The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1066 The Knights of the Reverse Cross

"Is the news true?"

In the dark underground manor, several dark figures sat around a huge stone round table.

The tall figure sitting on the most ornate stone chair asked the bat hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"Absolutely true."

The palm-sized bat spoke and answered in a deep manly voice.

"The magic ship that the human was riding on landed, and his aura suddenly became weaker." Bat said in a deep voice: "There is no doubt that he is using some kind of magic that is difficult to control and consumes a lot of money or is performing dangerous tasks. Behavior tantamount to this.”

After a pause, it continued: "I'm afraid this is our only chance."

After the bat finished speaking, it turned into a pool of blood and dripped from the ceiling to the center of the stone table.

"Oh, I told Slower not to behave in such an inelegant way."

The most... coquettishly dressed person in the dark shadow? In short, the guy dressed like a medieval European noble blocked the splashed blood with his hand in disgust, and said in disgust.

"Just be patient with such small things, Belize, now is not the time to care about such things."

The tall figure frowned and scolded the coquettish black figure who behaved somewhat femininely.

The latter curled his lips in disdain, but in the end said nothing.

The tall figure nodded with satisfaction and looked around again.

The dark vision gained from being a vampire allows him to clearly see the faces of his companions or accomplices in the darkness.

During the Great Magic Festival, most of the vampires who opposed the eldest princess of the Dark Night Nobles were almost slaughtered, but that did not mean that they had been completely wiped out.

In fact, as the mastermind behind it, the real backbone of the anti-princess faction did not participate in that riot.

No one who can really get to this point is a fool.

Many people in the human race envy vampires for their unearned power and long life. In order to become one of them, they would not hesitate to abandon human dignity.

It can be said that it is easy to lay some hidden secrets among human beings.

Therefore, they are not as ignorant as their own kind about human beings and various major events in the Eastern Plains in the past.

The name Sylvie Edric has long been on their list of key monitoring targets.

Possessing a level that far exceeds that of the average great magician, the ability to kill a hundred thousand orcs with just a single movement made these vampires frightened, not to mention that his few subsequent attacks revealed his terrifying strength.

In addition, he is on the side of the eldest princess, so no matter what they think about the princess who has become much weaker, these people can only stand still and look for opportunities.

However, because Xi Wei is proficient in space magic, he is elusive. It is not easy to monitor him. In fact, from the beginning of monitoring until now, the total number of days that Xi Wei can be observed is probably less than a month.

But this time was an exception: he actually appeared in the land of Timothy in person, and he also showed a side that seemed a little weak!

There is no doubt that this is a perfect opportunity to get rid of the opponent.

But it may also lead them into an abyss of eternal destruction.

"So, doesn't anyone want to have their say?"

After waiting for a moment and seeing no one speaking, the tall figure finally couldn't help but ask.

The other figures remained silent.

They all knew that whether they attacked the human or stood still, the person who spoke first would bear all the responsibility.

"Humberside, aren't you the one who likes to talk the most when dividing the spoils? Why are you as quiet as a tree man at this time?"

Seeing that everyone still didn't speak, the tall figure could only name them.

When someone is clicked, his heart feels like a dog.

Is his meow’s division of spoils comparable to what’s happening now? If you don't open your mouth at that time, all the good things will be swallowed by you!

At this time, if you agree to attack that human being, you and your forces will definitely be forced to become cannon fodder; if you don't agree, you will definitely be treated as a laughing stock, and if you want to make proposals in the future, they will use it as a joke. The proof of his own weakness was blocked.

Only fools will do things that are unpleasant to both sides.

"My family is the weakest compared to all of you. We don't have much say in this kind of life-and-death matter. It's better for you to make your own decisions."

So Humberside shyly mumbled.

"It's not an option to continue like this." Seeing that the other party didn't say anything, the tall figure snorted coldly: "Let's vote by a show of hands... As before, we can't abstain and decide once and for all."

After looking at everyone present with a coercive look, he continued: "Then, those who 'agreed to attack that human being' please raise your hands."

After saying that, the others looked at each other for a while, and some people started to raise their hands.

After all, Xi Wei is like the Sword of Damocles hanging high above his head to all vampires. He doesn't know when it will be cut down. Judging from the fallen corpses on the road to the Lord's rise, vampires don't seem to be his favorite. race.

Moreover, the vampires who gathered here because they opposed the eldest vampire princess are themselves guys with certain ambitions. Naturally, it is impossible for them to stay peacefully for the rest of their lives. They have even assassinated the eldest princess. Even if they try this time, What's wrong with assassinating that human once?

After a moment, the tall figure raised his hand, and then said with satisfaction: "In this case, it is unanimously approved. Now coat your weapons with the fire of the Night Demon, and let us hunt humans!"

He stood up, his eyes flashing green like a hungry wolf, and the huge demon wings spread out from behind, setting off a storm in this relatively small underground space.

The others followed him and stood up, standing like mountains in the storm.

Purple flames emerged from the center of the stone table, but there was no light at all, leaving the entire underground manor in darkness. The effect of the flames looked like countless human souls wailing in pain within it.

These vampires pulled out their weapons one after another and waved lightly towards the flames. The swords originally covered with vein-like marks ignited with purple flames.

"The Night Demon Round Table and the Knights of the Reverse Cross, let's go!"

The tall figure flapped its wings on its back and flew towards the ceiling, then passed through the ceiling silently like a ghost.

The other vampires followed suit and flew upwards.

Only the coquettish vampire glanced at the flames on the stone table, and then looked up at the ceiling, with mixed emotions in his eyes... (~^~)

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