The Dean Has Arrived

Chapter 1091: One person versus one city (2 updates)

This is Hohenheim.

Not long after the news of the successive defeats on the battlefield came back some time ago, this originally magical city seemed to be tensed up. It was filled with a tense and depressing atmosphere, completely lacking the leisurely atmosphere before.

Originally, they probably didn't pay much attention to the little-known place like Edric College. But I didn't expect that things like that would happen one after another, and even some famous magicians died in the war.

But even after so many sacrifices, the war is still not over, which is why the atmosphere in the city has become so depressing.

After Xi Wei became the great magician, he was no longer a unknown person. Many people guarding the side wall mage tower in Hohenheim knew his appearance.

So when Xi Wei appeared outside the wall beside the Hohenheim city gate, the tension inside the wall suddenly increased to such an extent that the entire Hohenheim was like a balloon that would explode if pushed.

"Don't be nervous, it's better to relax a little." He seemed completely indifferent to the hostility of the mage guards on the city wall, and just said indifferently.

Just as he spoke, several city-defense-grade magic weapons of the same level as burning crystal cannons were aimed at him.

Not to mention humans, even if the legendary ancient dragon was bombarded by so many city defense-level magical weapon arrays, it would probably be too much to bear.

But Xi Wei was not afraid of this.

Now that time was running out, he didn't have much time to explain to the other party. What's more, considering the situation where Edric was still at war with Hohenheim, even if he explained, the other party wouldn't believe it.

"It's a bit troublesome for me to let you continue to stop here with weapons... If there is a fire, it may cause chaos, so you should disarm me for the time being."

There was a magician on the city wall who heard the implication of Xi Wei's words and was frightened and wanted to let the magic devices fire. But in the next moment, those magic devices turned into ordinary iron blocks and lost the ability to operate. .

The mage guards were pressed to the ground by the strong gravity. Although their lives were not in danger, they could not even move a finger.

It's not just these mage guards. In fact, after walking into the city, you can find that almost everyone in Hohenheim has the same appearance: as if they were pressed into observation dishes with glass pieces in the laboratory waiting to be dissected. Like a frog.

Maybe one or two people showing this look will give others a funny feeling, but when people in an entire city look like this, there is no other suitable adjective other than weird.

In this case, they can't even speak.

If all the magic reactions in the city had not stopped due to the miraculous field spread by Xi Wei, I am afraid that just in this way, there would have been many experimental accidents and even casualties.

As for how much economic damage this would cause to Hohenheim, that was not something Xi Wei had to consider.

Tens of minutes later, Xi Wei appeared in the Supreme Command Mage Tower of Qiyao Mage Association.

All members of the Council of Mages who directed the war stayed in the huge room at the top of the tower, including even respected and powerful people like Old Man Shaman.

Normally, Xi Wei could teleport here directly through his gap magic. However, since the war between Edric and Hohenheim, quite a few magic barriers have been opened in the city of Hohenheim, including the existence of space phase interference, which makes Xi Wei unable to freely shuttle within the city. In the end, he can only Choose this more flamboyant way to break into Hohenheim.

"Mr. Edric, this doesn't seem to be the same as what you said at the beginning, right?"

As the top leader of Qiyao Mage Association, Old Man Shaman naturally did not lie on the ground in embarrassment like the others, but sat in his original seat as if nothing had happened.

But the tired face and the sweat on his forehead made it clear that he was not as relaxed as he appeared.

"Because of some unexpected circumstances, I'm sorry, but the war between Edric and Hohenheim will probably end here."

At this time, Xi Wei is actually much stronger than Old Man Shaman. It is not impossible to really want him to kneel down in front of him like everyone else, but after all, he comes from a place where there is an old saying of 'leave a thin line in life' country, so it didn’t really make it impossible for the old man to save even his last bit of face.

"Are there any surprises in this world that can make you feel troublesome?"

The old man's words didn't sound wrong, but Xi Wei still felt the other party's dissatisfaction and slight sarcasm.

But it's actually normal to think that the other party would behave like this. After all, Xi Wei's attitude of cutting through the mess with a sharp knife has single-handedly overwhelmed everyone in the entire mage city of Hohenheim. For most magicians, It can be considered a devastating blow to Yandu. I am afraid these proud men have never experienced such a powerless feeling since they were born, right?

This kind of destruction of confidence is almost fatal to magicians. I am afraid that more than half of them will not be able to get out of today's shadow, making it difficult to improve their magic literacy in the future.

Obviously, this is not a good thing for Hohenheim: those mainstays who had hoped to be promoted should be the most affected. There will probably be a shortage of high-level mages in Hohenheim for a long time to come.

It's no wonder that an old fox like Old Man Shaman, who keeps his emotions secret, can't help but express his dissatisfaction.

Xi Wei couldn't explain this.

Could it be that it was the other person who made him feel troublesome...

And even leaving aside the other self, the existence of the three Eldrazi ancestors in this world is enough to give Xi Wei a headache.

"There are still many situations in this world that are difficult to explain. Even I dare not say that we can handle them properly." Xi Wei was silent for a moment, and then continued: "The current situation is like this. It would be great if you could understand it." alright."

"...I understand."

Probably realizing that the bitter feeling in Xi Wei's expression was not fake, Old Man Shaman finally sighed helplessly and nodded: "Then this war, I will enter the tug of war with ' war, because neither side wanted to continue sacrificing precious magicians, so they finally signed a peace treaty and announced it to the outside world."

Xi Wei nodded with satisfaction.

Although on the surface it looks like it will end in a draw, in fact Hohenheim, which has many resources and a considerable amount of strength, will eventually tie with the small Edric College, which is enough for Edric College. It has gained an amazing reputation.

Not to mention that after this, Edric Academy will directly become the equal of Hohenheim in the magic world, breaking Hohenheim's previous monopoly.

From this point of view, the so-called peaceful ending can actually be seen as Hohenheim's cowardice.

"Thank you for your understanding." Xi Wei thanked the other party sincerely.

In fact, if Old Man Shaman wants to resist, he is still capable of fighting. After all, he has only half stepped into the legendary existence.

Even if Xi Wei kills him, I am afraid that there will be quite a few mages who will inherit the legacy of old man Shaman: maybe one day we will see magicians with the words 'anti AI Fuhuo' tattooed on their feet. …

This old man who has lived for nearly a century has such a profound and powerful influence on ordinary magicians.

But in the end, the other party chose to consider the overall situation and reconcile with Xi Wei. Otherwise, thousands of magicians might die in the civil war.

This alone deserves Xi Wei's admiration for him.

"So what are you going to do next, Your Excellency the Chosen One? Completely replace Hohenheim's status with your new college?"

The old man didn't look happy because of Xi Wei's thanks, but continued to ask.

"I haven't thought about this kind of thing."

Xi Wei smiled bitterly: "Because there are more important things waiting for me to deal with."

"Can I ask, what is the thing you mentioned just now?"

"If you must say it. It's a war between me and 'me'."

Xi Wei pondered for a moment before answering.

"Then I wonder if I am lucky enough to be able to take up some of your time?"


Xi Wei came back to his senses and looked at the old man doubtfully.

"Lao Chan's two incompetent disciples crossed the Fengkou Plateau from the Cliff of the Western Continent some time ago, preparing to go to the Amber Plain...but there was no news from them after that. I hope you can help Lao Chan confirm their safety."

The old man said slowly.

"Amber Plain?" Unexpectedly, Xi Wei showed a surprised look: "But isn't the west of Fengkou Plateau a new green wilderness?"

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