began to investigate the matter and wanted to catch the culprit.

As a result, no useful clues have been found. I saw two living treasures, Kamyu and Riddle...

"There has never been a thief in Edric. This incident is probably not a coincidence, but was done by the same person."

Dorothy analyzed it.

"But don't you think it's a bit strange?" Riddle also raised his own question: "Leave aside the beholder larvae specimens, Camiyu's Oliha steel is not too rare for us students... Even students with poor grades should be able to afford it as long as they save money and save money for a period of time."

He touched his chin in confusion: "And the school rules stipulate that if you steal, you will definitely be imprisoned, and there will also be a warning... In Edric, the only more serious punishment than a warning is to abandon the magic power and be expelled from the school. . I don’t think ordinary students would take such a big risk for Oliha Steel, right?”

"Perhaps they are peripheral personnel? Centaurs, orc maids, businessmen who have the right to enter the academy," Dorothy tried to answer: "Especially businessmen, you should also know very well how precious Oliha steel is outside, right? ?”

"Does a businessman have the ability to hide from me and your eyes and steal our important things?" Camiyu felt that something was wrong.

"What else is possible?" Dorothy felt that her deduction was not wrong.

While the three of them were arguing about this, Tanis walked over listlessly.

"Guys, something bad happened." When he saw the other three people gathering together, his eyes lit up and he walked quickly to them and said anxiously: "I lost something!"

""what? "" Kamyu and Dorothy asked together, and Riddle also looked at him curiously.

"I spent a lot of money to get the girl's original underwear... Wait, Dorothy, why did you put handcuffs on me? Kami Yuridel, what's the matter with that gentle expression of yours? !”

"...Confinement room No. 4 seems to be still empty." The girl murmured to herself.

"Have a safe journey. I will miss you." Kamyu and Riddle did not hesitate to send blessings to their best friends who were about to leave.


The little fat man wanted to cry but had no tears. (To be continued...)

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