The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1016...Double Eleven is such a sad holiday (Yuanmu

"Fleur, please. ∈↗,"

Seeing the overwhelming spider-shaped Eldrazi coming at them, Tio thought for a moment, pressed her white neck against the thing in her arms, freed up her right hand and patted Fleur on the shoulder: "Hit them handsomely."

"No, no, no, don't say such impossible things! With so many enemies, even I can't kill them all in one go!"

Fleur, who was still shocked by those monsters, immediately came to her senses and drew out the long sword from her waist.

"Spiritual Equipment Liberation - The Sword of Rotating Victory!"

The sword, which had a relatively ordinary appearance at first, began to be gradually engulfed in light under the girl's declaration, and then gradually revealed its original appearance.

The two swords are engraved with mysterious runes. The golden metal that symbolizes sunshine covers almost half of the sword body, and the sword is wrapped in a sun-shaped hollow cage.

Just by looking at it, you can feel a sense of nobility.

"Oh, is this the legendary spiritual armor? It is indeed the 'spiritual armor knight', a kind of knight unique to humans!"

The little vampire Sharanlia on the side opened her eyes wide and looked at the sword in Fleur's hand with great interest.

If it were in the comics, there must be little stars in her eyes now.

The spirit knight is one of the eight types of knights that can be employed by humans, and is also the only type of knight that is exclusive to humans.

It is said that in ancient times, the ancestors of human beings were inferior to foreign races in all aspects such as innate physique and abilities, so they simply found a new way to invent a profession.

Through countless experiments, they succeeded in removing the soul from the human body through a ritual called "extraction surgery" while the human being was still alive. Then, they used part of the remaining soul as raw material to forge special weapons and then used the remaining soul to Put it back into your body.

Human beings have almost unlimited potential, so the soul as the center of life also has amazing power. Using this raw material to forge weapons is a small way to more easily utilize this part of the power.

This kind of weapon is called a spiritual equipment, and it will continue to upgrade with the battle, and the strength of the original owner of the soul, that is, the user of the spiritual equipment, will also increase accordingly. This is the so-called 'shortcut', and those who use this power are called spirit knights.

But this convenient power does not come without a price. Once a person's body cannot bear the upgrade of spiritual equipment. His will will be swallowed up by the spiritual equipment, and he will eventually become an irrational monster.

However, there is no limit to the improvement of spiritual equipment. Every time it is released, it is equivalent to the user taking a step towards the abyss of death. Therefore, in the 'Prayer Knight', 'Natural Knight', 'Fighting Weapon Knight' and other other safe, and not After the emergence of weak knights, the number of inaugurated spiritual knights was greatly reduced.

Almost all of mankind's oldest heroes spread in vampire mythology are spirit knights, so it is normal for Sharanlia, who has never seen a spirit knight, to be interested.

However, Fleur's spiritual outfit did not welcome her when her fingertips touched the Sword of Rotating Victory. Golden light bloomed from the sword.

"Oh, it hurts!" Shalan took a few steps back in a panic, but there were already burnt marks on her fingertips.

This is normal. The Sword of Rotating Victory itself is the Sword of the Sun. When the sun appears, it can provide the sword holder with endless physical strength and also repel most of the dark creatures. As the most favored race of the King of Night. Vampires are naturally within its exclusion category.

Rather, the sun itself is the mortal enemy of vampires... You can tell from the fact that the vampire has been holding a parasol since she was a child.

"You will be rejected by the Sword of Rotating Victory... You are really not a good person!" Fleur looked at Shallan with eyes full of scrutiny and hostility.

"What? It was obviously a sudden attack. Your spiritual equipment is not good! It's just a sword. It's still so strong!" Shalan said not to be outdone.

"...It's not good to argue." Tio said slowly on the side.

Then the two of them also remembered that now seemed not to be the time to quarrel.

Even if Fleur frees the spiritual equipment, she won't have much advantage in fighting so many monsters, not to mention she has to protect Tio.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Dividing line

"Is it an attack from the upper Eldrazi? No, this feeling is..."

Xi Wei closed his eyes and felt the commotion coming from below the barrier in his heart, and then suddenly opened his eyes: "The space is misaligned! These Eldrazi are trying to destroy the world axis. They can do such a thing. ?!"

As the world axis supporting the entire crust of the main material plane, there is no doubt about its hardness, but this does not mean that it cannot be destroyed.

Rather, after reaching a certain level of magical literacy, there are many ways to destroy the world axis, but these methods are more or less troublesome to implement.

For example, like the past emperor in the magical world. By sealing the world axis into someone's body with a powerful enough sealing technique, and then killing that person together, the world axis can be destroyed.

But now the Eldrazi are using a simpler and more crude method. They are using beings from another plane to hit the main material plane, trying to destroy the world axis through the mysterious coverage law and disintegration effect between planes. .

To be honest, Xi Wei couldn't help but start to wonder what the purpose of these guys was by doing this to destroy the world axis.

Although he had encountered the Eldrazi several times in the magical world, almost all the Eldrazi that Xi Wei met at that time had no clear purpose. They just followed their nature and wanted to destroy everything in the world. They were not like this one. The Eldrazi in this world have a clear goal of destroying the world axis.

If the purpose of the Eldrazi in this world is only to destroy the world, then they might as well hit the surface of the continent with the plane captured by them. The collapse of the surface caused by this will definitely cause more damage than just breaking a world. The shaft needs to be bigger.

"It's a pity that what the guy just said was only half of what he said, otherwise she might have some understanding of the Eldrazi's purpose..."

Not knowing the exact purpose of the enemy, I felt like I was at a loss no matter what I wanted to do.

Probably due to the fierce fighting on the ground, the sewer was constantly shaking, and stone chips and heavy dust fell from time to time, making Xi Wei miserable. In fact, if Xi Wei hadn't supported the sewer by setting up redundant small barriers below, this historic sewer would have started to collapse long ago.

Not long after, the sound of fighting above finally began to subside (to be continued...)

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