The Dean Has Arrived

Chapter 1,084 The Demonic Promotion Examination Restarts

Although it was just a guess, what he discovered during this trip made Xi Wei feel even more urgent.

Time is running out.

Even if you don’t know what that ‘self’ is doing, there is no doubt that it is preparing to destroy the world.

"That's why I hate words like 'fate'..." He muttered softly after returning to Edric College: "Because it will give people a feeling of decree... No, I mean the feeling of being determined: everything has been done a long time ago. It’s destined and cannot be changed.”

"If the urgent matter you mentioned is just for us to listen to your thoughts, then I'm sorry, I still have a lot of things to do..."

Sofia sighed and said to Xi Wei who was wandering in the dean's room.

"Although it's a bit early, I think we should bring the confrontation with Hohenheim to the surface as soon as possible."

After hearing what she said, Xi Wei no longer hesitated. He took a deep breath and said.

"Are you crazy?" Sophia frowned, obviously unable to accept Xi Wei's proposal.

If he just quits the Mo Jinkao and breaks with the Qiyao Mage Association, then the situation is still under control. After all, this matter was done by the Qiyao Mage Association in an unethical manner, and the direction of public opinion is definitely more in favor of Edric College.

Most of the mages are academics and will basically not use any disgusting plots. Even if they want to use small tricks to forcefully block or reverse public opinion... don't forget that Xi Wei is almost invincible in this world. . As long as Xi Wei is still alive, Qiyao Mage Association, no matter how unwilling it is, can only swallow the bitter fruit it has sown.

But this is not the same thing as formally opposing it.

But if this kind of confrontation is brought to the surface, before one side gives in, the two sides can only use the toughest posture to put pressure on the other side... And more than 80% of this kind of confrontation will develop into a war.

The war in the human magic world is completely different from the invasion of orcs or the separatism of dark creatures in Timotheon!

Because among the lower-level combat forces, Adric Academy was at an overwhelming disadvantage compared to the Qiyao Mage Association, so it was almost necessary for the upper-level combat forces to join the war.

However, once a magician of Xi Wei's level joins the war, the entire eastern plain may be completely destroyed in the war! Regardless of victory or defeat, mankind will be the biggest loser.

There is no doubt that the loser of this war will bear all the responsibilities for destroying the entire human society, and will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever, and will never be able to stand up!

Even with humanoid nuclear bombs like Xi Wei, after all, the Qiyao Mage Association has been inherited from the Great Migration Era and has always represented the highest point of the human magic world. God knows if they have retained any great weapons that have been passed down from the mythical era to this day.

Even though they are the same three major forces as the Pure White Holy See and the King's Council, in fact, in terms of destructive power, the latter two cannot be compared to them at all!

In addition, political tendencies also determine that the other two forces will not provide help to Edric College in the war: the Pure White Holy See may remain neutral in the war because of the relationship between Saint Irelia and the Holy Silver Sword Ji Frey. But the King's Council, which had a bad relationship with Edric, would definitely turn to the Qiyao Mage Association.

What's more, the Qiyao Mage Association and even Hohenheim, where it is located, are holy places in the hearts of the magicians in the Eastern Plains. If we really want to go to war with them, I am afraid that few people will support Edric.

Just like most netizens in China will occasionally complain about how bad China is and how bad the government is, but if a war suddenly breaks out one day, then except for a few traitors and public intellectuals, the vast majority of netizens still hope that their country will win. A meaning.

Even Sophia, who is in Edric's camp and supports Xi Wei from the bottom of her heart, doesn't think her side is very optimistic.

"Don't worry," Xi Wei smiled. He naturally knew what Sophia was worried about: "I will keep the conflict to a minimum."

As he said, it was too early to confront the Qiyao Masters Association, but there was really no way around it.

Because there is not much time left to waste on yourself.

Whether it is the destroyed future or the remaining number of lives.

All Xi Wei can do now is to try to control the level of the conflict below a full-scale war.

"I object!"

Before leading the team to conduct the Demonic Promotion Examination, Bain, who is a senior magician of Qiyao Mage Association, slammed the table in front of him and let out a pitiful and angry roar: "The Demonic Promotion Examination has become a joke, what we have to do now is Calm down the distrust of Hohenheim among the magicians, instead of continuing with the damn magic exam!"

"Objection is invalid, or you can directly express your dissatisfaction to the great magicians."

The high-level magician who conveyed the results of the Council of Mages to him rolled up a magical document. This thing, which at first glance looked a bit like the 'imperial edict' in a Chinese costume drama, was actually developed by the Mages Association to prevent someone from falsely reporting the Council's decision. The anti-counterfeiting magic items have almost no other uses except for creating a cool light effect when being read out and magic ripples for authentication.

"The previous Demonic Examination was only in the territory of Timothy's Dark Alliance. Although it was a bit more dangerous, it would still be fine if you were a little careful. But do you actually have to climb over the cliff of the Western Continent this time?"

The one-eyed Marknus also frowned: "God knows what is on the Wind Plateau above... I only participated in this Demonic Promotion Exam to lead the team to contribute points. Since the mission is so dangerous, I choose to give up and withdraw from this mission."

In fact, he no longer wanted to have anything to do with Mo Jinkao before.

Recently, something unusual seems to be happening in the Eastern Plains... no, even outside the Eastern Plains, in other parts of the continent.

In just over a year, the eastern plains alone had experienced orc attacks, abyssal creature invasions, and other chaotic events, which had never happened before in Marknus' memory.

And this is only the number of 'big events'. If you look at smaller places, there are even more things like the previous vampire invasion.

As for the situation he encountered with Timothy some time ago, even as a high-level magician, Marknus was a little scared. If those vampires were not directed at Edric, but at him, he could I have no confidence that I can survive even half a minute!

Coupled with the order issued by the parliament this time, he directly decided to withdraw from this operation.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was knocked to the ground by the high-level mage opposite.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Macnus, what the parliament issued this time was not a request, but an order." He grinned, showing a smile that seemed extremely disgusting to Macnus: "Want me to explain the order to you. 'What do these two words mean?"

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