The Dean Has Arrived

Main Text Chapter Fourteen The Experiment Continuation

[Dean's Mage Tower LV1 (under construction)]


[This is the apex of the Academy of Magic—the residence of the dean. As a symbol of the academy, it symbolizes the entire magic academy. One of the central buildings of the college. 】

[Under construction, construction will be completed in 22 hours]

"Sure enough, you shouldn't expect this crappy college system..." Seeing the information displayed on the translucent screen, Xi Wei couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, Xi Wei wanted to transform the completely unqualified small mage tower he was in into the dean's mage tower. In this way, not only would he not have to worry about the intrusion of predators, but the college could also be sure that it was located on Yanfei Mountain. The entire Angolan mountain range starting from Fei Dashan can naturally be included in the back mountain of the college.

But who knew that the Dean's Mage Tower that he had been waiting for for so long was not actually built in reality...

This is the feeling of falling from heaven to hell.

"It seems that I still have to figure out a way to get rid of that monster myself."

Because the meditation time was too long before, and the nerves were tense during the long time of fighting in the gate of trials, and finally all the mana was used up to test the hands of the mage, now Xi Wei would look anemic as long as he stood up People are like top-heavy and light-headed.

However, the crisis of the monster was imminent, and he had to suppress the tiredness of wanting to have a good sleep, sat on the bed, crossed his feet again, and continued to meditate.

Even if you suffer a certain amount of mental damage, improving your basic strength is the top priority. You must know that the power of the hand of the mage just learned is directly proportional to his own magic power.

He doesn't know what the monster is that is stalking him, but the unknown is the most frightening thing. It was precisely because of this that Xi Wei tried his best to improve his strength.

The night passed, and when Xi Wei finished his meditation and opened his eyes, the sharp pain that seemed to split his head in two suddenly came, causing him to gasp involuntarily.

Sure enough, the spirit is still damaged, but the increase in magic power is not bad, so I don't feel too bad.

Grinning and rubbing his temples, he walked to the bathroom to wash up.

As for the sundries that were used to block the door yesterday, it was much easier to remove them because I learned the mage's hand, at least I didn't have to sweat profusely like yesterday.

Xi Wei stood in the center of the room, manipulating the mage's hand to move a wooden wardrobe that was a head taller than him. Because most people can't see the mage's hand, it looks like Xi Wei stretched out his hand to the wardrobe, and then the wardrobe that was about five meters away from him automatically floated up, which has a supernatural feeling.

The wardrobe was the last item. After putting the wardrobe back in place, Xi Wei's work came to an end.

Wiping the non-existent sweat with his sleeve, he searched the magic power in his body, and found that after moving all the sundries, nearly one-third of the original abundant magic power was used up at once!

The magic power is still too little...

After making a meaningless exclamation, he suddenly remembered another thing.

If it is said that the fully mastered Mage Hand has this effect, then what about magic missiles and secondary fireballs, if the output of magic power is increased, what effect will it have?

He decided to experiment and see.

Just as he opened the door and took two steps outside, Xi Wei suddenly turned around and went back into the room. After taking the bottle of magic potion, he went out again...

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The first thing to experiment with is the Magic Missile.

In the bright morning light, Xi Wei stood outside the tower in a small space specially opened up when the tower was built. Then a projectile made purely of magic appeared in his hand.

However, unlike the usual way of launching it as soon as the construction was completed, this time Xi Wei began to keep it in his hands and slowly injected magic power into it.

As the magic power increased, the volume and density of the magic missile also began to change. When the magic missile, which was originally only the size of a baseball, had grown to the size of a basketball, the magic missile still did not feel saturated, but the magic power in Xi Wei's body had already begun to run out. .

So he could only launch the magic missile towards the woods beside the clearing.

The magic missile smashed a bowl-thick tree with a whistling sound, and continued to fly for several meters before bursting out, smashing all the branches and leaves of the shrubs within a half-meter radius around it as the center. !

The birds that were perched on the surrounding trees and staring curiously at Xi Wei's casting were frightened and flew away to unknown places.

Judging from the performance, in terms of power, the rechargeable magic bullet can almost be compared with the Explosive Flame Arrow that has not been fully mastered, and as long as the magic power continues to be filled, the power should increase further!

In this way, it will be much more convenient to deal with some monsters with fire resistance.

The only regret is that charging to this level requires nearly one-third of his own magic power. Only when Xi Wei has enough magic power can he be extravagant enough to use this trick as a regular attack method.

After a short break, Xi Weiyou began to experiment with the secondary fireball technique.

Originally, he thought that since the magic missile could be successful, the secondary fireball technique should not be difficult. Even if it could not be upgraded to the power of the full version of the real fireball technique, it was still worth looking forward to.

It's a pity that I don't know why, as long as the secondary fireball technique inputs more than the normal magic power, the elements will be unstable. If you don't let go quickly, it will easily explode. The power has also improved a little, but compared to the increased casting time. In other words, such a small power increase is completely meaningless...

"Could it be because I'm just a 'rough knowledge of the fire element' at the moment, and I can't stabilize those fire elements well?" If he couldn't figure it out, he put it down for the time being, and Xi Wei thought about it for a while and threw the idea out of his mind. back.

Usually at this time, he would go back for a walk in the mountains, and try to catch some wild game to add to his meal, but if the predators haven't been dealt with, he'd better forget it.

Alisa won't be back until after noon, so she might as well take a rest to recover a little magic power.

After making up his mind, Xi Wei went back to the tower and dozed off for a while, probably because he had learned new magic and discovered a new application of magic missiles, so this time he seemed calmer and didn't use the furniture again Blocked the door, just locked the door well, anyway, Alisa has the key, so it's okay to come.

Just like that, Xi Wei, whose mind was filled with all kinds of messy information, fell into a deep sleep...

When he woke up, he found that it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, but Alisa, who should have been listening to his lecture, did not appear.

Suddenly, a bad feeling lingered in Xi Wei's heart.

Could it be that the little girl ran into that monster?

A restless feeling filled his chest, he grabbed the mage staff beside the bed without thinking, and rushed out of the mage tower.

{Floating astronomy

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