The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 147: The Dean's Room

Encountering that kind of emergency, Xi Wei naturally lost the mood to continue going to the casino, and went back to his room, planning to leave the hotel and go back to the floating island as soon as daylight came.

After all, the ability of vampires will drop a lot during the day, and many vampires will choose to sleep quietly during the day and wait until night to start their activities.

Xi Wei didn't sleep for a long time, but he didn't know whether it was because of his strong mental power as a magician or other reasons. Even if he only slept for three or four hours a day, he didn't feel particularly sleepy after waking up. Nearly two months of life has already allowed him to develop a special work and rest time. He wakes up very early every morning. Both mentally and mentally exhausted and overslept...

The next day, he returned the room key to the hotel counter, and after the counter checked the room, he quickly left the hotel and rushed to the floating island.

In addition to avoiding the two vampires, he also wanted to see how the construction of the Dean's Mage Tower, which started construction yesterday, was going.

But when he rushed to the bottom of the floating island, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

With the blue sky as the background, a huge floating island floats in mid-air. There are many corridors full of Gothic architectural style on the floating island. These corridors not only connect many small sky islands with the center with the castle The floating islands are connected to each other and also act as decorations in those natural floating islands. It seems that the entire group of floating islands looks more magnificent, which makes people fascinated!

Moreover, the stone that Xi Wei bought yesterday was only slightly superior to ordinary stone. But for some reason, those corridors are all white and elegant, as if they were carved out of white marble.

And the slightly dilapidated castle was also refurbished by the Leprechauns. Its appearance is completely different from the previous feeling of just cleaning it. Not only has it become more magnificent, but it also looks very good with those corridors in the sky. , The contrast between each other makes both of them more colorful.

"My lord, you are back." Woda appeared in front of Xi Wei with the characteristic 'pop' sound when leprechauns teleported, and then bowed and said: "I wonder if you are satisfied with our work? "

"En. You did a great job." Xi Wei looked at the floating island group in the sky, which was composed of many floating islands and corridors in the sky, like a work of art with a look of unconcealed satisfaction on his face. .

Then he remembered one thing: "Speaking of which, when I just rushed over on the road, it seems that the floating island group has not changed that much from yesterday?"

Because the target of the floating island is too big, and it is still suspended in mid-air. These floating islands can be seen from far away if you want to.

"Because we opened the illusion barrier outside on our own initiative, please forgive me for consuming extra magic power." Woda's ears drooped, and he said pitifully to Xi Wei.

It seems that the reason why this empty island cannot be seen from a distance. Most likely it is because of the effect of illusion.

"Ah, it's okay." Xi Wei waved his hand and forgave the Leprechaun: "You don't need to feel guilty about this."

Rather than attracting the attention of others, it is better to bury your head in silence and develop. It was his mistake that he didn't consider hiding the sky island before, so that the status quo of the sky island would not fall into the eyes of some caring people. The leprechauns did the right thing.

"The second batch of stone and wood will be delivered soon, and some of the remaining corridors and island foundations will be completed by then." Xi Wei looked at some places that were obviously not yet completed and the original pile of stone and wood. In the empty space, he turned his head and said to the expectant Woda, "But before that, I need your help."

"Please order, my master."

"Dull out those empty islands... umm. Of course, keep the walls, floors and ceilings of sufficient thickness..."

"No problem, please feel free to leave it to us!" Although he didn't know what Xi Wei was going to do, Woda still patted his chest and vowed to complete the task as much as possible, and then disappeared with a 'poof' sound up.

And Xi Wei also activated the levitation technique and flew onto the sky island.

After arriving on the island, Xi Wei didn't bother to visit the air corridor. He ran all the way to where his Dean's Mage Tower was.

The castle on the main island of the floating island has been renovated, and some paths in it have also undergone considerable changes. While searching for the mark left on purpose when he entered here for the first time, Xi Wei groped his way to the original bookstore.

It's just that this place is no longer a bookstore or a trophy showroom, but a room specially built for a school dean.

There were no windows or lights in the room, but for some reason it didn't feel a little dark, but was filled with light instead. The door of the room is two double doors. Above the door are reliefs of two warriors, one with a massive spear-axe, the other with a knight's lance and a half-length tower shield. Although it seemed that they were just ordinary reliefs, Xi Wei knew that these two were not just decorations.

If someone wants to break into this room without permission or insufficient authority, these two ghost creatures whose attack level will increase as Xi Wei becomes stronger will explode in an instant, attacking and trying to kill them. kill them.

