The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1,072 The Night Demon Survivors

There's not much to say about what happened after that.

Almost all vampires chose to surrender. Because of their own greed and some other reasons, they accepted the power of the Night Demon, and their souls were more or less eroded. Naturally, they were no match for Edric. In addition, Shang Xiwei has also returned from the soul realm, so naturally they have no room to resist.

Except for Goldria, who is the chief culprit, all the other vampires Xi Wei were handed over to the vampire princess. It was up to her to decide whether to kill or release them.

After Xiwei extracted Goldria's soul, he also found some information from its incomplete soul.

The first thing that bears the brunt of this is the ‘Return of the Night Stalker’.

Originally, although Gordria's strength was good, he was still far away from being a great magician, and his status in the Knights of the Reverse Cross was not as universal as it was just now.

Only one day later, he was suddenly found by several mysterious people wearing cloaks that could block blood sensing and detection magic, and were given the so-called "blood of the night devil". Only then did he advance by leaps and bounds, becoming a vampire prince, and in After using simple and crude methods to eliminate all the dissidents in the Knights of the Reverse Cross, he naturally became the leader of the Knights.

After that, Goldria, who had tasted the sweetness, kept in contact with those mysterious people, and thus obtained the miracle 'Dark Night Sky' used before and the 'Night Demon's Length↓↘↓↘' that can absorb low-ring magic. Wind↓↘Wen↓↘Fire'.

Then he used this as a bargaining chip and began to gather people to raise the rebel flag and overthrow the rule of the dark night nobles, that is, the eldest princess.

A surprise attack on the magic ship of Edric Academy is the first step. As long as we can kill or trap Sylvie Edric, who is called the "variable" by the mysterious man, then the next actions will be simple, and it can even be said that there is no suspense. .

However, what they didn't expect was that they failed in the first step...

How should I put it? It’s like some middle school teenagers who were so excited about watching Young and Dangerous that they decided to team up to conquer the world. However, they were subdued by the local police not long after they left home.

In short, the key to this incident is not Goldria, but the mysterious person standing behind it.

After testing, Xiwei discovered that the flames obtained by Goldria were indeed the theoretically lost fires of night demons. However, these night demon fires were implanted with weird spells so that they could be passed on to other people in large quantities. When used, the price will be the user's sanity as fuel. Because this curse is extremely clever, even vampires who are proficient in magic cannot detect it so easily. By the time they can feel something is wrong, the remaining sanity can no longer be detected. Suppress the bloodthirsty impulse in vampire nature.

Of course, after being slapped in the face by Xiwei's appearance, they were able to think calmly and choose to surrender.

After that, Xi Wei followed the place where the transaction was made in Goldria's memory, but of course the other party was already empty.

But for a strong person like Xi Wei who can touch the law, he can still find enough clues even if others have left somewhere.

He summoned a lump of water element out of thin air in this naturally formed cave, then dug out a piece of elemental water from it, and used magic to freeze it, creating a mirror-like effect.

Then Xi Wei began to analyze the rules and recalled what happened here on the ice mirror.

Going back in time to three days ago, the person they were looking for finally appeared on the screen.

The number of the other party is not certain, but there should be three to four people. They all wore black cloaks. Even though they were here, they never took off their cloaks, so there was no way to see their faces under the cloaks.

If Xi Wei was present at the time, he could naturally use his magic skills to forcibly break the magic effects on their cloaks and reveal their true colors. Unfortunately, it is just a retrospective image and there is no way to influence it. This is similar to watching a national football game. If you go to watch a live show, throwing a drink bottle in anger may knock down a player and affect the progress of the game; but if you watch TV at home, throwing a drink bottle will only smash your own TV at most...

"Wait a minute!" Accompanying Xi Wei to look at the time mirror was the vampire princess. As for the people from Adric College, they were all teleported back to the college by Xi Wei. Anyway, the new round of demon promotion exams are still here. Before it starts, the two high-level magicians have to get in touch with Hohenheim and report what happened here. In short, after they have rested, Xi Wei will re-teleport them to the territory of the Dark Alliance of Timothy, and Don't worry about wasting time or anything.

"What's wrong?" Xi Wei raised his hand, paused the changes in the image on the viewfinder, and asked the other party.

"Can you rewind the scene a little bit?"

"no problem."

Anyway, it was easy, so Xi Wei rewinded the scene as she said.

"Just now I saw a mysterious man picking his nose... and he also rubbed his nose on other people. Ouch, so disgusting!" The vampire princess said with interest while watching Xi Wei's playback.


No, I'm not interested in this.

Xi Wei muttered silently in his heart.

Then he analyzed it several times, and Xi Wei also saw something not quite right in it.

First of all, unlike Goldria, the Night Demon's Fire used by these mysterious people does not have any adverse effects. It will neither be contaminated nor burn itself. It is simply like a perfect version of the Night Demon's Fire.

But this undoubtedly once again showed their identity. Maybe they were actually night demons who survived the ancient night demon era.

But in this case, there are still two doubts.

The first is that if they really had this level of power, there would be no need to hold back for so many years. Before Xi Wei came to prominence (time travel), the human forces were actually quite weak. They could attack the eastern plains in one go. There is no way to inform mankind again, it should still be possible to conquer the river like the Timothy Dark Alliance; the second is what those guys call inheriting the blood of the night devil. After Goldria farts, Xi Wei His body was investigated, but no detection was made of what the so-called Night Demon's blood was. How did the other party release such a miracle as the Dark Night Sky?

Unfortunately, due to Gordria's excessive extraction of souls, its soul was very weak and incomplete, and even Xi Wei could not find this information...

In short, the current situation is not very optimistic. I can't tell when I will be attacked by an enemy in the open. This is the main reason why Xiwei asked Edric's students to return to the academy first. (To be continued.)

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