The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 142: The Strange Long Sword

In any case, it's definitely not a bad thing for one's own things to sell well, and Xi Wei is also happy to see the auction prices of the equipment he provides continue to soar.

"The following item is an enchanted long sword whose casting process has long been lost, and its age is too old to be deduced!" At this time, the voice of the master of ceremonies sounded from the high platform again, but the content of the auction was not Xi Wei's equipment: "According to According to the speculation of several senior appraisers, it is likely to be a weapon from the last era! And it has triple enchantment!"

As soon as his words came out, there was an uproar all around.

It is well known that there have been faults in human civilization.

Humans in the last era had gold and jewels all over the floor, humans in the last era had powerful magic comparable to gods and demons, and humans in the last era had unimaginable magical civilization...

Although these rumors obviously exaggerated the beauty of the last era, the ancient ruins all over the continent also indirectly proved how powerful humans were in that era, and the entire continent was under their rule. In comparison, the humans who can only shrink back to the eastern plains are simply weak.

Many magicians believe that the basis of the current magical civilization comes from the interpretation of various runes and magic circles in the last era. Only a small portion.

So in many cases, as long as a piece of magic equipment is tagged with the label of "Last Era", it can be sold for a good price.

However, this technique has been repeatedly used by many auction houses. Buyers have also begun to learn the essence.

Although many people themselves are not proficient in enchantment. Even the value of some magic items is not very clear - after all, they usually have too many things to do, and it is impossible to know everything about this kind of thing, so they will bring their own family exclusive, or temporarily hired from certain places Appraisers or Enchanters come to the auction together.

After the master of ceremonies continued to fool around for a while, some buyers asked their appraisers to inspect the goods.

The master of ceremonies couldn't refuse, so he could only wait for the appraisers to inspect the goods with a slightly embarrassed smile.

But the auction house is not an appraisal shop after all, so it is impossible for those appraisers to appreciate it slowly, so a few people watched it around for a while and then returned to the room where they came out with some subtle feelings.

Although Xi Wei didn't go up to appreciate it, he could also know the reason why these people showed such expressions.

The long sword is indeed a few years old, even if it is really a weapon of the last era, it is not surprising. There were indeed three enchantments on the weapon, and the master of ceremonies did not lie about this, but the problem lay in those three enchantments—the new enchantment, the iron armor enchantment, and the meditation.

The Brand New enchantment is a rare median enchantment that can greatly extend the lifespan of a weapon. So that it will not be easily corroded. The biggest reason why this long sword can be passed down to the present should be it, and it is also the most reliable of the three enchantments.

Iron armor enchantment is an enchantment that can enhance defense. A piece of chain armor provided by Xi Wei has a similar effect. As a median enchantment, this enchantment can be regarded as a very good enchantment, but the problem is - this enchantment It is usually used on armor and other protective equipment. You have a long sword to increase your defense power, what a mess! In terms of performance, the effect of this armor enchantment is not even as good as the upper and lower sharpness enchantments.

If the Iron Armor enchantment at least increased the durability of the long sword, which is a little useless, then the third enchantment of Concentration and Meditation is purely a hindrance.

Do not misunderstand. The enchantment of Concentration and Meditation is also a median enchantment, and it is extremely rare. The effect is that it can make people enter the state of meditation faster, and speed up the recovery and refining of magic power.

From the point of view of a magician, this enchantment is indeed very good, but what kind of trouble do you want to use this kind of enchantment on a long sword? ! What should I do if I accidentally enter a state of meditation (that is, similar to a daze)? Do you think you didn't die fast enough?

To sum up, this ancient sword may have a certain historical value, and being able to possess triple enchantment also shows that it has magical value. Most of Wei's equipment is a little higher, but it's a pity that it has no practical value.

After understanding this point. There was an eerie silence in the entire auction venue. No one who can appear here is an idiot. Maybe they spend a little money on weekdays to buy this kind of antique stuff back as a decoration or something, but now they are all desperately competing for the white clothes provided by Xi Wei. Willing to be taken advantage of and spend a lot of money to buy this kind of thing.

Just when this piece of equipment with a reserve price of fifteen gold coins was about to pass the auction. A room suddenly snapped it up for sixteen gold coins.

