The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 1080 The Secret Door

Joania shook his head and shook off the dirt on his head.

There had been a violent earthquake in the ground just now, which almost caused the entire cave where the survivors were hiding to collapse.

"What's going on?" Some other shocked survivors made a commotion.

"Shut up! Are you trying to lure those monsters here?"

Joania immediately scolded.

Thinking of the horror of those zombies, the survivors could only stop their activities.

The veteran sighed deeply from where they couldn't see. Although he can barely suppress these people now with his own prestige and bravery in previous battles, continuing like this is not an option.

Putting aside everything else, the food and drinking water necessary for survival are not enough here.

This is the underground warehouse dug by the Ji'an Empire behind 'Anthony's Lament'. It was originally intended to store war preparation supplies so that they could fight a long war of attrition in response to the orcs' invasion.

Originally, this place should be filled with supplies. It was precisely because of this that he chose this place as his temporary hiding place.

Unexpectedly, due to some greedy worms in the Ji'an Empire's headquarters and the recent various unexpected accidents that human society has suffered, the members of the King's Council have been overwhelmed by themselves, and naturally there is no spare time to provide supplies to the Ji'an Empire.

In addition, the invasion of the orcs has just passed not long ago. They left at least 100,000 corpses in the eastern plains. Because they should not be able to start a large-scale war again in a short time, the Ji'an Empire also focused on the disaster-stricken areas in the country. On reconstruction.

The consequence of such a series of reasons was that not even a grain of wheat could be found in the entire combat readiness warehouse... but a lot of useless cold weapons were found.

This made Joania feel a little helpless.

As a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles, he has naturally fought against the undead, and the plague zombies among them also have the ability to turn people injured by him into zombies.

But that at least requires the prerequisite of being injured by it, and the monster encountered this time was much more terrifying and difficult to deal with.

Their mobility is far greater than that of ordinary walking zombies, and their single-target crusade level is between level five and fifteen. If placed on other monsters, this means that the human sea tactic is still effective against them.

But it is completely different for this kind of tree-human zombies. Even if the human side has the advantage in numbers at the beginning, as they fight, the number of monsters not only does not decrease, but also gradually increases. On the contrary, the human army is getting smaller and smaller. And many times, it's not the people injured by them that turn into zombies, but healthy people who suddenly start to turn into zombies without warning. This unpredictability leads to the appearance of many zombies in the military formation. It quickly disrupted the order of the army, and was finally defeated by the walkers. By the time they came to their senses, the human army had been completely defeated.

Based on the observation ability of a veteran of many battles, Jonya naturally saw some clues.

First, only those with relatively weak physiques will suddenly mutate into zombies without being injured; then, when those monsters that have grown toadstool organs on their heads are killed, there will be a strange sound. Yellow smoke, although the smoke was very thin and would disappear in the air soon, Jonja still noticed that the dust that made up the yellow smoke was probably the culprit that caused the mutation out of thin air.

After this, the monster itself has a very powerful hearing, but its vision will deteriorate. In addition, it seems that its sense of smell has also been strengthened. However, this has not been tested. It is just a conjecture generated by Joania when observing the other party's behavior.

When there is not enough food...or prey, these monsters will move on a large scale. The reason why the opponents will gather in groups and break through the most solid wall of 'Antony's Lament' in one fell swoop is because of this. Joania thinks this is very important. It may be a migratory behavior.

However, this is also just speculation without concrete evidence. But to survive on the battlefield, Joania sometimes relied on his own intuition, so he was also prepared to take a gamble this time. When most of the other survivors began to flee into the Ji'an Empire after being breached by Antony's Sigh, he chose to hide in the arms warehouse under Antony's Sigh and wait until most of the zombies had migrated away. Bypass the Rock Gate Fortress and sail eastward to the Horngorat Empire.

Of course, the reason why he took the risk of being discovered by a tree man as a zombie, and that once discovered would be a dead end, was not only because he had confidence in his guesses and intuition, but also because Weilun suffered He was injured and lost the ability to move. The only good thing is that Weilun was not bitten by those monsters, but was hit by a panicked nobleman driving a rhinoceros-horned camel beast...

By the way, the noble boy was too panicked and couldn't control the rhino-horned camel beast properly. In the end, he ran in the wrong direction and was thrown to the ground by the tree-human zombies, becoming a delicious meal for them.

"Uncle Jonja..." Velen, who was lying on the ground paved with several torn sacks, tried to lift himself up, probably trying to sit up: "Actually, you don't need to worry about me... just run away by yourself, if you are the only one If you can definitely escape..."

"Stop talking nonsense, your uncle Jonya, I have fought so many times in my life, and I have never done anything like abandoning my comrades." Jonya puffed his beard and said with a glare, but that tone made Velen I feel extremely warm in my heart.

At this time, someone muttered in the dark, ‘Who knows if this kid will turn into that kind of wooden monster?’, which immediately made the atmosphere cold to freezing point.

"Who said that? If you have the guts, stop chattering in the dark and stand up for me!"

Joania frowned and looked around. The evil aura between his brows and eyes that came from the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​blood made everyone who glanced at him feel a shuddering feeling.