There is not much furniture in the spacious room: two empty bookshelves; an enchanting table with gems inlaid on it shining strangely; a golden bird cage with no birds inside; a set of desks Chairs and a set of sofas, the table is widened, and the chairs and sofas are all leather, and the feeling of sitting on them is very good; a green box is obviously the bronze storage box of the dean mage tower; Strange mirror, in addition to being able to buy some construction drawings and admission notices, you can also see the current status of students who have obtained student ID cards; there is also a crystal ball on the desk, in addition to private rooms, toilets and Outside the bathroom, Xi Wei could see any corner of the academy if he wanted to.

"Is this the Dean's Mage Tower in reality..." Xi Wei looked at the big room with joy, his eyes filled with excitement like a child seeing a new toy.

Compared with the unreal tower built in the academy panel. He was obviously even happier now that he was in this room.

"This is an enchanting table? It seems to be able to increase the success rate of enchanting and the effect of enchanting... Wow, if I had known earlier, I would have saved Alisa's short sword for enchanting at this time. Otherwise, the attributes will definitely be improved!"

"Is this a bronze storage box? Although the space is the same, it seems that there is no way to take it out anytime and anywhere... It's a fly in the ointment. In short, put the things that are not used in the original storage box into the original storage box to make room for the old storage box. Come out a little bit!"

"Why is there a birdcage here? Uh, the attribute description... what the hell?! Can you send a message to a winged creature below level 5? Isn't this equivalent to a delayed mobile phone message! But the delivery distance is only a straight line away. One hundred kilometers. Forget it, it’s already pretty good.”

"Didn't it mean that this crystal ball can see any part of the college? Why is it gray now? Could it be that the system has not yet recognized the empty island group as a college? Could it be that all the core buildings on the college panel It can only be regarded as a real academy if it is made out! Fuck me, when will it be made..."

"The last is this mirror. You can see the status of the students. Then let's see how Alisa and the others are doing!"

Following Xi Wei's words, ripples began to appear on the mirror, and the status of his current students all appeared on the mirror in the form of words and radar pictures.

"Does the original state mean this? I thought I could see what the little girl was doing."

Xi Wei sighed with regret.

However, from the above data, it can be seen that the vitality and magic power of several people are almost full, and there is no negative state on their bodies, so they should not have encountered any bad situations.

In addition, I have been communicating with them through the exchange diary recently. So Xi Wei wasn't too worried about their situation.

After continuing to experiment with the things in the room for a while, Xi Wei left the room contentedly, intending to check on the progress of the leprechauns.

But when he just walked out of the room, he saw Woda circling anxiously.

Seeing Xi Wei coming out, the little leprechaun immediately rushed towards him with a face like he was about to cry.

It's just that Xi Wei immediately avoided the little leprechaun's pounce on one side of his body because of the reflex nerves he had trained in the dungeon, causing the little guy to hit his head against the wall.

"What's the matter?" Xi Wei asked while suppressing a smile as he watched the funny scene of the little leprechaun slowly sliding down from the wall with his face pressed against the wall.

"My lord, I wanted to find you just now, but for some reason I couldn't enter that room." The little leprechaun covered his nose with one hand, pointed to the dean's room with the other, and said in a low voice.

It seems that Voda does not have the authority to enter and leave the dean's room at will.

Xi Wei came to a conclusion in his mind. Then he changed the subject nonchalantly: "What do you want from me?"

It may be because the little leprechaun's personality is too simple, and he immediately forgot that he couldn't enter the room just now, and said to Xi Wei: "Master, when we were trying to hollow out the floating island, we found that some places are very convenient to dig, but Some places are not so easy to dig.”

"It's not easy to dig? Did you dig any rocks?" Xi Wei asked casually.

The leprechaun shook his head. Two bat-like pointed ears fluttered with its movements: "No, stones are easy to dig. Only those soft soil and sand are not easy to dig, because they will collapse."

"Oh, what should we do then?" Xi Wei had a headache, he had never learned anything about it.

"If there is enough metal, we can make a load-bearing structure to strengthen the roof of the cave," said the leprechaun quickly.

"In other words, you need metal. Right." Xi Wei rubbed his forehead in distress.

"You don't need anything expensive, just iron." The Leprechaun continued, "We can add some magic to the metal so that it won't rust so easily."

"No, the problem isn't that..."

What Xi Wei was really worried about was whether he would meet those two vampires when he went to the city again. (To be continued..)

{Floating Astronomy

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