The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 173 Franken's New Life

"Master." Franken banged on the door of the dean's room, and the noise made Xi Wei, who was reading a book, frowned.

After ordering the gatekeeper to open the door, Xi Wei put the book in his hand on the table, leaned back in the soft chair, and asked the skeleton, "What happened?"

"Didn't you feel it? A very powerful energy appeared under our feet." Franken waved his bone-only hand to Xi Wei, and the movement was so large that one couldn't help but worry about it going on like this Will the phalanges be thrown away due to centrifugal force?

But even though it looked panicked, its tone remained the same as before.

"Of course I feel it." Xi Wei nodded, "And then?"

"What then?" Franken seemed to have realized something, stopped dancing, and looked at Xi Wei with empty eyes: "If this kind of power erupts, it can completely blow up the entire island, don't you worry? "

"Of course not." Xi Wei put his chin on his hands and showed a controlled smile, "Because this energy was originally in my plan."

Well, although Xi Wei is trying to fool Franken with a **** oss look, his acting skills are still a little bit bad.

After getting Xi Wei's reply, Franken turned around and left without delay. This made Xi Wei, who originally planned to pretend to be deep and explain to the other party slowly, extremely depressed.

No matter how awesome he is, no matter how luxurious the academy's facilities are, if no one knows, it will be different from Jin Yi Ye Xing.

In fact, the reason why there is a sudden huge energy reaction inside the sky island. It's because the construction started the day before yesterday, and the star pulse furnace, magic pool and magic engine have all been built up to now.

Star Pulse Furnace and Mana Engine are achievement buildings, and their construction is a bit slower than ordinary buildings. In addition to construction, attention must also be paid to expanding and stabilizing the underground space. The leprechaun temps helping out also took a lot of time.

Fortunately, Xi Wei discovered that apart from gold coins and money resources, the leprechauns would never refuse gold nuggets. So they managed to pay their salaries with only a small piece of gold.

The Velar Furnace is a bit like the solar panels of the earth, but what it needs is not sunlight, but stars.

It is well known. It's not that there are no stars during the day, it's just that the stars are covered by the sun's rays, so as long as the weather is clear. Whether it is day or night, the Xingmai Furnace can obtain huge energy from the astrology.

Interestingly, the Xingmai Furnace cannot be used in cloudy and rainy weather, but even indoors, as long as there are stars outside, it can still function. The specific operating principle is still a mystery.

The energy produced by the Xingmai Furnace is safe and non-polluting, and as long as the weather is good, it is almost inexhaustible. It is not an exaggeration to call the Xingmai Furnace a perpetual motion machine!

It is also worth mentioning that the energy generated by the star pulse furnace is not magical power. It cannot be directly used on any magic tool, it must be converted into magic power through the magic pool before it can be used. It's just that the capacity and conversion efficiency of the magic pool of lv1 is too small, and a lot of energy of the star pulse furnace is wasted because of this. But even so, Xi Wei had left a lot of magic core sparkle crystals.

This is why Xi Wei built the star pulse furnace and the magic pool together.

As for the mana engine, it was added temporarily, as long as it was built together with the magic pool of the Xingmai Furnace. The academy will have the ability to move and become a real sky city!

After the construction of these three is completed, although the remaining auditorium, school dormitory, student dormitory and training ground all need to spend some resources, they will not take much effort to build. Special achievement building 'Airport' only.

Xi Wei touched the tattoo on his hand, and a faint look of joy appeared on his face.

As long as all these are completed. Then the academy that belonged to him was officially completed. Although the final task of becoming the world's number one academy was still a bit far away, it was a big step forward at last, and it was rewarding to travel around for so long.

But before he had a moment to reflect on his achievements, Voda appeared at the door.

"My lord, the mushrooms you ordered have all grown." Although the door was open, Woda did not enter the room due to the obstruction of the ghost species, but only reported to Xi Wei at the door.

"That thing grows unexpectedly fast." Xi Wei was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what Woda was talking about was the human skin mushroom that he told the leprechauns to plant before: "You go and get ten... no, twenty come here."

"Okay, my lord." Voda bowed, and then disappeared with a puff.

When it reappeared, it carried a slightly worn-out bag on its back. The bag was bulging and full of things.

After letting the ghost guarding the gate let Woda go, Xi Wei took the pocket in his hand, which was full of so-called human skin mushrooms.

The shape of this fungus potion looks a bit like flesh-colored broccoli, and it also looks a bit like oyster mushroom. It smells nothing special, and feels similar to human skin, but it is smoother than ordinary human skin. a little.

Xi Wei dumped all the human skin mushrooms on the enchanting table, and used the enchanting table as an alchemy table. Referring to the human skin mushroom processing technology, he began to try to make a roll of human skin-like bandages from ten mature mushrooms. .

