The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1014 The situation on the ground

"Isn't that guy back yet..."

In the hotel, Fleur kept pacing back and forth in the room: "I don't know if he has left Lovinia."

There aren't many people in the hotel now.

In fact, just after the earthquake, the city lord's palace sent personal guards and used alchemy items with amplification effects in the city to ask the people to evacuate Lovinia quickly.

The specific reasons were not explained, except that the earthquake may cause problems with the rock pillars below. It is hoped that people can leave the city through the suspension bridge before the problem is eliminated.

Even the hotel owner, after hearing what the guards said, left the shop, packed some belongings and daily necessities, and left.

From this point of view, the city lord of Lovinia is quite prestigious.

In addition, the city guards also helped maintain order during the evacuation of the people, so the evacuation of the entire city went surprisingly smoothly.

Only one city area had some accidents. Although the city guards had tried their best to block the news, according to the people who escaped there, there were many monsters emerging from the ground in that city area...

Perhaps for ordinary people, this kind of thing may be closer to an urban ghost story, and they may turn around and forget it after hearing it. However, for those who know the inside story, such as Tio and others, I am afraid that this matter cannot be laughed off.

"No, if this continues, even Miss Tio will be in danger. We must leave here!" Fleur finally gritted her teeth.

"Where's that guy?" Tio looked at a pile of semi-finished alchemy items in front of him, frowned, and asked in a tone that seemed emotionless.

However, Fleur knew that if Tio really didn't care about that young man at all, she wouldn't even ask. She was like that when she was in the clock mechanism, and she had an indifferent attitude towards everything except the things she cared about.

"No problem. The neighborhood that fell into the hands of monsters is quite far away from here. That guy probably won't wander to that kind of place."

Fleur tried to comfort Tio: "Now he may have followed the guidance of those city guards and left Lovinia."

The girl lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes covering her eyes so that Fleur couldn't see her gaze. Let out a soft murmur.

“My baked maple pancakes…”

"So that's what you care about?! I can't understand the hearts of girls nowadays!"

Fleur subconsciously complained.

But then she realized that this was probably Tio's way of covering up her shyness.

Oops, does Miss Tio really like that suspicious guy... Although it is not incomprehensible, that guy does have a temperament that makes her subconsciously want to get close to him, but this kind of thing is still not good. Bar? Nothing else to say. Just the old guys in the Clock Agency who want to leave Tio to their heirs to improve their bloodline will not allow this to happen. If it is leaked, that guy will be in serious danger.

Fleur thought with some hesitation.


Tio's voice woke Fleur out of her thoughts: "Do you have any orders, Miss Tio?"

"ready to go."

"Huh? Oh! Got it."

Fleur was stunned, and her face immediately turned serious: "Leave everything to me! I will risk my status as a knight to send you, Miss Tio, out of the city safely!"

"Fule. Are you going to be an alchemist?" Tio asked, tilting her head.

"Huh?" Fleur couldn't understand what the other party meant and made a dull sound.

"Still want to be a chef? However, the food you cook is terrible."


"The singer seems to be very popular recently..."

"Eh heh heh? Why do you have to assume that I will definitely fail?!"

"Because it's Fleur." Although Tio's expression didn't change much, Fleur always felt that she saw the meaning of 'Isn't this natural?' from the other person's face.

"Please give me a little more confidence!"

So she could only say without tears.


"Why do you have to look like 'I'm in trouble'?"

Although the two of them were still noisy, Tio had already held all the semi-finished products that could be used in his arms, and Fleur had also packed up some luggage and carried it on her back.

Then the two of them left the room in perfect agreement. However, because the luggage package was too big, Fleur was stuck at the door for a while...

When the two arrived at the door of the hotel, they saw a little girl holding a parasol squinting her eyes and staring at the hotel's sign. The mouth that showed a little bit of the little tiger teeth was still mumbling something.

"Bell and Orchid... Orchid? The name of this hotel is so strange... Wow, that guy's memory is too vague. There are so many hotels on this street, I don't know which one it is..."

Fleur looked back at the hotel sign and found that the words Suzuli Hotel were written on it in fancy fonts.

Is she a traveler separated from her parents? Judging from his appearance, he seems to be a little younger than Tio.

Fleur secretly guessed the identity of the other party, and at the same time hesitated whether to take him with her.

If she was alone, it wouldn't hurt to bring the other person with her. After all, she was quite confident in her own skills. Even in the Clock Agency, few people could be her opponent.

The problem is that Tio is beside her now. Although there are alchemical equipment such as Valkyrie leg rings. But Tio is not a knight after all, and his physical fitness and reaction speed are definitely not as good as those who have been trained for a long time. If the opponent is an assassin, it will be troublesome.

This is not an alarmist statement. Clockwork agencies with big businesses have many enemies in the eastern plains. There have been precedents in the past where high-level officials of the Clock Agency were assassinated by people disguised as ordinary people.

"Take her with you." But Tio didn't think much about it. She just looked at Fleur steadily and said, "Let's go together."

"But..." Fleur frowned.

"I am very confident in myself."

"Please give me some of that confidence..."

Fleur sighed helplessly and walked forward to talk to the little blue-haired girl.

As a result, when the other party saw her, he immediately seemed to have seen a treasured monster. His eyes were shining and he pointed at Fleur with his finger: "Found it!"

What? ! Is it really an assassin sent by a hostile force?

Fleur was startled. The whole person has entered a state of alert.

But the other party didn't care at all and ran towards them.


Fleur immediately tried to stop the other party, but just when she shouted a word, the ground shook again.

The blue-haired little girl's center of gravity was already unstable due to running, but the sudden earthquake made her fall to the ground with a crash on her face, and then because of the earthquake, her whole body rolled like a can. , knocking down the signboard with 'Today's Recommended Dishes' written outside the hotel with a clang.

How can I put hurts just by looking at it.

But now neither Fleur nor Tio had the intention to look at the blue-haired girl whose eyes were about to turn into mosquito-repellent eyes. Their attention had already been taken away by another thing.

That's a tree.

A giant tree that seemed to be made of flesh and blood and looked extremely twisted and disgusting.

The tree was quite far away from the block where they were, but because of its huge posture and the astounding smell, it always gave people the illusion that the other person was right in front of them.

"Then, what is that?!" Even though she was running around on the clock mechanism's mission, covering most of the eastern plains, it was the first time for Fleur, who prided herself on being well-informed, to see such an ugly creature. , its mere existence can make all sane people feel uncomfortable: "Is it a monster? Just kidding..."

It wouldn't be a big deal if it was just the existence itself that was disgusting, but the oppressive feeling coming from the twisted object and the presence that was hard to ignore no matter what, kept touching Fleur's alert nerves and made her scalp While feeling numb, he kept telling her that the twisted thing was not an easy existence to deal with.

"This creature does not exist in the monster documents in the agency."

Even Tio showed a rare expression of surprise, and she subconsciously hugged the half-finished products in her arms tighter.

The next moment, densely packed spider-shaped monsters climbed down from the twisted thing like a giant tree, as if they were going to cover the entire Lovinia... (To be continued.)

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