The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 184 Turning the Tide (4)

Void energy is the enemy of all matter and most energies.

This insatiable unknown existence (although some people think it is a kind of energy) will make everything it touches disappear without a trace in this world as if it was sucked into a black hole.

As for where those things went, some scholars believe that it is a special plane that has not yet been discovered, some scholars believe that they were neutralized by void energy, and some scholars simply believe that they have been directly annihilated by void energy. , various factions have their own opinions, and so far there is no one that can convince everyone.

The only things that can survive in the void filled with void energy are various void creatures.

But just like the universe is to the earth today, the void is still like a forbidden zone to least to humans in this era, except for a few magics handed down from the previous era that will come into contact with this mysterious land. Outside of space, it is not an exaggeration to say that its cognition is zero.

However, it is precisely because of the characteristic of void energy that can destroy all matter, regardless of the number of rings, almost all void magic has been shelved by the Qiyao Mage Association. At the same time, the Magic Academy is prohibited from teaching it to students.

Fortunately, it is not completely listed as a forbidden magic like undead magic - otherwise, even if Xi Wei could create the Void Demon Sword, he would not dare to use it so ostentatiously next to a city with a branch of the Seven Luminaries Masters Association...

[Name: Xi Wei's Void Magic Sword Technique (Unfinished)]

[Classification Judgment: Arcane/Void]

[Level evaluation: the peak of the third ring]

[Form of expression: Summon a void magic sword. And be driven by the magician in a short period of time]

[Conditions for casting: none]

[Casting time: 1~5 seconds]

[Pre: active ether (second ring). Ether Shaping? Sword (Second Ring), Spirit Armor (Third Ring)]

[Remarks: 'I'm such a genius! ’—by Xi Wei Edric]

This is the new magic icon that appeared in the magic book after Xi Wei experimented with this magic in the dungeon and succeeded.

And because of this magic, Xi Wei also obtained a new achievement of 'Magic Creator', earning a lot of achievement points that were not much in stock.

By the way, the line 'I'm such a genius! ’ It was Xi Wei who accidentally blurted out when the experiment was successful and he saw the power of this magic...

Even if Kim K. Alucard didn't know what the giant sword that emerged from Xi Wei's back was, the void energy escaping from it still made him feel extremely dangerous. He in the body of the shadow demon, even the three-headed Hydera felt a certain sense of fear because of the void magic sword that looked like a toothpick to it.

So it (or they), whose brain is only slightly stronger than the beast, decided to take the first shot. Get rid of the little one that brings it a sense of danger!

The huge three-headed snake (more like a snake than a dragon compared to its parents) raised its head, the three heads formed the three corners of an isosceles triangle, and spewed out a dark green strange breath towards the middle.

Understand the intention of the three-headed Hydera. Shadow Demon Gold also decided to try to hold back Xi Wei before they attacked - even the short fight just now made him fully understand that the ability to kill on his own seems to be only at the level of an intermediate magician Guys, I'm afraid it's unrealistic in a short time.

Anyway, he is also wearing the template of the shadow demon now, and he is also an abyss creature, so there is no need to be afraid that the three-headed Hydera will attack him.

Jin stretched out his hands, and more than a dozen shadow arrows shot out from his body like a mud phantom, aiming at Xi Wei who had already lifted the ether shield and only maintained a Void Demon Sword.

Not only that, Jin also wanted to attach the tail of the Shadow Arrow at the beginning, and give Xi Wei a head-on blow while defending against the Shadow Arrow.

However, when he took the first step towards Xi Wei. The sense of danger from the Void Demon Sword was magnified dozens of times. If it was just the discomfort of thorns on his back before, then now there is an invisible big hand holding his heart (if there is one), and it is ruthlessly Kneading hard!

This is the shadow demon and his vampire's most primitive premonition of danger for dangerous things that come from the depths of blood and soul, just like animals.

