The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 126: Xi Wei's Past

"Teacher, are you okay!" Alyssa ran in the front with a worried face.

Although she, who had spent the longest time with Xi Wei, had absolute trust in Xi Wei, she still couldn't help but worry about her teacher once she encountered such a dangerous situation.

"Don't worry, I'm not that easy to get hurt." Xi Wei touched the girl's little head and said with a smile.

It was probably because Xi Wei's head-touching action made Alisa feel very comfortable. The worried expression on the girl's face completely melted away, and turned into a little bit of shyness caused by enjoying and being made such an intimate action in public. If the girl had a tail, it would be wagging it like a puppy right now.

Afterwards, Sophia led Tio and walked over. Although Sophia tried her best to show a nonchalant expression, the joy and worry that could not be concealed on her face could still be seen at a glance.

Behind them is Alice. The blond girl glanced at the boy who was tightly restrained by the chains of wind and shackles of ice, a gloomy look flashed in her eyes, and then obediently walked to Xi Wei's side.

"Ahem, I really caused you trouble." The old village head coughed a few times, bent his body, and bowed to Xi Wei, expressing his apology: "I really didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. "

Several young people who were with the old village head also bowed along with the old village head and apologized silently.

Xi Wei accepted the other party's apology frankly. If he were modest at this time, it would give the other party the impression that he was still fussing over that matter.

After that, some other more courageous villagers either began to observe the damage of the village on the spot. Either look at that kid named Wei Lun with disdain, or continue to support the old village chief, and silently look at Xi Wei and his group.

"Also, that, ahem, although it's hard to say..." The old man thought about it for a while, and then asked Xi Wei straight to the point: "I don't know about the weapon in Velen's hand just now. Did you see it..."

"That." Xi Wei knew that the other party was going to get to the point, looked at the old man with an unchanged expression on his face, and said affirmatively: "I see."

But it hasn't waited for the old man to be happy. However, Xi Wei immediately gave the old man who had already stepped into the soil a shocking news: "However, it was destroyed in the battle just now, and it disappeared into ordinary wood fragments."

"What..." The old man first showed a shocked expression, even the drooping eyelids couldn't stop him from opening his eyes wide. Looking at Xi Wei who had a clear conscience, his lips murmured for a long time, but he couldn't say what happened next.

Blame it? Xi Wei saved the lives of the entire village in succession. thanks? But that is, after all, an ancestral treasure enshrined in the village with countless thoughts.

In the end, the old man comforted himself with a somewhat hoarse voice: "Forget it, that kind of demonic device that wears the name of ancestral treasure but makes people lose their minds, it doesn't matter if it breaks or breaks. "

Seeing the other party's expression, Xi Wei was not very easy to talk to, after all, that magic staff was still lying in Xi Wei's storage box.

"How are you going to deal with Velen?" After the conversation between the two fell into a temporary interruption. Alice asked the old village chief hesitantly.

At this time, under Xi Wei's instruction, some male villagers had already carefully grabbed Wei Lun, who was immobile. However, judging from the other party's rude actions, I am afraid that even a villager who grew up in a village would not be able to tolerate this kind of thing that the boy did.

"Whoever enters the temple at will will be punished with 200 lashes, whoever touches the sacred object will be sentenced to three days of confinement, and whoever destroys the village at will. Those who attack the villagers with swords..." The old man had no doubts about this, A series of charges were quickly reported, and in the end they were punished together, and there was no doubt that there was only one result of the trial: "Death penalty."

In the dilapidated village, except for the crackling of the burning wood, it was completely silent for a while.

No matter what Xi Wei thinks. However, everyone in the village knew that the old man was usually very tolerant. Even if some villagers violated the village rules that were not too serious, they would only be punished slightly and would not embarrass others too much. In fact, apart from this time, the villager who made the most serious mistake was only expelled from the village and asked to live in other places.

It seems that what the boy did this time made it difficult for the old man to continue to cover up and forgive him.

"Why do you do such a thing?"

Tio, who was still holding hands with Sophia suddenly, asked the boy.

"Isn't that of course!" The boy who had been lowering his head since just now and couldn't see any expression on his face immediately raised his face, his face was full of resentment, and he said through gritted teeth: "My parents just now Death! But at such a time, you still have a banquet, don't their deaths have any value, no one will feel sorry for their deaths! Could it be that my father and mother are more than How about a few outsiders! No one of you can understand my mood!"

