The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1019 Rainbow Ceremony

Xi Wei felt that he seemed to have been having bad luck recently.

First, the college was inexplicably attacked by the Eldrazi, and then when he was fighting against the Eldrazi, he was accidentally bombed to a place that seemed to be a parallel world. Now he finally tried to pretend to be cool, but he bumped into the Ordrazi of the attack head-on. Zachiri is the strongest one... Judging from the current situation, he still has to fight it head-on.

Kou Hu, I have the guts to wait until I regain my legendary level of strength before I can fight Kou Hu!

The Eldrazi, which was large enough to be described as terrifying, smashed through Xiwei's barrier with his head, and with the force of his arms, he rose rapidly from bottom to top like a subway.

Everything along the way was destroyed by the aura of destruction around it. Even some rare magic alloys could resist the aura of destruction. The moment they touched the opponent's body, they were like ice candles falling into lava. In an instant, it was swallowed up by Eldraq's devouring power.

There is one exception.

Xi Wei worked hard to maintain his own mystery and existence to resist Eldrachi's near-law-level devouring ability.

Fortunately, he was still standing on the path that the pie-faced Eldrazi must pass, so with the appearance of Eldrazi, he was also taken out of the surface in embarrassment.

"Those girls... haven't escaped yet!" After struggling, he also spotted Tio and his group of people looking at them with their mouths open from the corner of his eye.

Suddenly, Xi Wei felt something bad in his heart.

If Tio and the others had already left, he wouldn't have any worries about fighting or escaping, but now he was in trouble.

If you want to fight, you have to be careful not to affect them. If you want to escape, you have to take them with you.

reason? Just the fact that these girls are probably allotropes of the ones in their academy is enough.

At this time, several missiles hit Ozaki, causing a violent explosion.

"Holy shit! There are actually missiles?!" Xi Wei was surprised at first that there were such high-tech gadgets in this world, but when he saw that the missiles were launched from Xi Wei's Gundam, he was immediately disappointed. What an interest.

"Isn't your Gundam equipped with the AT force field λ-D Sunver Moonlight Butterfly or something like that? How can conventional weapons defeat this big guy?"

"How can I create that kind of black technology!" Xi Wei's voice disappeared in the howling wind, but Xi Wei still keenly captured it.

I feel that building a Gundam in an era with a background similar to the Western Middle Ages is enough of a black technology...

Xi Wei complained in his mind. While thinking hard about the current way to break the situation.

The effect of the missile on Eldraqi was just as Xi Wei had guessed. It had almost no effect except creating a burst of gunpowder smoke. Against the backdrop of the cloud-like gunpowder smoke, Eldraqi's own hill-like body looked even larger.

And Xi Wei knew it very well. This is only half of the opponent's body, because there is still half of the body still underground. From his own angle, he can even see many octopus tentacle-like organs slowly wriggling out from the underground cracks. This is this head Some whiskers on the lower body of the Eldrazi.

Although compared with the Eldraq body, the tentacles that have climbed ashore are much smaller, but compared to humans. Tentacles of that level are enough to destroy an ordinary house. Even if it's just the unconscious reflex action of the tentacles, its power can be compared with the full power attack of Eldrazi in stage i.

"No matter! Since the elemental magic can't be used..." Xi Wei took the stick in his hand not so much for its beneficial effect, but actually just to use it as a crutch to prevent himself from falling. It was so precious that he threw it into the black market of the original world. The staff that could cause a bloody storm was inserted into the gap in the shell of Eldraqi's face, and then he clasped his hands together and let out a clear applause: "Then just use the sealing technique!"

As soon as he finished speaking, seven pillars that were no less than Eldraqi's height and showed seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple fell from around Eldraqi. Then a thin light curtain appeared between the pillars, immediately forming a huge cage, trapping Eldrazi inside.

"No... It's impossible for such a thin seal to seal the IV stage!" Xi Wei's voice came from afar. But Xi Wei no longer cared to listen. The sealing wall barrier, which was not very strong, was quickly established under his control.

However, the next moment, Ozhaqi's thick arm swung hard and hit the seal wall. Suddenly, the wall was like wet rice paper, which was broken by a poke.

The seven colorful totem poles also collapsed.

But all this was expected by Xi Wei

"Rainbow Ceremony. The world is cut off!"

This sealing style originated from the totem spell-like ability of the orc shaman. After studying the totems of the orcs, Xi Wei imitated those things and made seven pillars of the rainbow bridge.

According to legend, humans once could go to heaven to communicate with the gods at will, and the bridge between heaven and earth was the rainbow bridge.

Later, the gods began to hate and reject humans for some reasons, and cut off the Rainbow Bridge after releasing many sufferings such as birth, old age, sickness, and death. Completely separated the world of gods and humans. As a result, communication between humans and the divine world was completely severed.

Xi Wei believed that this legend was just compiled by predecessors, because his research on the one-winged angel that resided on Fleur's body made Xi Wei know that creatures in the divine world and humans are basically two systems. Just like humans would not regard pebbles on the roadside as creatures of the same level as themselves, unless there is a catalyst of the same level as the Sword of Rotating Victory. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for divine creatures and humans to recognize each other, let alone communicate with each other...

But somehow, this myth contains a considerable degree of mystery. That's why Xi Wei created the Pillars of the Rainbow Bridge to apply this myth.

The initial siege was just a show-off. Only when the pillars of the Rainbow Bridge collapsed, the sealing style would be officially launched. At this time, the target would be mapped to the 'human world'. The outside world means the 'God Realm', and the seven pillars representing the Rainbow Bridge will collapse, and the connection between the 'human world' and the 'God Realm' will be completely severed!

This is the true effect of this sealing magic.

Countless runes covered Eldrazi's body in an instant, and no matter how hard it struggled, it never faded away. In just half a minute, the super giant Eldrazi was completely wrapped in runes like a bug in a cocoon. stand up.

"A sealing technique that I have never seen before... No, was the seal successful before this?" Sylvie looked at the Eldraq cocoon, her eyes full of hope. After all, if there was going to be a fight, she would not be able to hold on. of confidence.

Xi Wei jumped down from the 'cocoon' and landed on Gundam's palm.

He looked solemn: "Failed... This guy is stronger than I thought."

No, it should be that I have been weakened by this world more than I imagined! (~^~)

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