The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1021 Survivor Rescue (Part 2)

The operation to rescue the survivors went smoothly, especially after Xi Wei discovered Sylvia and her retinue Donald in a certain ruins, who had been students of Edric College in the original world.

After a short conversation, after discovering that even in this world, they were still Edric's students, Xiwei simply took the name of Xiwei, the allotrope that seemed to be him in this world, and asked them to help those people together. The survivors retreat.

After all, although Xiwei's powerful perception can find those survivors who are hiding, if he is the only one, he still cannot organize the evacuation of a large number of people well.

In another world, Sylvia and Donald were known for their astonishing mobility among the students. Not counting the students in the black class and the four monitors, they probably had the richest experience.

Although people's personalities in this world may be different from the original world. For example, Fleur, who was serious and rigid in the original world, turned into a funny person in this world. Well, although she had a little bit of this tendency even in the original world, but now Xi Wei couldn't care so much anymore.

Fortunately, the two little guys did not live up to Xi Wei's expectations. They found a few more prestigious people among the survivors and successfully organized an evacuation team.

The only bad thing now is the way to retreat.

"There were originally sixteen suspended trestles connecting Lovinia to the outside. Three of them were originally under repair, and when the earth collapsed just now, six more were broken due to this. So there are only seven left that can be used. seat……"

Sylwen walked beside Xi Wei. He told Xi Wei, who was eating bread to replenish his strength, with the information just fed back: "But to be honest, the condition of the seven bridges is not that good. We can't even ensure that it can allow everyone to survive safely. Not collapse..."

After stuffing the dry bread into his mouth, chewing it twice and swallowing it, Xi Wei took out his pocket watch and looked at it: "Your dean should be praying now. There are only ten minutes left in the battle, and now I only care about whether the seven bridges are enough for everyone to cross within ten minutes?"

Although he didn't understand what the prayer meant, it didn't prevent Xi Wei from understanding it as a combination of extremely long chanting and ritual.

"Unfortunately, this is impossible." Sylvia said decisively: "Just ten minutes is not enough time for everyone to leave... To be honest, we can get those people to gather on the trestle in less than half an hour. It’s almost a miracle nearby.”

"Okay, in that case, let me ask one more question," Xi Wei rubbed his temples with a headache: "How many trestles are needed to ensure everyone's evacuation?"

"If we can ensure full transportation capacity, we need ten seats." The girl said decisively: "No more."

"Is there still three seats left? In that case, it should be no problem, well, probably..."

Xi Wei sighed, and then continued: "Let all those who have no time to retreat gather in the largest cliff-side square in the east."

"Eh? But I remember that all the trestles on the east side have collapsed..." Sylvia asked doubtfully.

"It doesn't matter, if there is no bridge. We can build it ourselves."

Xi Wei opened his palm, and above it, a translucent, jelly-like thing was surging.

In this world where there is no magic and it is difficult to access the concept of magic, not many people may know this thing, but in the original world. This is only the knowledge of the second year of magic academy.

Overhead element ether.

That's right. Through Xi Wei's experiment, even if it is impossible to communicate smoothly with ordinary magical elements in this world, if it is ether, it is not within the scope of this restriction.

The efficiency of Sylwen and the others is astonishing, and with the existence of something similar to a walkie-talkie made by alchemy, it is much more convenient to move separately.

But even so, it was already five minutes after all the people who needed to be evacuated were gathered in the east square.

Xi Wei even saw expressions of fear, anger and resentment on the faces of some people in the square. I'm afraid these people didn't believe there was a way to leave Lovinia, and thought they would die here if they were fooled.

Fortunately, there are still a few knights in the square, who are quite a deterrent to those who want to cause trouble.

Those regular knights learned that Sylvia was a knight from Edric. I had some confidence in her words, so there was no commotion.

"Sorry to trouble you." Sylwen nodded to Xi Wei, who had already arrived here.

In fact, the girl also felt very strange, why she would trust this person so much that she had just met for the first time. Even though the other person had always acted in the name of the dean, he had no token or academy-specific authority to prove this.

Is it just because the other party saved him? In the end, Sylvia could only blame this inexplicable trust on this.

Xi Wei nodded when he heard the words, and the magic power in his body was already pouring out.

Five trestles that seemed to be made of colored glaze appeared out of thin air. They were a little blurry and illusory at first, but they soon stabilized and finally solidified.

But the translucent appearance really made people feel uneasy. After Xiwei put up the bridge, no one dared to walk for a while.

In the end, it was Sylvia and Donald who set an example and took the lead in crossing the trestle. Only then did the survivors put aside their worries and ran up, hoping to leave this troubled city as soon as possible.

"Huh, even if you can create ether, it's still a bit difficult in this world without magic... Although there is still some magic left, most of it is used to build the ether bridge. The seal will probably decline soon..."

But the agreed half hour is almost here, so it’s not a big problem.

After watching the last person leave, Xi Wei sighed and turned around: "Aren't you leaving?"

"We think it's necessary to see how scary that monster that even Sylvie is troubled by is." The little vampire Shalan said with an amazing look on her face: "It would be better if we could see her scared look. This way Come, we will have something to laugh at her from now on!"

"Don't risk your life for something like this..."

Just then, the color of the sky changed.

The originally thick clouds turned into strange crimson swirling clouds, as if something was about to erupt from the vortex.

Xi Wei raised his head involuntarily, and then his face changed slightly.

"Fuck! This breath..." (To be continued.)

ps: Well, actually, we wanted to update this chapter the day before yesterday...but I suddenly had a fever and was bedridden for two days. I just happened to have some messy things again, so I only have time to type now... Anyway, I'm really sorry for updating so late.

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