"This nasty village, these nasty guys, just destroy them all!"

Although Xi Wei had taken away the magic tool, the boy's sanity had recovered, but his mind after being eroded by the magic tool looked more like those demons in the abyss than humans or elves.

Naturally, Xi Wei scoffed at the boy's secondary school theory.

"Make it look like you are bitter and bitter, don't think that you are the only orphan in the world." Putting the moon branch back into the storage box, Xi Wei replaced it with the dark night sphere, and poked the boy's face with a short stick, very disdainful He said, "I have traveled more than half of the eastern plains, and I have met thousands of orphans."

Although there are almost no major wars between humans under the mediation of the King's Council, the small frictions between countries have never stopped, and the power of firefights between magicians is far better than conventional cold weapons. In this kind of world, many orphans are born almost every minute, and there are many orphans who have tragic life experiences. Making a movie will definitely make the audience cry.

Xi Wei understands them, and occasionally sympathizes with them—but from the beginning of traveling to the present, this kind of feeling of how pitiful he is because of the tragic things he has encountered, how dark the world is, and how unfair his fate is, has evolved into thinking about letting This is the first time I have seen a second-hand orphan who is miserable with others.

"Not to mention anything else, if it's just an orphan, there is one in front of you." Xi Wei pointed to himself, and then said, "I don't know what kind of mood you are talking about, but I saw my father with my own eyes. In order to protect the city, he was beheaded by a gray dwarf warrior, and he also witnessed the scene where his mother was taken to the sky by a eagle-feathered falcon raised by the dark elves, disembowelled, and eaten up. What's more nonsense is that in order to fight against sudden chaos Orcs on the battlefield, we have to join hands with the murderers who killed our relatives!"

There was no impassioned emotion, no eloquent speech, Xi Wei just spoke very plainly with an attitude as if he was telling someone else's story.

But just like that, it made everyone else stunned.

What Xi Wei said was exactly what he experienced in this body before he crossed over. In fact, what he experienced in his previous body was much more tragic than what he said now. When the current Xi Wei travels over, this body will die on the battlefield of Slanath when he was young.

"I was not the worst orphan among the orphans at that time, but no matter what kind of despair we experienced, at that time we would stand up and move towards the future we hoped for instead of squatting in place and complaining about others." Xi Wei continued, but At this time, there was already a faint smile on his face: "On the way forward, some people fall down and don't want to get up again; I can move forward step by step. I will not forget the sadness, but I will not be bound by the sad past. It is only the driving force that keeps me moving forward, not the chain that keeps me in place. That's why I became the current Xi Wei? Ai Derek, not the paupers who still hide in the slums cursing their fate."

People around had different expressions on their faces, and the expression on that boy's face was constantly changing like an amoeba. Seeing this scene, Xi Wei raised his eyebrows.

It seems like I accidentally said too much.

He re-observed his surroundings and found that the village had been destroyed in sevens and eighties, and the painstaking efforts needed to restore it would probably not be less than rebuilding a village.

In addition, the ancestral treasure they enshrined, that is, the magic tool, has also fallen into Xi Wei's pocket, and the last bond that kept them in this land is gone - if Xi Wei guessed correctly, I am afraid that the predecessor of this village It should be the elves who sacrificed and sealed the magic equipment, but for some reason they stayed in the eastern plains, coupled with the migration of humans, the mixing of blood caused the descendants of these elves to lose their ancestors' appearance, and they were exactly the same as ordinary humans .

That being the case, it is not impossible to persuade them to migrate when the original village and the enshrined magic equipment do not exist. At least it is much easier than before, as long as it is proved that this place is very unsafe ....

Just as Xi Wei was thinking about how to speak to the old village chief to make this suggestion to complete his task, someone suddenly ran up panting.

Xi Wei looked and found that the person running over was actually an acquaintance, Gauss.

"Village, the village chief is bad!" He was out of breath, and said intermittently: "There is a huge wolf man riding a giant wolf attacking us, those magic swordsmen who are with Mr. Xiwei now They're resisting, but it looks like..."

Very good, the last condition for persuading the villagers to relocate has also been fulfilled.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Xi Wei's mouth...! ~!

{Floating astronomy

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