The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1032 One-eyed is also cute...probably

With the help of a strange thing like ouroboros rope, the two of them descended into the shaft smoothly.

The depth of the shaft was about five hundred meters, but after the shaft wall disappeared, the surrounding space suddenly became empty, and what appeared in front of them was a huge wall with countless runes and spiral patterns.

Xi Wei's perception told him that the wall in front of him still had a slight curvature.

He raised his eyebrows in confusion, vaguely guessing something.

Before he could speak, Sylvie spoke first.

"This is the world axis. It seems we have arrived at the sinkhole below Lovinia."

The girl pulled on the rope that was still slowly descending and said with great certainty.

"Oh? Have you been here before?" Although Xi Wei thought so too, he still asked out of habit.

"No," the girl proudly raised her chest and pointed at the huge cylindrical wall in front of her. "But I inserted this thing here. Of course I recognize it!"


Speaking of which, this guy is indeed a legend in this world.

"Don't be stunned, try to see if you can sense Tio's breath now."

The strong wind roared in the sinkhole, causing the two of them to sway like a pendulum. Apparently Xi Wei was fed up with the current situation and couldn't help but urge.

"It's just a little bit down there."

The strong wind swept past, and the light breath had long been blown away. Xi Wei had to open his left eye, and through the effect of the root magic eye, he determined that Tio and the others had passed here not long ago.

But because of this, dark red blood tears welled up in his left eye, but as soon as the blood tears flowed out of his eyes, they were burned up by the blue flames, which looked a bit weird.

Although it can't be seen from the outside, Xi Wei's left eye is actually blind due to the backlash due to the forced interruption of deciphering the truth of the world.

Xi Wei, who was below, didn't notice this and was still muttering to herself: "It's a pity that my freedom of attack is left above... I wonder if I can randomly channel a flying creature here to make a forced contract..."

"Although I don't know the principle of channeling, if possible, I think it's better not to act rashly."

Xi Wei endured the soreness and dry pain coming from his left eye, and patiently advised: "This space is now filled with unstable energy structures. I am completely different from this energy structure, and we have nothing to do with it. The magic eye is fine, but if it were the power you used to drive the 'prayer', it would definitely break the extremely fragile balance here and detonate all the energy structures."

"Is this going to be bad?" The girl swallowed and asked cautiously.

"It's not too bad. We are probably equivalent to Big Ivan who will take about three shots at zero distance."

"This is already bad, okay!"

Xi Wei's surprised voice came over immediately.

"Don't worry, wait until then..." Xi Wei continued calmly.

"How was it then?" the girl asked curiously.

"I will escape directly into the subspace, so don't worry about me." His old god replied on the ground.

"I'll be worried about myself! Why don't you give me a hand if you can hide in the subspace!"

"Nie, complain! Sure enough, you are the one who complains!"

"Oops. I accidentally...ah, no, now is not the time to discuss who is the complainer!"

"I think this is very important." Xi Wei teased seriously.

"Ah, that's enough! I'm angry, please don't talk to me for thirty seconds!"

"The time for anger is so short!"

The voices of the two people gradually moved down as the rope was lengthened.

After a while, Xi Wei suddenly stopped his useless conversation with the girl.


Xi Wei was a little strange at first, but after looking down, she couldn't help but stop talking.

There are things like tree roots wrapped around the outside of the world axis below, but judging from the breath, they are not the roots of any plant, but an out-and-out unknown Eldrazi!

"Judging from the strength of the aura, it should only be stage III, but with this body type..."

Xi Wei muttered secretly.

The World Axis is so huge that if you stand in front of it, you will even have the illusion of standing in front of a wall. You can't tell that it is cylindrical at all.

After all, the entire city of Lovinia was built on this world axis, so it is not unexpected that it would be so huge.

And Xiwei could not even imagine how big the Eldrazi must be, like a creeper that could wrap around such a world axis and wrap it up layer by layer.

Taking into account the self-healing ability of Eldraq, it is really difficult to destroy such a huge guy with one blow.

"We found Tio and the others!"

At this time, Xi Wei suddenly reached out and pointed to somewhere on the world axis and whispered.

Xi Wei followed her finger and found a small hole on the outer wall of the world axis there.

Small holes like this are not uncommon. However, most of them are just small grooves and cannot lead to the inside of the world axis. But at this moment, through his own perception ability, Xi Wei can clearly detect that the place Xi Wei pointed out is a complete passage that can lead to the inside of the world axis!

"Why are you so sure they walked through that passage?"

Xi Wei asked equally softly.

He didn't want to attract the attention of those tentacles. Even if they are not afraid, fighting with the opponent will consume a lot of their energy, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

"There is a piece of rag hanging at the entrance of the hole." Xi Wei tried to answer in Xi Wei's ear, but unfortunately the rope was shaking more and more, which completely failed her plan: "I can smell Miss Tio's scent on it. .”


So is it really the dragon clan you are contracting with?

But Xi Wei also confirmed again the purpose of Tio and Fleur coming here.

The central part of the world axis of Lovinia has been affected by the destruction of Eldrazi and the collapse of Lovinia, and has become distorted or skewed, so before the Eldrazi attack. Tio and Xi Wei worked together to develop an alchemical product that could repair and replace the center of the world axis to a certain extent.

It seems that Tio and the others had already made up their mind to go to the center of the World Axis to repair the World Axis when they first joined the search team.

I just didn't expect that there were so many Eldrazi left, and I didn't know what happened to them now.

Xi Wei didn't say much, he just controlled the Ouroboros rope to accelerate their descent, and used the inertia of the swing to allow them to descend quickly to the entrance of the cave.

"Are you going to block the entrance of the cave?" Sylvie asked warily as she looked at the root-shaped Eldraqi not far from the entrance of the cave.

"No need. If we block it, it will be detrimental to our retreat."

Xi Wei shook his head: "The most important thing now is to find Tio and the others before Eldrachi." (To be continued.)

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