The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1029: Does your system not provide return service...

The bottomless sinkhole isolates Lovinia from the outside world, especially now that most of the trestles have been broken, this isolation is even more complete. Lewen Novels|

Donald is now hiding in a residential house with less than half of it left. He is panting rapidly, which is the aftermath of running desperately. His back is pressed against the broken wall of the ruins through the leather armor, regardless of this posture. How uncomfortable it was, I just tried my best to hide my body behind the wall.

He was now extremely glad that Sylvia had not followed him.

He originally thought that after the two shocking monsters were defeated by Dean Xi Wei (most witnesses thought so), the ruins of Lovinia would be less dangerous, but he did not expect that after arriving here with the search team, he Only to find that the ruins of the city have become more dangerous than before.

As a search team, he is naturally not alone, but almost all his teammates in the same team are dead, and the remaining few people were scattered after being attacked by a giant ant-like monster with a human face.

"The situation is not good..."

He muttered in a voice that only he could hear.

Although his strength is among the lowest in the Edric Knight Academy, as a knight's retinue, he traveled around the world with Sylvia, a practical person, and experienced various adventures. Donald still has a vision for himself. Must be confident.

Although the monsters that had just attacked them along the way had different shapes, they all had a strange feeling about them. No matter how different their appearance was, Donald was sure that these monsters were the same as the spider-like monsters that appeared during the previous battle. They are the same kind of creature.

"What on earth are these things!"

The round Moon of Tranquility reached mid-air, and the light blue moonlight cast a mysterious color on the whole world. Donald suddenly remembered that today was the full moon day of the Moon of Tranquility.

Unfortunately, the screams and the explosions and roars caused by the battle from time to time made the current situation completely different from the atmosphere when admiring the moon.

While Donald was still thinking wildly, he suddenly shuddered.

An indescribable terror emerged from the depths of his heart, gripping his heart tightly, making his rapidly beating heart seem to suddenly stop. The pain inevitably filled his chest, making him even Some difficulty breathing.

Cold sweat broke out from his forehead. Even though he tried his best to control himself, his body still trembled involuntarily, and the precious enchanted sword in his hand could not bring him even the slightest sense of security.

Boom... boom...

Regular dull sounds came from the original street behind him.

He had heard this sound before - the heavy sound of the human-faced ant that was much larger than an elephant walking. It was probably because there was so much noise when moving that it lurked underground in the first place. When the group of people reached the top, they suddenly opened their mouths and jumped out from the ground, swallowing several explorers who could not react!

He was sure that this monster had chased several other explorers before, but he didn't expect it to come here so quickly.

Did those members successfully escape? Judging from the clumsy appearance of this guy, it shouldn't be moving very fast.

Thinking of this, Donald relaxed a little. It was only then that he realized that the hand holding the sword was full of sweat and felt a little slippery.

Fortunately, the hilt of the alchemy long sword is tied with the skin of a shark lizard. It absorbs sweat well and should not slip.

Taking a deep breath, he slightly poked his head out from behind the wall that served as a bunker, and looked at the huge monster.

This monster is so big that it fills the entire street. Although it cannot be compared with the two monsters that ravaged Lovinia before, it is also unmatched by Donald.

It has six weird long legs and a black exoskeleton on its body. But you can still see the tangled pink muscles under the carapace, and a human face grows out of place where the head should be. The whole combination looks extremely weird.

At this time, the monster was chewing something in its mouth, and bright red saliva kept dripping from the corners of its mouth.

The strong smell of blood immediately paralyzed Donald's sense of smell, causing him to frown involuntarily: How many people must he eat for his body to smell like blood?

Perhaps because it felt that the food in its mouth was too difficult to chew, the monster suddenly stopped and then spit out all the food in its mouth.

Those were several heads, and because of the angle, Donald could even clearly see the expressions on those heads.

Horror, fear, disbelief and madness.

Most importantly, the original owners of these heads. Donald knew them all, and they were the ones who escaped.

Are you kidding me? None of those guys could escape!

Donald's eyes widened involuntarily, and he couldn't tell whether he was feeling sad or something. At this moment, the monster's head suddenly turned to where he was hiding.

Donald instinctively said, 'No! ’ thought. The whole person jumped forward and fell to the ground.

Although the action was not pretty, it saved his life.

Almost at the same moment, the monster shook its head, and a bright red whip shadow flashed past, and then all the walls, doors, windows, and some messy things were swept away. Everything was broken into two pieces in the middle! Its power is far greater than ordinary attacks.

It was only when Donald raised his head tremblingly in the ruins that he realized that the tender red whip shadow was actually the monster's tongue!

However, now is not the time to breathe a sigh of relief. After the bunker was cut off by the opponent's tongue whip, Donald's figure was exposed in front of the monster's eyes.

Run away? To fight?

Two thoughts flashed through his mind.

With almost no time to hesitate, Donald chose the latter, raised his sword, and mustered up the courage to confront the opponent.

If you run away, no matter how fast you run, you won't be able to dodge its tongue whip. At most, the wound on your chest will turn into a wound on your back... provided that you can survive after being hit.

In contrast, even if you fight, you will die, at least you will die with a little bit of backbone.

The monster neighed and rushed towards Donald. Its movements were so fast that Donald couldn't react at all. He just felt that he could see the sarcasm in its eyes.

At this speed, even just a collision can knock him into a meat pie, right?

Just when Donald gave up hope, a hand stretched out from the side and forcibly dragged him away from the collision range of the monster.

"Don't your system provide homecoming crystals?" Xi Wei asked the girl beside him while dragging Donald back.

"What is that?" the girl asked.

"It's similar to a town return scroll."

"...Coach, I want to change the system." (To be continued.)


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