It may be because the enchanting table is not as good as the alchemy table, or it may be that Xi Wei's hands and feet are not dexterous, and the production is not smooth. Even after using up all twenty mushrooms, only half of the roll is made, and it is still The width varies, some places are only two fingers wide, and some places are wider than the palm of your hand...

However, according to Woda, there were more than one hundred human skin mushrooms grown in the first batch, so it doesn't matter if twenty of them were wasted.

Soon Xi Wei produced two complete rolls of fake leather bandages at the cost of fifty human skin mushrooms, although the thickness and width of different places were still somewhat different. But at least it's better than the first volume.

The surface area of ​​an adult's human skin is about 1.5 to 2 square meters. It is the largest organ in the human body. For ordinary people, it has physiological functions such as sense of touch, temperature regulation, secretion, excretion, and absorption. It's just that Xi Wei is just planning to make a fuss for Franken It's just leather, so it doesn't need such a perfect function, and it doesn't matter if it is inferior. The combined area of ​​two and a half rolls of bandages is almost enough.

Under Xi Wei's order, Woda reluctantly went to call Franken over.

"Are you going to put this on me?" Franken poked at the pile of fake leather bandages. Then he looked at the larger pile of failed products under Xi Wei's feet: "Is this really reliable?"

"No problem," Xi Wei patted his chest and replied, then looked at the ceiling. Some lacked confidence and said: "Should..."

Franken scratched his skull with his pointed finger bones, made a crunching sound, and turned around immediately. He started to run towards the outside at a speed that might fall apart, but when he ran to the door, Xi Wei pulled him back with a traction anchor.

"Don't run! This is for your own good, wrap this up!"

After about half an hour, Franken managed to put a layer of human skin on himself.

Although there are many stitches on the body and face, it still looks like a person from a distance.

But this is just a layer of skin, not to mention the bald head, no nails, etc. The key is that Nima has no eyes, and there are still two empty black holes in the eye sockets, matching the skinny backbone shape and the centipede-shaped face. The stitching marks look more permeable than when it was a simple skeleton...

Xi Wei stared blankly at the robes that had been put on. Franken, who looked like a mummy for a long time, finally slapped his head and said in a self-defeating manner, "Forget it, it's cheaper for you."

He opened the achievement store and bought two prosthetic eyes and a hedgehog wig from the miscellaneous category.

Prosthetic eyes are not just ordinary artificial eyes. It is a magic item with multiple effects such as magic vision, elemental prying, and prying through the darkness. The effects of the two are not the same, but at least the appearance looks the same.

Of course, the synonym of good effect is that the price is also good. Each of these two prosthetic eyes is worth fifty achievement points.

However, the only effect of the wig is to change the color, and only ten achievement points are enough.

After putting all these things on Franken, the original mummy became a drug addict. It's just that the facial paralysis and stitch marks on his face make him look more dangerous than the average drug addict.

"Although it's not very good. But it's better than nothing." Xi Wei took two steps back, nodding repeatedly as he looked at Franken's new look.

"Can I continue the experiment?" Franken gave up resistance on the way and let Xi Wei fiddle with it. Seeing that Xi Wei seemed to have finished at this time, he immediately seized the opportunity to ask.

But as soon as he said this, Xi Wei's originally satisfied expression immediately collapsed again.

"No, your non-fluctuating tone is still a big taboo!" He pointed to Franken and said, "Can't you control the wind element to simulate various emotions when speaking?"

Although Franken's appearance no longer makes people think that he is just a skeleton, anyone who has met him should be able to easily recognize his undulating voice. Originally, the reason why Xi Wei took so much trouble to cover this guy with human skin was not only to keep the Holy See from making trouble for him, but also because he didn't want Alisa and the others to know that he had taken in enemies who had hurt them. If you can't get rid of the problem of lack of tone in speaking, the current disguise is completely meaningless.

"It's not impossible, but it requires too much control over the wind element." Franken replied, after thinking about it, he continued: "But you mentioned this issue before, and I have thought about it a lot. I also made a 'small' accessory, which should temporarily solve this problem."

Hearing this, Xi Wei stood up from the chair in surprise: "Really? If that's the case, you should have said it earlier! Go and put it on for me to see!"

Because of Franken's tone of voice, Xi Wei couldn't hear the more subtle parts of his words.

By the time Xi Wei found out, it was too late.

"Is this what you call a 'trinket'?" He looked at Franken with a twitching corner of his mouth.

Franken didn't have an extra necklace or ring, but an extra screw.

Well, actually multiple screws are okay. Many magic devices in this world have structures such as screw gears.

But the problem is that Nima inserted a screw the size of a bowl into his temple to make a fuss!

"That's right, that's it." Franken nodded and explained to Xi Wei: "This can help me adjust the way the wind element works to the greatest extent, as long as it's like this..."

