The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 999: Everything is an illusion, you can’t scare me!

There's something not right about the world. ●⌒,

After communicating with Bald Matthew for a period of time, Xiwei confirmed the matter.

Although many things are similar to the original world, there are still some deviations and abnormalities.

The most obvious of which is that the world's main combat profession has changed from magicians who are proficient in the mysteries to knights.

In the original world, there are three types of knights, namely paladins, secret knights and noble knights.

Paladins are high-level clergymen who master divine arts and a considerable degree of physical arts and are recognized by the Pure White Church. The most obvious example is the Templar Knights once led by the Holy Silver Sword Ji Fulei.

The Mystery Knight is a type of magic swordsman who was trained by Qiyao Mage Tower. The main way to get a job is to become a retinue knight of some famous magicians.

If the Paladin and the Mystic Knight are still considered professions, the Honorable Knight is purely a title. As a type of noble, the King's Council will canonize all those who have made a certain degree of merit as noble knights and grant them a small territory as a knight's territory.

In addition, although there are professions with the name of knights such as the Sun Knight and the Thorn Knight, they are not recognized by the three major forces and can only be regarded as nicknames.

However, this world is different. Knights are the right path. On the contrary, magicians only exist in legends. Even alchemists are about to become extinct...

After Xi Wei learned these common senses about the world, he immediately secretly began to examine his current situation.

Basically, magic can still be used, but elemental magic has been weakened to an extremely useless level. It can't even be cast normally without opening the elemental channel. On the contrary, the power of some magic in the void system has not changed, but the consumption of magic is higher than in the original world. Larger and slower to recover.

"...The laws also have a certain degree of deviation, and the laws of this world are also quite complete. It is not easy to invade."

After trying out the legendary ability to touch the law, Xi Wei sighed in frustration.

The combat effectiveness has almost dropped to the level of a great magician... well, this level is enough to defeat most of the existence in the original world. I just don’t know what level it will be in this world.

Because the current information was not complete, Xi Wei temporarily gave up on rushing directly to Edric College in this world, but planned to temporarily follow the alchemist's convoy to see if he could collect more information about this world.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye. In the past two days, Xi Wei had almost established a relationship with everyone in the motorcade, except for the mysterious alchemist who had stayed in the carriage and hadn't come out, so he hadn't even seen him in person yet.

"Lovinia is ahead!"

In just two days, Xi Wei kept using spiritual magic to give hints in order to get closer to each other. Bald Matthew regarded Xi Wei as a good friend. Although he didn't talk about everything, he would not deliberately avoid Xi Wei on many things.

As the wonderful scene gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the bald Matthew shouted excitedly.

But Xi Wei looked surprised.

It is true that Lovinia in the original world was also a magnificent city, but Lovinia in this world is obviously more extraordinary.

The first thing that appeared in front of them was not the magnificent city wall, but a sinkhole as endless as the sea.

Xi Wei stood on the edge of the pit and looked down. Except for the narrow plank roads, there was only endless darkness.

Not only visual inspection, but also Xi Wei's perception was unable to measure how deep the sinkhole was in a short period of time.

"Don't look at it. There will be plenty of time to look down later."

Matthew will still be trying to expand his perception. Silvera, who wanted to explore the depth of the sinkhole, returned to the carriage: "Below Lovinia is one of the legendary thirty-six world axes. A year ago, Miss Sylvie Edric, the youngest titled knight in history, There was a shocking battle with Robert Velen, the leader of the sublime realm, for the Holy Grail of Life. It was during that battle that Robert Velen pulled out the World Axis of Lovinia in order to defeat Miss Sylvie. As a result, she was killed by Miss Xiwei's legendary sword skill "Flying Fairy from Heaven". Later, Miss Xiwei inserted the world axis back into its original place to prevent the continent from falling apart, and moved the city of Lovinia, which almost fell into the sinkhole, to the world Above the axis, it’s just that the parts that had collapsed couldn’t be fully restored. In the end, with the help of Edric Knight Academy’s reconstruction, Lovinia became like this.”

After listening to what Matthew said. Xi Wei felt a little messy.

What the hell is Sylvie Edric? !

Isn’t Robert Velen the funny guy who wants to follow the Eldrazi life form in search of infinite power and immortality? Regardless of the fact that he really gained the power of the Eldrazi to a certain extent in the Mythical Age, in this era Isn't that funny guy so weak that he can no longer maintain the integrity of his soul? How could he have the power to pull out the world axis!

What the hell is Sylvie Edric? !

That legendary swordsman from the sky is a fool again! Is the person in this world actually a cologne fan? Obviously I prefer Jin Yong's novels. If I were to name a legendary sword skill, I would definitely use Dugu Jiu Jiankou Ya! This is also one of the differences caused by the different worlds!

What the hell is Sylvie Edric? !

And I always feel that I am doing better in this world than in the original world. In the original world, although Xi Wei had saved the world several times, not many people knew about it (although those who knew about it were all high-level officials of various forces), unlike this world, which has actually become a popular story. Even Matthew who looks so vulgar knows it!

Sure enough, if you can fight without destroying half the city, you won't be regarded as a superhero!

After complaining crazily in my mind for a long time. Xi Wei finally calmed down.

At this time, the team had already embarked on a wooden plank road.

The plank road was much wider than Xi Wei's visual inspection at the beginning, and it was unexpectedly stable, without any shaky feeling at all.

After walking for about half an hour, a column standing straight from the bottom of the sinkhole appeared in Xi Wei's field of vision, and the majestic city above the column also naturally came into his field of vision.

Compared with the cities in the original world that were full of magical charm, the architecture of the Lovinia city in this world is quite reminiscent of the steam age and has a unique flavor.

Just when they came outside the city, a girl with a pair of wings like an angel, but the wings were crimson, fell from the sky.

"Is this the convoy of the Clockwork Master Alchemist?" Her long hair was also bright red, and it was still fluttering even though there was no wind.

Even though there was still a considerable distance between him and her, Xi Wei could still feel the burning waves coming towards his face.

"Her name is Linya, she is a blood knight with Phoenix blood, a guard of the Lord of Lovinia, and the knight captain of the City Guard Knights." Bald Matthew said to Xi Wei in a low voice.

Xi Wei will also remember at this time that the witch with Phoenix bloodline in Lovinia in the original world seemed to have this name...

It seems that the two worlds are indeed slightly related. (To be continued.)

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