The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 138 Mace's Treasure

By the time Xi Wei returned to the vicinity of the floating island, the stone and wood he bought at the shop had already been delivered.

Although the amount he bought was quite large, only part of it was delivered now, but in terms of work efficiency in this world, it is considered pretty good to be able to do this.

A large number of stones and wood that have only undergone a little rough processing are loaded in carts, and each cart is dragged by two horse-shaped monsters. Even though Monster Identification has reached LV4 (a level up in [Star Sea Ruins]), Xi Wei still couldn't identify what this monster is - it seems that this should be like a mule on Earth, It is a new breed that is a hybrid of two monsters with little difference.

The faces of the civilians driving the car were not very good at first, and several of them were already planning to set up tents. If Xi Wei doesn't come back, then they will have to camp here until Chapter 138 is shining in the sunset. He gestured to the convoy behind, and the ones on the cart looked a little bit strong The young and strong people immediately began to unload the things on the car. After doing this. The man took out a small piece of parchment from his pocket: "Please stamp or sign your name on this receipt."

Xi Wei is not an aristocrat, and the academy has not yet been completed, so there is no exclusive stamp. So with a swipe of his pen, he wrote down the 'Alphonse? Edric's name.

I don't know if it was because of life or death, but it seemed that a lot of stone and wood were moved very quickly, and the laborers also left immediately after saying hello to Xi Wei.

Xi Wei walked around the pile of stone and wood that had been piled up like two hills, and began to stuff them into his bronze storage box.

Because there was no way to put too big things at once, the two hills were divided into several times by Xi Wei before they were completely packed into the storage box, which took up a lot of space. Fortunately, Xi Wei had sorted out his storage box before he came out. Some redundant things were either thrown away, or stuffed into the box with other things, and then dozens of packed boxes were stuffed into the same box. In the storage compartment. So even though there were some difficulties, in the end, the two hills were successfully loaded away.

After launching the floating technique and flying to the empty island, Xi Wei found that the castle that had been abandoned for many years had taken on a new look. Even the weeds on the ground had been trimmed into a neat lawn. The winding path and the two sides All traces of the flowerbeds are new and shiny—although there are no flowers in the flowerbeds yet.

"Have you returned yet. My master."

Just when Xi Wei was still wondering about the huge changes in the floating island, with a slight sound, Voda, the little goblin, appeared in front of him: "Are you satisfied with our work?"

"Well, I'm very satisfied." Xi Wei observed for a while, and finally had to be convinced by the housekeeping abilities of these leprechauns. Even the most Xi Wei's aspects, they have done their best for themselves. Really no complaints at all.

"That's really great!" Leprechauns are not a race that is good at hiding their emotions. After receiving Xi Wei's praise, Woda immediately showed a happy smile, and his mouth was so grinning that he could even see his yellowed teeth. . But the little leprechaun recovered immediately, and his big ears drooped down: "But this island is very barren, even if it rains, all the water accumulated will be lost in just one day, unless you don't Stop replenishing water or rain every three days, otherwise there is no way to plant many beautiful but slightly fragile plants here."

"Don't worry about that." Xi Wei didn't have any worries about it: "I have a solution."

In the achievement buildings of the achievement store, there are many special buildings such as fountains, ponds, and rivers, and most of them do not have the restriction that they need to be built near the water, that is to say, they have the function of water source.

Now Xi Wei still has a lot of achievement points, so buying one or two achievement buildings that are not too expensive is not a huge expense.

"That's right, it's fine in that case." The expression on Woda's face immediately became cheerful.

Xi Wei took out the stones and wood from the storage box: "I will ask you to help connect the islands later. Remember to make the connecting bridge as strong as possible."

"Leave it to us!" Woda thumped his chest, confidently assuring the ticket: "As long as you don't get attacked by magic above the second ring, I guarantee that those bridges will not collapse for a thousand years!"

After explaining to the leprechauns and letting them build the bridge, Xi Wei walked alone into the castle that looked like it had just been built from a distance.

The gate of the castle is a very thick and huge wooden door with iron edges. Because the wood of the building has the effect of anti-moth and anti-corruption, it is still strong after a hundred years of wind and rain. However, the iron sheets that have been blessed with some magic show signs of rust in many places, although these signs are small. The leprechauns used some means to cover up the past, but if you look closely, you can still see a little clue.

As soon as you enter the castle, the first thing you see is not the walls, but a huge oil painting that occupies the entire field of vision. And the person on the painting is not the original owner of the castle, the Grand Duke of Metz, but an old woman with orange peel and pimples on her face.

After Xi Wei took over the castle, he also heard something about the castle from the man with a bamboo pole, including this giant oil painting.

The character in this oil painting is the mother of the Grand Duke of Metz. It is said that the Grand Duke of Metz grew up in a single-parent family. After witnessing his father's death in the war, Metz became a very gloomy and taciturn person. With his mother's persistent encouragement and guidance, Metz regained his confidence and courage, and made great achievements on the battlefield, until he finally became a duke second only to the prince.

But when he became famous and wanted to go back to his hometown to pick up his mother, he found that his mother had passed away many years ago. That's why he found the best painter and painted a picture of his mother to hang in the main hall. My own mother can also live in this castle of her own, and enjoy the blessings that she did not enjoy during her lifetime.

It is said that before his death, the Duke also said that even if the family is in danger, as long as the family is not extinct, the oil painting cannot be taken down.

But it's a pity that the achievements he created were eventually eaten away by his descendants bit by bit, and now only the bamboo pole man is still alive.

Xi Wei sighed for the impermanence of the world, and then activated the mage's hand to take off the oil painting—just kidding, this is the place he intends to use as an academy, and this thing has nothing to do with him, so why hang it in the main hall ? Regardless of the other things, Xi Wei was really grateful for being baptized by the old woman's gaze every time he came back from the main entrance.

Of course, it is a portrait of someone else's ancestor after all, so it's not good to destroy it casually. Xi Wei stuffed the oil painting into a storage box, and planned to return it to the bamboo pole man sometime.

Just when he wanted to continue walking in, he found that something was wrong with the wall behind the oil painting.

Although at first glance, there is no difference except that it is a little dirtier than other places, but from the perspective of Xiwei lv3's mechanism, there are some clues.

He walked to the wall, took out the dark night sphere and began to knock on the bricks of the wall one by one.

As a result, there was a dull sound of thumping in one place, and it was obvious that the inside was empty.

After searching for a while but failing to find the mechanism to open it, Xi Wei simply used the ability of the dark night sphere to activate the touch of shadow, and used the power of shadow to corrode the wall, exposing the tunnel inside.

The tunnel is not long, only about a few meters. After passing through the tunnel, there is a rather large room with several boxes piled up in it, as well as some clothes hangers and weapon racks full of weapons.

Xi Wei randomly opened a box, only to find that it was actually full of gold nuggets!

He was taken aback by the rush of gold, and after regaining his senses, Xi Wei immediately opened several other boxes.

There are six boxes in total, three of which are filled with gold nuggets, one is filled with precious stones, one is filled with works of art such as scroll sculptures, and the last one is filled with magic cores and shining crystals.

Except for the magic core and the shining crystal, which dissipated a lot of magic power and elements due to improper storage, and scrapped a large part of the quantity, other things were well preserved.

Obviously, this is a secret room with hidden treasures.

"Can't you take it down before the clan is wiped out, in other words, can you take it down when the clan is about to be wiped out?" Xi Wei suddenly thought of the words of the bamboo pole man at this time.

Then he realized: Damn it, we got rich too! ! ~!

{Floating Astronomy

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