As he spoke, he held the screw on his head with his right hand, and began to twist it with a sound of "cracking" like winding himself.

"You can add some emotional color to your voice." After twisting. He went on: "What do you think, my lord?"

Although Franken's current appearance is a little curious, but at least his voice does give people a sense of laughter.

"Forget it. If you are looking for strange shapes, just look for novelties... At that time, it will be a big deal to say that you are a construct creature."

After staring at Franken for a while, Xi Wei finally gave up making other suggestions and asked Franken to go back and continue the experiment.

"Woda." After Franken left, Xi Wei called out the current leader of the Leprechaun and handed it a piece of paper: "Just build the auditorium, school dormitory and student dormitory in the castle." , the practice ground is built outside, and the airport will be discussed later, I have marked all the rooms to be remodeled on this map, is there any problem?"

Woda briefly glanced at the map - they helped Xi Wei to draw it - the marks on it were fairly simple and easy to understand, but the words were a little ugly...

"No problem, leave your wish to us little demons!" Woda rolled up the map, hammered his chest and assured Xi Wei: "We will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

finished. After Xi Wei nodded in approval, the little leprechaun disappeared with a puff.

After explaining everything, Xi Wei sat back on the soft chair and squeezed the Jingming acupoint to relieve his fatigue a little.

Information obtained by exchanging diaries. In just two days, Alisa Sophia and the others will come to the city of Golovito in Quelin province, and one day after that, the preliminaries of the Celestial Sphere Competition will begin.

Of course, these are trivial matters. The most important thing is the movements of the night nobles. As long as they can grasp the information of when the other party will attack, then they can take advantage of it.

So even after a few days of getting along. Knowing that Sharanlia is indeed a very simple and kind girl, Xi Wei also has a certain sense of guilt towards her, so he will satisfy most of her requirements, but he still insists on lying to her, intending to use her To obtain information about the nobles of the night as a channel.

"I might go to hell after I die."

Xi Wei touched the tattoo on his hand, and muttered with a wry smile.

However, he resolutely put down the parchment in his hand—it was written by Franken, which recorded the three-ring magic he knew—then opened the door of the trial of the academy system and entered the dungeon.

——Catherine Hotel——

"Hey, Uncle wants to go to the ball game with me." Saranlia, who was wearing a pink nightgown, excitedly embraced the soft pillow and kept rolling around on the double bed.

Then one accidentally rolled off the bed.

"My stupid sister, what are you doing?" In the floor-to-ceiling mirror by the bed, the golden-eyed Shalan was looking at the embarrassment of the main body with a sneer on her face: "Are you learning the ritual of generous priests kissing the earth?" ?”

Saranlia immediately sat up and stared at the mirror vigilantly.

Although the other party appears in the form of a mirror, in fact, the soul named Kim K. Alucardo, the third prince of the vampire, is hiding in his body.

Shalan couldn't remember why the other party appeared in her body. Two souls were incompatible. After the other party also entered her body, Shalan's memory and thinking ability were disturbed to a certain extent.

The most frightening thing was that even if this guy was still laughing and talking to himself a moment ago, as long as he let down his vigilance, the next moment he would seize control of his body and try to seal Sharan's consciousness.

Fortunately, as the original soul of this body, Saranlia is not weak enough to be easily sealed.

However, judging from the attitude of the eldest princess, she seems to support Jin a little more, which makes Saranlia feel very dangerous. In fact, for the young girls in terms of the length of vampire life, the entire vampire group is very dangerous.

For this reason, she even went out frequently on the pretext of doing missions for the eldest princess, and rarely stayed in the pure blood castle where she was born and grew up. It wasn't until she learned from somewhere that the dagger, one of the seven magic tools, could extract souls, that she started targeting that magic tool. Coincidentally, at the same time, the eldest princess also ordered the collection of magic equipment, so she followed Dongfeng to search and collect information, and finally found it in an antique shop in the city of Golovito.

Her idea was simple - as long as she had this dagger, she might be able to separate herself from Jin.

It's a pity that she has no idea how to use the magical dagger at present, except for poking herself to have a chance to draw out a soul.

"Don't be so nervous, my sister." Jin in the mirror looked at the girl's vigilant face and smiled: "I am very interested in the magician who has been with you all the time, if you will help me take that As for the body, how about I take the initiative to get out of your body?"

"You're joking." Sharanlia refused without even thinking about it: "He is my benefactor!"

"Then change the condition, give me your body, and I can promise not to touch that magician, how about it?"

"Fuck you!" Sharon still refused, "You should get out of my body!"

"That's a pity." Jin showed a fake expression of regret, spread his hands and said, "You will regret it, I promise."

Then he disappeared, and the reflection in the mirror returned to normal.

Sharanlia's previous smile had long since disappeared, and there was only boundless coldness left in her heart. (To be continued..)

{Floating astronomy

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