So he stopped in his tracks and looked at Xi Wei in amazement, and then he felt lucky in his bewilderment.

Xi Wei just waved the two-meter-long giant sword that looked as wide as a door panel in front of him, and all the shadow arrows disappeared without a trace.

not only. Even in the space it swung through, there was a sense of distortion that can only appear at high temperatures.

I don't know if it's because the air where it's swayed has been eroded, or because even the space is trembling because of the void energy?

If Jin had rushed up just now, he probably would have been completely eroded like those Shadow Arrows—after all, from the composition point of view, the body of the Shadow Demon and the Shadow Arrows were indeed composed of the same energy.

At this moment, the three-headed Hydera finally finished casting the spell. Among its three heads, a dark green ball as big as a Chery QQ is slowly rotating. The color that reminds people of vomit, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look harmless to humans and animals.

The fact is also true, this trick is called the death knell of the abyss in mythology, Hydera himself used the complete version of this trick to destroy a large city in the age of mythology. The corrosive poison that exploded melted the city, including people and buildings, in a few seconds. Regardless of whether it was male or female, strong or weak, there was not even a single survivor. The nine-headed dragon Hydera also became famous because of this incident, was known to people, and spread widely—although they were all bad names.

Although the three-headed Hydera is not as ferocious as its father and can destroy the entire Golovito, but if this attack explodes, I am afraid that at least this arena will definitely disappear.

This trick seems to take a lot of effort. At least the three-headed Hydera looked quite tired, but even so, its three heads and six eyes still fiercely launched the weakened version of the death knell of the abyss towards Xi Wei!

Abyssal Death Knell is indeed a terrifyingly powerful spell-like ability. If it was Xi Wei a few days ago, I am afraid that at this time, he would have to give up the spectators and tourists in the stands and use the ether shield to protect himself, or follow the example of the protagonist in the hot-blooded anime and use the brilliance to fight against the death knell of the abyss...

But that was a few days ago. For the current Xi Wei, the spell-like ability of Abyss Death Knell is really nothing.

Aren't you good at corrosion? No matter how strong your corrosion ability is, can it be stronger than void energy?

So the three-headed snake could only watch helplessly as Xi Wei pierced the death knell of the abyss with his sword like a soap bubble, and completely wiped it out.

While the other party was still dumbfounded, Xi Wei had already seized the opportunity and swung his flying sword at the three heads of the three-headed Hydera. He was about to chop off all three heads of the three-headed snake!

Although the three-headed Hydera came back to his senses in the end, moving his huge body and swinging his thick body through experience, they were still cut off two heads in one go, and their strength was greatly reduced!

And just when Xi Wei's Void Demon Sword was more than 100 meters away from him, the Shadow Demon Gold who had been left aside saw this opportunity and struck again!

When the opponent uses that powerful and terrifying giant sword magic, there is no way to use other magic! This is the conclusion that Jin came to. After all, after the Void Demon Sword took shape, the 'egg shells' that Xi Weilian had been wearing before were all removed. Even when he flew out the Void Demon Sword this time, he did not arrange it around him. Protective magic.

After all, this human mage seems to be only at the middle level, and being able to use that kind of magic should be the limit, and it's normal that he can't use other magic at the same time. Choosing to kill the three-headed Hydera should be a helpless move. This kind of magic must pay a lot of mana to maintain, and the magic power of an intermediate magician is not that much, so he took the risk and bet that he was killing the three-headed At the same time as Hydera, he dare not do it himself!

"Unfortunately, you lost the bet." Jin secretly said in his heart.

In just an instant, the muddy phantom body was already close to Xi Wei's side, and the dagger seemed to be about to cut Xi Wei's neck at any moment!

But at this moment, Jin saw a successful smile on Xi Wei's face.

"Not good!" As soon as these two words came to his mind, he felt as if his body was being dragged away by an unknown force, and he was facing the flying sword of the void!

{Floating astronomy

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