The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 198: The Plan Begins

Kazas Harlowin was one of the captains of the city guards in Hohenheim.

As the personal student of the great magician Howard Green, he is the envy of the entire magic world. And he did not live up to this identity. He entered the field of high-level magician at the age of 30, and became one of the most likely candidates to become a great magician before the age of fifty.

And now that the legendary great mage has become a noun in legendary stories like his name, the great mage is the top of the entire magician class!

The Mage Association also placed great expectations on this supernova-like existence, so much so that for the first time, the position of commander-in-chief of the Hohenheim City Guard was given to him who was not yet forty years old to show his trust.

It's just that this man, who has eclipsed the magic geniuses of the entire Eastern Plains, no longer has the calmness of the past.

The cheeks that were sickly and pale due to living in the mage's tower all the year round are now flushed with anger, and that expression is sickly to everyone except his teacher or other great magicians. Also full of anger.

"You bunch of idiots!"

Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief lifted up his extremely slender arm due to malnutrition, and slammed the magic book in his hand on the face of the strong man in front of him, but that kind of light force probably couldn't even kill a cockroach.

The strong man let the extremely weak magic book hit his face like a rock, and then instead of sulking, he picked up the book with a look of trepidation, and respectfully handed it back to Kazas, who was still angry.

"Captain Harlowin..."

"It's a mage!" Kazas snatched back the magic book angrily. Corrected to the strong man: "Before being a soldier, I was a magician first, understand!"

"Yes, Master Harlowin." The brawny man immediately greeted him with a slippery style that didn't match his tough guy's appearance.

Kazas looked down on soldiers. In fact, he looked down on almost any profession other than magicians, including nobles. This is why many countries have recruited this civilian-born magician. The reason can directly give him the title of duke, and there are fiefs and everything. Taxes can also be lower than other territories, but so far he has not held any titles in any country!

He does not allow anyone to speak ill of the magician and is hostile to the magic swordsman. No matter what the occasion, he considers himself a magician and is proud of it. He is like a fanatic who can dedicate everything to his beliefs. It's just that the beliefs have changed from those ethereal gods to the inherent concept of 'magician'.

After knowing this, the strong man will naturally not contradict this high-level magician—not to mention that the strong man himself is a magic swordsman that Kazas is inexplicably hostile to...

"Twelve ruins in the city exploded at the same time. Although there have been no reports of casualties so far, the impact of the explosion on the surrounding area alone has caused the Association's reputation to plummet! Not to mention the damage to the ruins of Hohenheim. The loss caused by the Skynet enchantment!" Kazas slapped the table angrily, and then retracted his hand that was sore from the reaction force under the table: "But at this time, you said to me, even There is no clue of the criminal at all, and it is not even possible to determine whether his method of destroying the ruins is magic?"

"Ten, I'm very sorry!" The strong man's head was covered with cold sweat, he knew very well how terrifying it would be for the extremely sick mage in front of him to really go crazy.

However, even with all the manpower at hand of the city guards, he still has not been able to find the prisoner of the explosion, so he can only let the sweat roll across the corners of his eyes. Lowering his chin, he assured Kazas: "We will do our best to find the prisoner in the shortest possible time!"

"What I want is not a guarantee, but a result, Sergeant!" Kazas' anger was not calm at all. On the contrary, it gives people a depressing and dangerous feeling like a volcano that is about to erupt at any time: "Until you find out the answer, I don't want to hear anything! Now, get out!"

So the strong man ran out of Kazas' mage's tower, rolling and crawling.

After the strong man left, Kazas took two deep breaths, and all the angry expressions on his face disappeared immediately.

As a powerful magician. How to control one's emotions is a required course, because emotions often affect their spellcasting.

Kazas is the same, he will be angry, but he will not let the anger dazzle his eyes.

"The so-called crime must have a corresponding motive." He began to think quietly, and unconsciously tapped the hard cover of the magic book with his slender index finger, making a very regular aggressive sound: "For your own benefit , for a certain feeling, for a certain person or thing... Even if it is a perverted murderer, he commits crimes with a distorted sense of self-satisfaction as a motive."

Smart mages are not necessarily strong, but powerful mages are all smart without exception... Although occasionally they are smart to some not-so-good places.

Therefore, Kazas began to try to analyze even if it was just a little information.

"So... what is the motive for this incident? What's the use of destroying the ruins?"

First of all, although the relics are the nodes of the Skynet enchantment, if part of them are destroyed, it will definitely have some impact on the Skynet enchantment, but in fact the center of the Skynet enchantment is still the headquarters of the Qiyao Mage Tower, even if all the relic nodes in the city are blown up It will still only slightly affect the Skynet barrier, so the motive of hindering the operation of the Skynet barrier can be ruled out.

Then there are terrorist attacks by some heretic magicians or humanoids, but considering that all the twelve explosions occurred in the relics of no man's land, this possibility has been greatly reduced-compared with the relics, go directly to Bombing residential buildings is obviously more in line with the style of terrorism.

In the end, it is to attract the attention of the city guards by detonating the ruins, so as to divert the tiger away from the mountain...

"Huh?" Kazas' fingers rested on the cover of the book page, and his brows, which were almost invisible, also frowned: "To attract attention?"

If the other party really wanted to attract the attention of the city guards to those explosion points, then what was his own purpose? Is it to steal something or spy on something?

"It's not good to have too many things that others covet..." Kazas closed his eyes again, and rubbed his temples with some headaches.

As the headquarters of the Qiyao Mage Association, Hohenheim has many things that can be coveted by other countries and even other races. If it was a real sword and gun, I'm afraid it would not be enough for the Mage Association to tie those young people together, but such a small secret move like now makes them only stare at the messy place where the incident happened.

"No matter what, if you are fully prepared for protection, making them unable to attack should be able to prevent the opponent from succeeding to the greatest extent."

Just when Kazas was about to summon his familiar and let it notify each unit to take strict defensive measures, there were another series of loud explosions outside... . )

{Floating astronomy

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