In the end, naturally no one dared to take the blame.

At this moment, the locked trap door of the arms warehouse was opened from the outside with a bang!

Everyone was startled. They squinted their eyes because of the sudden bright light and looked at the only entrance and exit of the arms warehouse on the ceiling.

"Hey, there are still people alive. It seems I'm not too late." The visitor looked at the survivors inside and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Joania noticed that Velen, who was originally weak, showed an expression of surprise and relaxation when he saw the other party.

They shouldn't be enemies, so he thought in his mind.

"Master Xiwei." Velen tried his best to sit up and bowed to the other party.

"Are you injured?" Xi Wei glanced at him: "Well, luckily it's not too serious."

No, no, no, no matter how you look at it, this is considered a serious injury, right?

Qiongiya looked at Xu Shenxing in surprise.

In addition to healing magic, there are not many magics in this world that can be used for healing. In addition, its technological level is about the same as that of the Middle Ages. Therefore, if you are hit by a war horse and cause internal bleeding or other injuries, it is basically useless. I understand, it might be better to just close your eyes and wait for death.

Velen's injuries were not that serious, but it was unclear. At least a few ribs were broken, and his internal organs were also affected to a certain extent. If he did not rest well, the root cause of the disease could easily be found.

But the man whom Velen called Master Xiwei casually took out a bottle of red potion and handed it to Velen. Velen pulled the cork off the bottle without hesitation and drank it in one gulp.

Almost visibly to the naked eye, Velen's pale face turned rosy.

"Door, close the door quickly! What if we attract those wooden monsters!" At this time, one of the survivors came back to his senses and pointed at the trap door that was still open and shouted anxiously.

Several survivors ran over together, seeming to want to work together to close the door.

But Xi Wei raised his hand to stop them: "No, no monsters will come."

"Why do you say that! You are making fun of everyone's lives!" the survivor retorted loudly.

"Just my name is Sylvie Edric."

"What do I call you...Sylvie Edric?" The man was obviously used to being arrogant in the past, and he subconsciously made a rebuttal before reacting.

Sylvie Edric, the hero of mankind, the only strong man who can stand side by side with the president of the Qiyao Mage Association (actually he has surpassed him long ago, but most people don't know this).

Even Joania was stunned.

Although Velen always said that he knew the legendary hero, the youngest great magician in history, Sylvie Edric, he always thought it was just a child's bragging behavior, but he did not expect that this child actually used that This strange notebook summoned this strong man who stood among human beings!

"You have done very well. I believe you have been tempered enough during this period and understand the value of life." Xi Wei looked at Velen and found that although this kid looked weaker than when he first met him Much more, but there is no confusion in the eyes anymore, but full of hope for the future: "How about, do you want to come to my college and become my student?"

Suddenly, the survivors looked envious.

Although Edric Academy of Magic has a poor reputation among magicians due to various reasons, for ordinary people, being able to go to the Academy of Magic to learn magic is an irresistible temptation!

Velen subconsciously wanted to agree, but he turned back to look at Jonia, and then slowly shook his head: "Master Xiwei, I hope to be with Uncle Jonnia."

His choice made the survivors feel regretful. They felt that this kid didn't know what was good. The dean came here to invite you, but you rejected him without giving any face. Isn't this too much?

I saw Joania gritting her teeth suddenly, then straightening her face, and scolded: "Who wants to be with a brat like you? You, a brat like you, are always following me, and I'm tired of it! Now! If there is a place that can take in a poor guy like you, don't continue to hold me back, get out of here!"

"Uncle Jonja..."

Of course, Velen would not feel sad because of what the other party said. He knew that the other party was actually using his own way to allow him to go to Edric Academy and learn the various magics he dreamed of.

But the more this happened, the harder it was for Velen to let go of this kind-hearted veteran uncle.

"Wait a minute," Xi Wei picked his ears: "When did I say that this old man can't go to Edric with you? Although the college itself prohibits outsiders from entering, we have many caravans affiliated with the college , those caravans are lacking some experienced veterans... Uncle, do you want to help?"

"Master Xiwei..." Velen looked surprised, and even Joania also showed surprise.

The other survivors also wanted to look shy and look familiar, but after Xi Wei glanced at them, they huddled aside like quails and stopped causing trouble.

At this point, the biological crisis in this other world has been resolved, and it's almost time to leave here.

Just as Xi Wei was thinking this, he discovered something was wrong.

Because no one in this arms warehouse had ever learned magic, and the only one with magic literacy, Velen, was still kneeling, so they never discovered that there was a hidden magical secret door deep in the arms warehouse.

When Xi Wei got closer, he discovered that this secret door was very concealed. He was able to discover it purely because as a legendary magician, he could see magic power that ordinary people could not observe. Even if it were a great magician, he would not be able to see it. If you check carefully, you may not be able to find this secret door.

"You guys stand back."

Because when some ancient magicians set up secret doors, they like to put some traps and mechanisms inside, so Xi Wei wanted to give those people instructions before starting to crack the secret door. 8

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