This made the master of ceremonies wipe off his sweat, and almost all the orders that Mister appraiser took from just now failed. If even the one with the highest value fails, he will definitely be whining in his ears again. If it is normal, this antique item can also be sold for about 20 gold coins, but it is a pity that I do not know where the Laux appraiser received a big order. The light of more than ten high-quality original magic items directly sold this Completely covered the enchanted long sword that was useless...

Soon the master of ceremonies settled down and continued to auction off the remaining items - all the equipment provided by Xi Wei and the magic core with energy level 12.

At this time, Xi Wei's mind was no longer on the auction, and he was looking at the enchanted long sword in front of him with a strange expression.

He was the one who just bought the enchanted sword for sixteen gold coins. Of course, he didn't buy antiques because he had so much money that he had no place to spend it. You must know that there is a large box of art in the treasures of the Metz family, and there are also some that look very expensive in it. of antiques.

The reason why he photographed this long sword was purely because he noticed a strange sense of disobedience from the long sword.

After he got the long sword, this sense of disobedience became even more serious.

"There is no it because the system does not recognize this weapon?" He tried to check the attribute of the weapon, but failed.

The three enchanting traces on it are very clear, even if it was placed on a high platform before, he can easily distinguish it with lv3 enchanting.

"No... It's not so much that the traces of enchantment are clear, it's better to say that it's like telling others that this sword has these three enchantments." Xi Wei quickly discovered something strange.

Generally speaking, whether it is a weapon or an armor, the enchantment on the equipment is generally carefully concealed. For the weapon, the traces of enchantment will be covered up with decorative patterns and blood grooves, while for the armor, the traces of enchantment will be hidden in the lining. out of reach.

This is all to prevent the enemy from easily knowing your enchantment during the battle, so as to choose the attack method to deal with it. If a good enchantment is well hidden, it can even reverse an extremely sinister situation!

In contrast, the enchantment of this weapon seems too open and aboveboard... It's almost as if these three enchantments are used to cover up something.

After thinking of this, Xi Wei began to analyze the three enchantments in depth.

But the more he analyzed, the more complicated these enchantments became. In the end, he was even surprised to find that the three enchanted runes were all linked together, forming a larger and more complete magic circle. It is difficult to analyze the advanced lv3 enchantment and lv3 runes. In the end, he could only suppress his feeling of joy at seeing Lie Xin, and put the long sword into the storage box.

At this time, the auction was coming to an end, and the auction was already the last item, which was the energy level 12 magic core.

Because the master of ceremonies has already said that this is the last product, there is no need to continue to hide and hold the cards. In addition, the more advanced the enchantment, the more advanced the magic core is needed. Now that the high-level magic core is scarce, this magic core is naturally caused. After a lot of fighting, it was sold at a price of up to 80 gold coins, which was still cheap for Xi Wei.

After an auction, Xi Wei's assets soared from 150 gold coins to nearly 500 gold coins. If it weren't for the fact that the auction house also charged a high intermediary fee, it might not even exceed 500 gold coins.

"Mr. Edrick." After the auction ended, the reception girl dressed like a bunny girl called Xi Wei who was about to leave: "It's getting late now, are you still going on your way? Why don't we arrange it for you?" A room?"

The auction starts at nine o'clock, and it's almost eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. It's really late, and it's really inconvenient to hurry at this time.

However, Xi Wei would rather choose to go to the castle at night than to live in an unfamiliar auction house.

"What I mean is, we will help you book a room in the best hotel for you to have a good rest." Perhaps seeing what Xi Wei was hesitating about, the girl went on to say: "Of course all the board and lodging expenses will be paid by Our chamber of commerce will bear it, after all, you have made us a lot of money, so such a small return gift is still necessary."

If Xi Wei still didn't know that the boss of this auction house was showing his favor to him, then he would be a time traveler in vain.

Although now that he has become rich and powerful, he doesn't care about the little money for staying in the hotel, but since the other party expresses his favor to him, there is no need to refuse it.

One more thing is worse than one less thing. Instead of refusing to let others feel that they are not giving face here, it is better to just accept the other party's kindness and build a good relationship. The chamber of commerce that can be recognized by those big banks will definitely not be like Sha Sangsang. Such a small chamber of commerce without a backstage, there is no harm in establishing a good relationship. Besides, Xi Wei also has a lot of art and antiques in his hands, and if he can sell them through this auction house, it will save him a lot of trouble.

Based on this consideration, Xi Wei agreed to let them arrange a room for him in the best hotel. ! ~!

{Floating Astronomy

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