The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1034 It’s time to show off!

The fact that the body of the World Axis is actually a living thing (although it is not clear whether it is a plant or an animal) is obviously beyond Tio's expectation. ▲∴,

The remedial device she and Xi Wei worked together to create was based on the alchemy mechanism structure that was equivalent to the buffer zone on the world axis and under Lovinia.

This resulted in the remedial device that had high hopes being unable to play its due role.

"Actually, that device still has some effects," Xi Wei, who is also one of the makers of that device, naturally has a certain understanding of that thing. In addition, the only remaining eye is fully operating the root magic eye, analyzing There are many relationships between the essence and truth of this world, and he naturally has a deeper understanding of the alchemy technology of this world: "It's just that the role it can play can only replace 'a certain section' of the world axis to support it. In other aspects, At once……"

That's right, according to his current understanding and speculation, the world axis is not a simple 'one-piece' organism, but a tower-shaped organism composed of countless cylindrical segments stacked up. These tower-shaped organisms parasitize each other, and finally become symbiotic. A whole.

This can also explain why there are floors and ceilings where Xiwei and the others are now. You must know that this place is far from the bottom and top of the world axis, and it is not at the center of the world axis.

To put it bluntly, the remedial device created by Tio only uses the power of prayers and the concept of spiritual equipment to create a pillar with the attribute of "indestructible" in the center of the world axis, and at the same time build a circle of crystal walls with the same ability around the periphery. This is an emergency.

If the world axis was just an ordinary object, there would be no problem in doing so, but now the world axis is a living thing, which makes the use of the remedial device very difficult.

If a certain section of the world axis is destroyed and replaced with a recovery device. There is naturally no big problem in terms of support, but it is undoubtedly a disaster for the creatures in other layers of the world axis because they are symbiotic, and the 'blood' and some other 'living substances' used to sustain life are shared. Yes, if one section is replaced with a remedial device that has no delivery capability, it is equivalent to putting an oak stopper in a person's main blood vessel. There is no need to say more about the consequences of this.

"Other world axes will become necrotic because blood and other vitamins cannot flow...right?"

Xi Wei also quickly understood the current situation. Her eyes widened, a little surprised.

"Hey, the world axis hasn't been breached by those monsters yet, so there's no need to be so pessimistic, right?" Fleur on the side couldn't stand it anymore. Although her face was full of uneasiness, she tried to cheer up and asked everyone: " Maybe we won’t need to use any recovery equipment until the end of the battle?”

As if to refute her words, there was a sudden violent tremor on the ground. Except for Xi Wei, who had an excellent sense of balance, everyone else fell to the ground.

"Aha, I finally found a place where I'm stronger than you!" The strongest knight girl in history pointed at Xi Wei who was lying on the ground and gloated.

"Is now the time to say such things?!" Xi Wei got up from the ground. said angrily.

What's wrong with a magician having a weaker sense of balance than a knight?

"I feel the world axis is has been injured." Tio had wiped away her tears and returned to her previous expressionless state.

"Well, not only are you excellent at alchemy, but you can also sense the emotions of other creatures. Even the talent of a natural knight is so good... Girl, you should learn to be a knight with me!"

Xi Wei continued to try to persuade Tio.

"Don't abduct my students!" Xi Wei immediately blocked Tio behind him like an old hen protecting her young: "And now is not the time for Amway! Just kneel here, okay? As the savior of this world, Can’t you be a little more reliable?”

Although Xi Wei's sensitivity to biological emotions is far less than that of Xi Wei, who is a natural knight. And Tio is talented in this area, but he can even think about it with his knees. The world axis that the two of them were moaning about was undoubtedly the layer they were on because it was the only layer with holes outside...

If they couldn't decide quickly what to do next, they might be blocked by Eldrazi here.


Xi Wei, who had a playful smile at first, suddenly turned serious. The change almost made Xi Wei unable to recover: "Here... no, this world axis is hopeless. It's time to inform the civilians to evacuate here as soon as possible. .”

Tio and Fleur were both stunned by her words. On the contrary, Xi Wei, who had faced several catastrophes, looked very calm: "Do you know what will happen if you do this?"

Although his eyes were still tightly closed. But his face was already facing Xi Wei, and his expression looked particularly solemn: "I have learned about the transportation capabilities of your world. In the absence of magic ships, the fastest way for you to transport is through a contract with the Natural Knight. Monster transportation... But even the largest monster can't carry more than a hundred people."

"..." Xi Wei didn't refute, just listened to Xi Wei's words quietly.

"How many natural knights are there in the whole of Lovinia? There will not be more than a hundred of them. Even if their contract beasts can carry a hundred people, they can only take away 10,000 people. And the refugees who are now staying outside the sinkhole of Lovinia The number of people exceeds one hundred thousand! You have said it before. Without a world axis, there is no guarantee that the guy below will 'yawn' at any time... How many people do you think can survive that yawn? ?”

"So what can you do?" After listening to Xi Wei's words, the girl said coldly: "Do you think I haven't encountered this kind of thing before! At that time, I watched a small town disappear underground! And ten minutes ago I was sitting at an ordinary family's house in the city having dinner, chatting happily with that friendly family of three! Every night I dream of them standing beside my bed, questioning me with tears of blood. Why not save them! I want to save them more than anyone else, I want to save the world, but I can’t do it... Countless times, there have been countless times, I want to rush underground and fight that guy to the death! But reason tells me It’s meaningless for me. Instead of losing my life so worthlessly, it’s better to use my life to save more ordinary people..."

As she said this, Xi Wei burst into tears and burst into tears. It seems that she has been really worried about not being able to save others that time.

Xi Wei looked at such a girl, his expression suddenly softened, and he sighed softly.

"This time is different," he took off the wizard's hat from his head, put it on the girl's head, and said in a firm voice, "Because I am here this time."

After saying that, he opened his eyes.

The right eye is normal, but the pupil of the left eye has lost focus, and even the pupil appears an unknown gray-black color.

Green flames spread from his eyes, then swept through his body, and finally formed a faint shadow.

"Double-sided Su Nuo. Change..."

Immediately afterwards, the shadow turned into flames again, and with the whirlpool formed by the flames, everything was sucked in by his left eye: "The True Eye of the Evil King!"

Xi Wei, who was still in tears, couldn't help but burst into laughter: "The atmosphere just now was ruined by the name of your move, okay!"

"Ah... I suddenly forgot that you are my fellow countryman."

While closing his left eye and brewing, Xi Wei said casually: "No one complained about using this kind of thing to do tricks before. I got used to it accidentally."

"So what are you going to the way, have you recovered enough to use magic?"

Sylvie took off her hat and hugged it to her chest, her face slightly red and asked.

"Can you use magic?... Of course not to that extent." Xi Wei raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "The power in the world axis that can weaken the world's will is a rare opportunity, so I went a little too far..."


"Well, I have found the coordinates of my own world again. Now, I can even do this kind of thing." Xi Wei suddenly opened his left eye again and waved his right hand: "Show up, my reinforcements!"

A ghost-like pearl-colored figure appeared behind Xi Wei, with black twin ponytails hanging over Xi Wei's shoulders, and broad wings gently wrapping his body.

Then a long-lost voice sounded in Xi Wei's ears.

"Three Wise Men. Fit. Come here when called, my master." (To be continued.)

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